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Vibrational MATCHING Human and Soul

The physical human and its 4D soul are generally a vibrational match.

The aspect of the soul’s stream of consciousness, of which there maybe 15 to 33 aspects.  The slowest frequency aspect of our INFINITE stream of consciousness is the only one able to lower its vibration into the 4D frequency to interact with the human animal’s slow low quantum spin or frequency in 3D.  

Law of ATTRACTION and ENTRAINMENT are in effect.

Humans have separated out parts of their soul in 4D and named them, guides, invisible friends, angelic entities or even the devil etc.  These would be parts, aspects or roles played by the soul to assist the human function in this resonance of fear-based emotions of anger, negative thinking, depression and the perception of being a victim instead of the creator they actually are.  Also the human may have awareness of ITS soul in 4D alternate or parallel realities having similar experiences the human is having.

Human and 4D soul carry roughly the same amount of compassion or light.  Generally there is a 10-20 percentage point difference between the biology and soul’s compassion or light.  Roughly 3% of the time the soul’s frequency may drop lower than the human’s percentage of compassion.  Law of ENTRAINMENT.

Quantum Law of ENTRAINMENT requires two or more frequencies; resonances, realities or thoughts existing in the same space MUST combine to create a SINGLE resonance.  That applies to all sentient beings, energy, humans, planets, universes, your thoughts, perceptions, intentions and actions.

Parallel lives is NOT another physical Human, living a parallel life.  It’s your 4D consciousness that is experiencing activities, acting out scenarios of the different ways it could carry out the same set of facts or conditions the human may be dealing with. 

For example, there is conflict.  The human and / or the soul, would mentally run through various scenarios and what the result would be.  What reaction would cause what effect.  Options might be to explore and understand the view of all the sides.  Or demand what the soul or human wants.  Or kill the opposition and see how that goes.  

An aspect of your soul may be in a parallel reality, resonance doing some of what you are doing in the same timeline and getting different outcomes with some changes.  This is to CONSCIOUSLY understand cause and effect.

Universal or quantum Principle of CAUSE and EFFECT or RECIPROCAL ACTION, says nothing happens by chance or outside of the quantum field’s laws and principles.  The fact that you cannot identify a cause or effect is irrelevant.   For every thought, intent or action there is a resonance, consequence, reaction you created for you consciously or not so consciously.

Unpleasant emotional energy transmitted out doesn’t travel far.  It remains in its immediate sphere of influence.  Dark Ones and their energy lack sincerity, integrity and honesty that penetrates NOTHING, moving little to no energy.  They follow others to deny their moral and ethical culpability and responsibility for their action or lack of action.  Dark Ones do not believe compassion and unconditional love exists for them, they believe they are just lies to trick them and set them up.

Mixed emotional messages of anger, upset and compassion are harder to read and understand.  The sender’s chaos or confusion, confuses the receiver and sender.  Their anger vibrates within their energy field and out some, but will be mixed with the warmth or compassion that goes out a greater distance.  

A dark receiver notices and focuses on the anger and upset.  When you can’t perceive and own your darkness, YOU do not perceive the darkness and illusions other’s are sharing with you.

A higher frequency receiver will percieve both of the conflicting messages, but focusses on the compassion.  Emitting  joy, laughter and compassion, transmits further, changing the biology’s signature frequency, creating faster recovery from viruses, injury and immune system issues.  Compassion sent won’t change their mind or your mind about any issue.  The message is, if I agree or not, I hear and acknowledge you.  No matter how upset, angry or wounded the receiver may be, they have been noticed and felt the energy sent to them.

Jamil Zaki’s brain imaging data in the article, Neurocomputational mechanisms underlying motivation, shows that being kind to others registers in the brain as more like eating chocolate than like fulfilling an obligation to do what’s right. 

Joy and vulnerability takes courage.  Vulnerability is a key to unlocking all manner of joyful experiences.  Like, connection, love, acceptance, trust, safety, gratitude and creativity.  Being joyful and vulnerable is trusting and valuing you and your self acceptance.  With all the “warm fuzzies” vulnerability has to offer.

Being LESS than conscious and compassionate with you.  Having less than 60% compassion for the self would be the” lost ones” or Dark One lacking, compassion for the self and percieve the self as a powerless victim.  LESS than 60% consciousness and compassion with yourself, less than 60% of the time, means the human biology / is calling the shots and the human is catering to the biology’s wants, needs and survival.  The soul is not noticed or used much, it will monitor from a distance what the human is experiencing.

If or when the human or soul frequency drops below 60% they drop into the lower level frequency of 3D/4D quarantined perceptions and reality because the quantum spin lacking compassion is too low, slow and toxic to stay in the quantum field.  This is NOT as a punishment, it is an option to keep on studying cause and effect and to prevent your dark resonance from being toxic to others.

Ascension and elevated frequencies are NOT a gift bestowed on you.  They must be earned step-by-step as you align your thoughts and actions with universal, cosmic or quantum truths.  When you have progressed through maybe hundreds of thousands of dark ascensions or levels or frequencies lacking compassion for you, you eventually reach your personal half dark, half light level, frequency and ascension of alignment with quantum laws, being compassionate with you more than 80% of the time.  Staying consciously present in your biology and consciously choosing to be kind in your thought and actions.

You move into small voids for a short time period for your higher self to transmute  and adjust your energy grid systems into a higher frequency, you may feel spacey for a bit.  Just as we all do now as we are moving back and forth continuously from 3D, 4D and 5D.  We remember what we experienced without being emotionally triggered into a past time self destructive thought or habit.  There is a short time to grieve the thoughts and actions we mastered that lacked compassion for us.  The survival skills we needed and implemented to survive in a dark reality.  We stop following habitual programs we adopted and bullies we have feared and followed.  There is sharing not “care taking,” and setting an example of allowing.

60 to 80%er’s are conscious and compassionate starting to work some with their soul, guides, invisible friends, angelic entities etc. and understanding the things THEY caused and the effect it had.  They are working on being compassionate and kind with the self and others.  When 60 to 80%er’s remain steadily consciously connected to the higher frequencies, their biology begins to shift to stay in alignment with the raising resonance of their thoughts and emotions.  

When your thoughts and emotion are not aligned with each other, the biology becomes confused and unable to maintain a steady frequency rate, leaving the human  feeling nervous, depressed, disoriented, frustrated or stalled and seeking a distraction from the dissonance, lack of harmony in their awareness.  Our buried emotions need to come up into the surface of our awareness and be released in a safe space.  Pay great attention to your many aspects, listen and talk to them, explore your dark corners.  Ask your shoulder ache, what burdens itself?

Being CONSCIOUS and COMPASSIONATE 80% of the time marks a one-time shift in the guide energy or the permission to ascend implant is triggered in our DNA, called “going quiet” metaphorically called the changing of the guard as your grid system and the biology’s DNA transmutes into the next higher frequency, 5D moving out of 3D / 4D fears and perceptions of victimhood.

Human and soul are ON LINE, in sync with each other operating at 80% or more compassion and light in the quantum field aligned with quantum laws and principles.  The human’s perceptual field expands into hopefulness and creativity.  5D frequency is a carrier wave that travels from your higher self, into as many synaptic junctions in the human brain as the human will accept.

You can only share what you know and have to share.

Albert Einstein said, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”  To reach solutions you must raise your level of knowledge, frequency and consciousness.