Principle of POVERTY

Your tools of creation are your thought and intent, conscious or unconscious.

How you use, direct or lack energy, compassion and self care.  Law of Attraction brings you more of the resonance and what you exist in now.

When you believe YOU are unworthy or incapable of owning your creations from ALL of your incarnations in this quarantined reality, you attract more of what you have and intend now.  Spiritual, emotional, physical or financial DEBT is unbalanced energy or karma stored, borrowed, earned, spent, owed, claimed or exchanged Dark Ones use to control, force and torment each other with.

Universal or Quantum Principle of POVERTY 

To the degree you WITHHOLD your compassionate energy, thoughts and intent to be responsible for the SELF, you create poverty for YOU ALONE.  You create, manifest your energy blockages or flows.

Debt energetically is using not enough, misdirecting it or squandering your or another’s energy physically, emotionally, psychologically or spiritually.  Any amount of energy, money, empty calories, lies, denial, disinformation, addiction or dissociation will  not nourish, nurture or sustain the biology or soul.

Choices you the creator made, lacking compassion remain in effect until you the creator consciously chooses to OWN them, without judgement, blame, shame, guilt, retribution or punishment.  Being the conscious objective observer of your choices gives you the power to choose again and again and again.

To keep yourself safe while interacting with Dark Ones you need veery STRONG boundaries.  Getting your WANTS met from another ALWAYS means you are NOT being responsible for you.  AND the one trying to fill your wants is NOT nurturing and compassionate with themselves either. 

Quantum Principle of AUTHORITY and RESPONSIBILITY, says the one aware, worthy and capable of carrying out an action has the authority and responsibility to respond.

You are the only one having the authority to change YOUR perception, intent and consciousness.  You need to be your own SuperHero!  No one can or should even try to do it for you.  BLESSINGS are potential synchronicities waiting for you to percieve these compassionate options being offered to you.

The fetus’s infinite gray soul essence and their caretakers are all “mature soul essences” that have attracted and entrained together carrying matching resonances and intents.  You create (attract electromagnetically) and sustain (entrain) with your own chosen perceptions of reality.

Intimate relationships bring out and re-stimulate DEEP childhood and past life wounds and suffering, supporting the MYTH that your needs should be filled by others.  How much easier is it to give you what you need instead of trying to trick or force another into thinking they can give you what you lack or need with their sacrifice or servitude of themselves, which takes you both, OFF your path of compassionate responsibility for the self.

The TEN COMMANDMENTS and “The 4 Agreements” are simplified quantum Laws and principles written as “rules” to point out what is aligned with quantum truths and compassion and what is NOT.  Jesus said, humanity is his “sibling” and EQUAL an example NOT to be worshiped.  Coveting is not allowing the cosmic flow of energy for ALL.  When you honor the law of allowing, YOUR frustration, anger, impatience and thinking people are stupid or mean goes away.

You want safety and protection so you surrender to a bully, only Dark Ones give the LIE and illusions of safety and protection.  Safety and protection is what you create and maintain for you.

Quantum Principle of LIABILITY says YOU are responsible and answerable for your use, abuse or neglect of the rights you have and the rights you have earned.  Receiving what you enjoy or fail to enjoy is NEVER LUCK, or a God, or a devil, it is your ignorance of ALL THE OTHER factors in play. 

There is no one to blame or praise for where you are except you.

There is no one but you, that can change the vibration you reside in.

Worry less about aggressively trying to fix the world outside of you.  Everyone is on their own chosen path, it is wise to allow that.  Ideally your focus is on you, actively taking care of your inside world.  Focus on what you’d like to see more of in your reality.  A common misdirection or lie is, “Suffering is righteous or noble” ACTUALLY suffering alerts you to the fact that you are moving away from compassion and are attracting and entraining with more suffering.  Self care and awareness is important now, You get more of what you ARE, not what you want.

Parallel realities happen in the now moment all together.   A new time line is starting in 2025.