As with all interactions with others, it is wise to stay conscious, know the thoughts and INTENT you and those you partner with have.  Your soul or higher self always has those answers for you, WHEN you ASK!  Higher frequencies honor your freewill to be as dysfunctional and in denial as you wish.  When you are ready and willing to hear, see and/or own any answer, ask the question.

Sexual actions and questions are multilayered with intentions.  Carefully consider what you want and need to know more about.  All the physical things you can “share” catch or give to a partner(s) or a parent gifted you as a child, are well researched and answered on the internet. 

Quantum Law of AWARENESS or CONSCIOUSNESS says YOU must consciously make your choices because you ARE held personally responsible for them.  What you create or ALLOW, that lacks compassion, you must transmute or release or rebalance, to move into the higher vibrations of the quantum field.

No one is GIVEN knowledge, it is always present and available for those that seek it and are curious about it and choose to use it.  The human’s job is to stay conscious, NOTICE and choose.  Information is neutral, the human’s intent and agendas are frequently not and frequently lack compassion for the self.

Discern if anyone’s agenda or intent is to use sexual body parts and sensations to force, control, abuse, retaliate against, humiliate, take advantage of, deceive or use you or anyother.  Ask your soul, what your agenda is?  What is the partner’s or victims agenda.  Am I so focused and self-absorbed on my agenda that I don’t know or care about the one servicing me or being used by me.  Am I abusing me or celebrating the joy of sexual contact?

Are all parties conscious or does one or more dissociate and run a program they were trained to use with their predator(s).  Is a demon or other entity entering into the biology or intent of the activity.  Is your sexual activity an obsession, distraction, dissociation, addiction or being a “confused innocent” and in denial of culpability or responsibility for your thoughts and actions.  ONLY you can transmute or change or reinforce what goes on.

Sexual activity is very intimate and opens up your electromagnetic fields to each other physically, emotionally mentally and spiritually.  If it lacks compassion deal with the issue of WHY it doesn’t, first.  Creating or maintain in a low, dark vibration/resonance and intent is using your creator skills to control, manipulate, PLEASE, “suck up to” or force others.  You will get more of what you ARE, not of what you want.  

Just a reminder about Dark Ones, they LACK compassion for the self, which means they are unable to have compassion for others.  The % of light you carry Is the percent of compassion you have for the self.  You cannot give to another what you do not believe is even possible for you to have and own. 

Dark Ones consider compassion and kindness a WEAKNESS, a trick or set up, to be taken advantage of.  Anything they can take from YOU, they will, that is the reality they exist in and maintain and believe that is how you are.  Energy wise, they attach feeding cords to you to suck YOUR light energy and give you THEIR dark energy and thought patterns that lack compassion.  

With energy feeding cords, there is always an exchange.  Frequently a darker parent sucks light from a lighter infant or child.  Giving to Dark Ones is filling a bucket 

with many holes in it.  Your energy gets PISSED away and nothing constructive or nurturing happens for either side.

Being vulnerable in a relationship means allowing another to know you fully: your fears, thoughts, feelings, challenges, weaknesses and compassion.  It can be scary to share that information with others because they might judge and reject you or suck the life out of you.  Old secrets, misdirections and lies were never designed to work on your behalf.  Internal reviews of your thinking, intentions and habits will be mirrored and reflected back to you for you to experience.  This is always an ONGOING process, be patient with it and you.

Dark STREAKS of brown, gray or black in one’s aura is a low slow resonance that lacks compassion and wisdom.  Dark streaks attract and INVITE matching energy of those feeling fearful, angry, seeking vengeance with their sense of entitlement to control or force weaker or smaller ones.

Once you consciously ALLOW a dark one or a lower astral being in any lifetime into your energy field and biology, you have invited them in UNTIL you uninvited them out and they don’t leave easily.  Keep cutting energy feeding cords over and over again until they get tired of trying to feed.  A tyrant or bully does not gracefully accept being refused access to what they want or need to sustain themself.  

Demons, devils, bullies and tyrants are often perceived as stronger than humans and are often worshiped, which feeds them your energy, power and continued existance in this reality.  Aligning with a tyrant or Illuminist or a nasty parent or leader because you think they will protect you from other bullies is an illusion for YOU to buy into.  Your bully or tyrant is guaranteed to TURN ON YOU when you fail to obey or fail to give them what they want, when they want it!  Dark Ones listen to and follow other Dark Ones that may or may not have a biology or may operate from lower 4D energy fields.  The death of a parent that dominated or suppressed and controlled their child or spouse will still do that from 4D when the human child or spouse ALLOWS that by staying entrained with them. 

Keep cutting the siphoning cords coming at you.  They are NOT your responsibility and never have been!