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ZETAS and Zeta Reticuli

Zeta Reticuli is a binary star system located in the southern constellation of Reticulum, about 39.17 light years from Earth.  The system consists of two yellow stars, Zeta 1 (ζ1) Reticuli and Zeta 2 (ζ2) Reticuli, and thought to be between 1.5 and 3 billion years old. 

Zeta’s consciousness like Earth’s consciousness was/is ruled by fear, greed, lust force and illusions.  They use/used advanced technology as we do without the wisdom to use it compassionately.  Nuclear testing and other advanced weapons used by Lemurians, Atlantians and that America used after World War II were the same ones used to end the Zetas civilization as it was.  Zetas were forced to live underground to avoid the radiation from their weapons and their DNA was seriously compromised.

The Illuminati always quashes any group or idea that challenge’s their control, to prevent Americans, or anyone for that matter, to feel like winners or in charge of their destiny.  The Illuminati created weather changes to create “the dust bowl” of 1930–1936 the “great depression” of 1929-1939.  By the Second World War, 1935-1945 people very were fearful and desperate needing to blame someone, were easily manipulated into “getting the bad guy,” and the illusion of “making the world safe for democracy.”  The illusion that you can force/control others is just that, an illusion and goes against the quantum law of allowing.

Humans are NOW realizing that the only power you actually have and can trust, is the “power within” your own multidimensional SELF’S wisdom.  Awakening and awareness of Gaia’s higher frequencies is releasing the lies, misdirections, distractions, and illusions created for us by those we followed instead of staying conscious enough to go within to sense and feel your own guidance.  The truth isn’t always pretty, pleasant or kind but it gives you solid facts to work with.

The Zeta Reticuli ETs that came to Earth, in this time period came to Washington DC and spoke with Eisenhower, the Zetas were desperate for help refiguring their DNA to strengthen their bodies and civilization.  

Long ago Zetas had many wars, just like Earth had, is having.  Zetas offered their technology to Eisenhower, that destroyed their world, in exchange for collecting human blood/DNA.  The atomic bombs that destroyed their world and created the illusion that America won WWII.  The war continued on covertly that only the government knew about.  As always the Illuminati created and directed much of what was/is occurring in the United States, the welfare of the people has never been their priority.

Zetas spoke to and made agreements with Eisenhower and Rockefeller.  Money and trickery from the “Illuminati” families was used to create, win or loose most wars to make money for the Illuminists that owned the businesses that supply the weaponry.

The Zetas also worked with the Nazis to exchange advanced technology, such as the Nazi rockets and assisted them in creating their “superior race.”  Zetas gave the Nazis advanced rocket technology in the 1950s through and on into the early 1990s.  The Rockefeller’s are a pillar of the illuminists, not all of the family members are a part of the “family business.”  As in the Mafia, when they know too much they disappear or “accidentally die.”

Zetas as a species were dying out because of the radiation and came to earth to fix their DNA and strengthen their bodies.  Some infinite souls in human bodies on earth had the original Zeta DNA before radiation poisoning.  The higher self of the human child volunteered the small blood draw to the Zetas.  Many “abducted” by the Zetas were children that had multidimensional Zeta DNA, before the radiation happened.  

They were taken into the fourth dimension for the “procedure” of a small blood draw.  Humans are NEVER taken on a Starship without their higher selves permission.  When Zetas were told it was frightening to be tied down, they untied them immediately.  In Zeta reality, being “tied down” is a way to feel comforted and secured.  As swaddling a baby does to comfort them.

One may or may not remember events they had with the Zetas.  Memory loss is generally the result of your disbelief.  You want to remember but you deny it because it’s against your currently accepted beliefs.  Zetas told the humans they took, not to talk about their experiences on the Ship, if they remembered them, as others may judge and question their sanity.  “Being different” was NOT a good idea in the era of post WWII childhood.  When humans get frightened, they often react with violence, “If you don’t understand it, hit it.”  Instead of having curiosity, wonder and/or enthusiasm.

Who believes what a child says anyway.  The constant state of “knowing the truth” which no one else speaks of or believes leads to depression, anxiety, angry, loneliness and disconnection.

There were many taken by the Zetas between the close of WWII and the mid-1990s.  Once the Zetas had what they needed to correct their DNA they left and have NOT returned since.  The United States and most humans are NO longer in communication with the Zetas.  Although some Zetas still remain close to Gaia, the planet in the role of protecting Her transmutation into 5D. 

SIDEBAR:  Our leaders, who are actually not THE leaders, but the followers, of Illuminists controlled by the Dracos, used the dust bowl and wars to keep the human population’s frequency in fear too low to transmute into compassion.  Also in this time period the military Illuminists “abducted” humans disguised as “aliens” used, abused, experimented on the humans traumatizing the ones they took.  This was NOT the Zetas.

Until one is able to release their illusion of “third dimensional time,” they can NOT remember or work with their infinite soul aspects operating in fourth, fifth, and higher dimensions of perception, wisdom and reality.  Humanity evolves by expanding their smaller synaptic junctions of old information into newer, wider synaptic junctions of higher frequency information step-by-step eventually making one’s new perceptions and experiences as “normal.”

Soulless workers for whatever group that has purchased them from the Draco’s, as Zeta Reticuli I and II, and Sirius A, have been used to monitor humans.  These are why petroglyphs found in America, Egypt, Mexico, Peru, Bolivia and Columbia have drawings of “Grey Aliens” which are referred to as Zeta Reticulans, Roswell Greys or Greys, of close encounters and alien abductions.  

Greys are typically described as being human-like with small bodies 3 to 5 foot tall smooth, grey-colored skin; enlarged, hairless heads; and large, black eyes.  They wear gray spacesuits with large black sunglasses to protect their eyes and body when on earth.  The Grey’s basic emotions are anger, fear, confusion and surprise, like many humans.

Zetas can easily time travel, as it requires mind and not heart.  Traveling through parallel realities, requires heart, emotion, feelings and compassion.

Zetas, cloned out their emotions, which they came to realize was a mistake.

Zetas are not able to ascend, as they have no emotions with which to expand their consciousness.  They do know about the mechanisms of ascension and come from our future, about 25,000 years in our future to teach about the mechanisms of ascension, intermingling emotion with perception.

Ask your higher self if you were abducted by Zetas or the military.

Ask about your experiences with the Greys.