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There are fewer Andromedian and Arcturian souls incarnated on Gaia than other beings from other star systems in the Milky Way Galaxy.  They keep a low profile when they are here.  Existing in 3D/4D reality and resonance means a large reduction in their electromagnetic radiation or soul energy that can be maintained in our lower frequencies.

Possibly 2.5 million years ago, Andromedian and Pleiadian humanoids descendants of Lyrans that had fled from the Lyra constellation pursued and hunted by the Draconians that destroyed their planets.  These Lyrans were living in hollowed-out asteroids and moons at that time always needing to move while searching for safety. 

The Sirians welcomed the Andromedains when they asked if they could set up research stations to study Earth’s flora and fauna around and within the inner Earth.  The Andromedains were not so interested in hybridizing the Earth human as the Sirians and Dracos did/do.  Some of the Andromedan genetic experiments with plants were used to also aid the Sirian’s in creating a more durable Sirian body and they aided in their genetic manipulation of the Earth human genome project.  Unlike Sirian and Pleiadian genetics, Andromedian genetics are not common in Earth humans, with the possible exception of some groups in Southeast Asia and the United Kingdom.

Historically they have intervened in the ancient past to help resolve very serious conflicts in our area of the universe.  Andromedans are high resonating healers, noted for their advanced sciences and technological wisdom as they use it for the advancement and education of their race.  They consider themselves healers of the body, mind and spirit.  They generate enormous amounts of electromagnetic radiation physically, which can even shatter glass, disrupt machines and heal wounds in humans.  They teach others how to create harmony and balance.  They take the sound patterns of different celestial bodies, solar systems, planets and blend them with the sounds of other planets, suns or galaxies to create music and sights of solar systems as a holograph.  Andromedans do not have a military but could use their sciences and technology if needed defensively.  There is no financial system because the people are given what they need. 

The Andromedians can exist physically or as pure electromagnetic mass conscious energy as the Arcturians do. 

There are 3 main Andromedian types of humanoids.  One type is Nordic having blonde hair. The vibration and frequency on Andromeda was very different from Lyra and that affected the humanoids physically and emotionally that lived there.  Some members of this species look like glowing humanoids with spherical white eyes and three-fingered hands.  They have no mouths or nostrils and perceive people by detecting their thought patterns. 

A second group has light to dark brown hair, gray to brown eyes, tanned-looking skin.

A third group is Oriental looking with dark hair, dark Asian eyes and a skin color that varies from very pale brown to a dark shade of brown and blue skin.  The lips are thin light pink, while the ears are fitted slightly lower on the side of the head and are smaller. Their hands and feet are delicate with long fingers and toes. The females are 5 to 7 feet and males 6 to 9 feet tall.  There are 3 sexes, androgynous, female and male.  They sleep about 2 hours a day. Children are born in water.  The gestation period is eight months.  No information is withheld from the child about their history or who they are.  There are no secrets in higher resonances. They are educated for 150 to 200 years mastering all the arts and sciences.  Then they decide what they want to do for the rest of their life. 

The ANDROMEDIAN Galactic COUNCIL is an intergalactic, interdimensional, interstellar, governing and development board of the quantum field’s star systems and planets of the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies.  Its most senior member is the Arcturian High Council on planet Pitolla.  The council represents 139 different races.  Their mission statement is to facilitate and mentor the evolution of all civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy and Andromeda’s Galaxy, using innovative strategies to resolve conflicts peacefully. 

The council helps to educate and fill in information about humanities histories. They consider earth’s population as self-destructive and abusive to each other.  They help to expose the elite’s trickery and manipulation of humanity.  And humans have the freewill to ignore the help and guidance that is offered.

Andromeda ships range from their traditional sombrero-shaped scout ships measuring 50 to 65 feet and small command ships.  The Mother ship can be 100 mile sphere and on the inside a complete world unto itself.  Any physical body that is 29 miles or larger has a gravitational field.  They have gravity on the Andromeda craft and carry an internal ecosphere to feed the crew.  They set up an “Eden” on earth and left a team to research plant life, geology and minerals.  They literally dropped 12 cylindrical antennas into the ground a mile deep and flip them on to create a frequency dome.  In the dome they unload plants, fruit trees and everything they need to match their physical needs, even oxygen and carbon.  Their biosphere is like their home planet. 

ANDROMEDA is a large northern constellation between Perseus and Pegasus with few bright stars.  It is noted for the Andromeda Galaxy a conspicuous spiral galaxy twice as large as ours located 2 million light years away.