LACKING Compassion

Using one’s freewill and the law of allowing to AVOID being compassionate in thought and deed with the self and/or others, puts one in a resonance group and reality with others that also lack compassion.  This is the group resonance and reality Dark Ones hold and maintain with their thoughts and intent.  

What you electromagnetically emanate you attract to you.

That way you can know what goes on inside and outside of you.

Quantum Law of ATTRACTION electromagnetically pulls together quanta with “like resonances” similar thoughts, vibrations and intentions.  The sender gets back what they emanate, dwell on and project out.  What comes back to you CLEARLY reflects your perceptions, intent, frequency and reality.  No matter how many incarnations ago you put these aspects of you into play.

If and when you stay conscious, you have the power to manage your energy the way you want it to operate.  Consciousness allows you the opportunity to transmute your perceptions into the higher frequency of NOT blaming, judging or punishing yourself or anyone else.  You can be consciously responsible for you.

The Gray Soul’s thinking and the human thoughts that lack compassion for the self is unbalanced energy.  Your thought patterns and emotions that are not serving you compassionately could use your attention for YOU to solve the puzzle, of how and why you experience what you do. 

Instead of upset or finding a way to shut down YOUR awareness, be curious about its message.  It’s not attacking, undermining, belittling, victimizing or humiliating you, it is communicating the only way it can.  You need to learn and honor the language.  Learn to ask for and allow answers to come from your feelings, sensations, body parts, organs and your higher self.  Listen to your self talk, is it judgmental and cruel?  

Does your self talk accept you as you are and go from there? 

Is your self talk compassionate with you or dismissive of you?

Is your self talk curious and engaged with and about you?

You are, and always will be, your creator maintaining or changing your particular frequency and thought patterns of your signature frequency.

Dark Ones lack compassion and cannot be trusted, no one is safe with them, because they are not safe with themself.  They lie and keep secrets because they are ashamed of their thoughts and actions.  Lies and secrets amplify their shame, isolation, loneliness, withholding and fear, which increases their depressing disagreeable reality.  Dark Ones diminish, wound and abandon the self and each other. 

Dark Ones believe they are victims and therefore, entitled to victimize each other lifetime after lifetime.  They are “loyal and true” to each other’s mean spirited treatment of each other.  Dark Ones have STOPPED FEELING what they think because it physically hurts too much.  They go unconsciousness, deny and deceive the self, which is why they cannot match or even believe higher frequencies of compassion exist.  They are convinced anything that appears kind or compassionate is one more “set up” to use and abuse them once again.

Universal or Quantum Principle of PERCEPTION: is your view and understanding from YOUR particular, personal viewpoint as being true and accurate for you.  To PERCEIVE any reality, thought, resonance or vibration you must MATCH your resonance to its resonance and intent.

There are two main categories of resonances or vibrations or frequencies.

COMPASSIONis theresonance of the quantum field.

Darkness lacks compassion and is quarantined, because of its toxicity.

What is “real and true for you” is a perceptual decision you make and CAN change continuously.  Humans scan their electromagnetic environment for frequencies matching their beliefs and intents, which changes their DNA to match and resonate with their current perceptions.  

When you think another needs YOU to force or control, take care of you or manage you that places you in the 3D/4D vibration with the disinformation and illusion that someone or thing can do it FOR you.  When you are unable or unwilling to be kind and compassionate with you.  You have embraced a lie, ignorance and misdirection that a leader or bully or someone you worship or force can give or create compassion FOR you, or do it FOR you or TOO you.

The above is not true and never has been true.

Quantum Principle of FREEWILL is found ONLY in the dark quarantined bandwidth and illusion of third and fourth dimension.  Each entity has the right to direct and pursue their life or reality, as long as they DO NOT VIOLATE the rights of others including the planet’s rights. 

Quantum or Universal Law of ALLOWING, says you have the RIGHT and RESPONSIBILITY to BE and DO whatever YOU choose, with the intent and resonance your creations/thoughts carry with them.

You are the only one with the power to change or create or ignore and deny or give YOUR power away or take your power back to be compassionate or not.