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  Reality is specific to each individual, to each consciousness and to each person’s state of mind, and the frequency of their intention from moment to moment.  There are certain electro-magnetic disturbances both for the planet and all that live’s on it.  With these higher vibrations comes the sharp conscious awareness of the gap between you existing as compliant, agitated, frustrated, lonely, depressed or confused and your consciousness residing in your internal awareness and location of calm clarity, curious connection and enjoyment inside of you.

Quantum LAW of RESONANCE or vibration or frequency, says each resonance has different event sites with particular themes or purposes that have unique customs, intentions, ideas, values, sensations, colors, sounds, tastes and smells.  Vibrations or frequencies are predictable, measurable and can be calculated and understood.  You interact in real time with any resonance your thought patterns electromagnetically match, attract and entrain with.

Lower and higher states of resonant energy exist and have always existed simultaneously, concurrently all around us.  We were trained to call all of it third dimension, but that is not truth.  It is just the only truth humans choose to believe.  The vast majority of realities are actually “states of consciousness” carrying very particular beliefs, behaviors and wisdom.  The things all consciousnesses do together, are an ongoing building processes of the many multiverses that exist in the quantum field of “all that is.” 

Parallel and alternate realities are experienced in our dreams, day dreams and our imagination in 4D and beyond, which are most frequently INFINITE versions of compassionate consciousness in a variety of resonances. 

Time moves lock step with your state of consciousness. 

Time moves lock step with your state of consciousness. 

Compassionate energy creates or manifests your thought and intent immediately, as soon as it is thought of.  Thoughts and intents that lack compassion may take multiple incarnations to manifest because they are nasty, unkind and generally self destructive to the one holding those thoughts and result in collateral damage to others. 

Currently we are being gifted with consciously knowing we are angry.  Conscious  anger keeps one alert to: IF you have boundaries, where your boundaries are, and if they need “shoring up.”  Anger works as a CATALYST to express and expose to you how you feel!  Consciously choose, do you want your WOUND or your compassion to express and expose your anger.

Conscious awareness that it is time to choose between realities NOW!

Do you percieve the self as being a powerless victim, Dark Ones operate with a victim template and are not compassionate with the self.  We all have moments of victimhood, but don’t live there.  Freewill is the option to think and act anyway you like, in the lower frequencies LACKING compassion and unconditional love, which is why the vibration or resonance of freewill needs to be quarantined.  It is generally toxic. 

With compassion there is no need for agreements, contracts or karma.  Agreements, contracts and karma were / are a way to keep dark and light thoughts, actions and intent somewhat balanced in the quarantined resonance of freewill because of its toxicity to each other and the mass consciousness.  Karma is another way to express and experience cause and effect or a feedback loop or cycle that lacks compassion.

Universal or Quantum Principle of PROJECTION or EMANATION is your INTERNAL point of perception, YOUR personal STORY, thought, emotion and reality that you hold to be true for you is what you project out.  Your DNA scans your environment for resonances matching your beliefs.  Then your DNA changes its structure, to match what you chose to perceive.

Quantum particles electromagnetically create a filmy image that is clean and strong, sloppy and chaotic, dark or light, mean or kind and everything in-between of your every unconscious and conscious thoughts and intentions.  The filmy image that quantum particles create generally floats around the upper part of the body in front of the face and carries the creator’s signature frequency, intent and agenda.  Images are real enough in the 4D frequency and beyond so that they can be interacted with, rearranged, added to or moved by someone other than their creator.

The soul is infinite, the death of the biology doesn’t change what and who, the soul attracts and entrains with lifetime after lifetime.  Fairness or the “right way” is NOT a CONCEPT in higher frequencies, higher brainwave states and compassionate intent and thought.  When you do not plan on assigning blame, punishment or penalties what does it matter if a thing is fair as long as it is compassionate?

We are already feeling the higher frequencies inside us consciously changing our thoughts and feeling.  Greater sensitivity and tenderness, vulnerability, increased desire to nurture, listening to our intuition and our body’s health needs.  Awareness the we are the one needing to care for and nurture ourself.  It is never his, her’s or “it’s” job to care for me, it’s always MY job.  It is selfish to expect others to be responsible for you and your wellbeing and to perceive reality as you do.

All infinite souls are androgynous NOT one sex or the other.  Having different sexes was designed for reproduction of physical animals.  Switching genders, ethnic groups or religions is done to enabled the human to raise their consciousness and wisdom by experiencing multiple sides of being emotionally, ethnically and physically subjugated by each other.  No matter how angry and nasty others are, in any other part of this world, your calm compassionate wisdom and frequency does help raise the mass conscious resonance of Gaia and Her humanity.

Destabilizing events happening now will continue for a while, can you perceive them as a catalyst for positive change?  We can redefine and reset how we want to live  going forward.

Quantum Principle of RECONCILIATION:  Is seeking what is common and similar to you and all others.  That allows different qualities to get unified into similarities, which diminishes differences decreasing conflict.

Polarities and opposites create distortions and illusions, when the focus is on ONE data point.  Balance is movement into the center point of the continuum or the whole.  Focus on one data point distorts perception and wisdom about the entire self and each other.  Fundamental to Hinduism, Buddhism and Karma is balanced energy, the cause and effect of energy and wisdom.  Only when you STAY conscious can you factcheck and discern how you feel and sense what you think and do.

Humans that compartmentalizes into boxes of protocol for control, limit their growth and development, their laughter and joy that opens their heart chakra for their higher self to help in the rebalancing their energy.  You are your creator and sustainer of your changes!  

After releasing dark thought patterns mentally and emotionally you may also release them physically, through the skin, a runny nose or eyes, or out the digestive tract.  Since we are all wired a bit differently, each one of us experience and release in their own way, at their own pace and time.  YOUR point of perception, its intent and the resonance it carries continuously creates your PERSONAL perception of you and your reality.  Viewing any event, person place or thing, CONSCIOUSLY will be altered BY you to match what you percieve.

Now is the time to master giving yourself fully to your life consciously as an individual and collectively.  New experiences come along to shape and restructure us, the ever changing creators of compassion.