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Vibrational MATCHING

The human’s creative process is based on their thought and emotion remaining in a steady vibrational match of entertainment.  When FEAR enters the human thought or emotion, confidence and the entrainment is lost.  When you can’t bring a vision or plan into your conscious awareness and hold it steady, how can you perceive it and act on it?  Soon you forget that vision, experience, memory or action.

Thoughts and emotions NOT aligned with each other CONFUSES the body and brain, making you unable to create a steady frequency and focus, resulting in feeling, depressed, disoriented, frustrated or stalled and seeking a distraction from dissonance, the lack of harmony. 

Our biology and aura are the envelope encasing your 3D consciousness. 

When your conscious thought and emotion have a steady connection to higher frequencies of compassion, the biology shifts its entrainment to stay aligned with the resonance of your compassionate thoughts and emotions. 

The 3D biology may be accustomed to the thoughts and feelings of being out of alignment with each other and adapted to its fear-based emotions and thought.  When one desires to return to higher frequency’s, you may during the transition period, feel limited or alone, while trying to dismiss fear, which lowers your consciousness and movement stops because your frequency is lowered, depressed and you seek something to distract yourself with.

Without hope and reassurance, it is a challenge to maintain and increase your frequency.  Dark Ones are generally filled with fear, anger and negative thinking that they want to share with you that is really all they have to offer themself and you.  They want you to entrain with them and their truths, their many fears and distractions.  When you can own, allow and accept that is what you are being offered and enticed with, your fear and anger will be released or diminished. 

As you align your thoughts and emotions with higher frequencies of compassion and joy, your Lightbody starts activating, your Kundalini running up the core of your spinel starts its movement connecting you with the core of Gaia’s core in the center of her circular planetary form.  Since Gaia is transmuting, you entraining with Her planet transmutation, allows your personal transmutation to accelerate.

From the 3D point of perception earth is getting hotter, scientists call it “Global Warming.”  From the 4D point of perception the heat is Gaia’s transmutation into 5D. 

From your 4D point of perception looking back into 3D you experience and percieve 3D differently.  For example, the Redwood Trees of Northern California, in the USA are hundreds of years old, Redwood tree root systems are shallow, spreading horizontally, and intertwined with the roots of other redwoods.  This network of roots helps redwoods withstand strong winds and floods.  They have a strong energy field that can be experienced while leaning against, or walking among them.  More and more we can remember, notice and experience realities that have always existed around us occurring within our same time and space. 

Once you consciously align with your own core, you can merge with your 5D core and with Gaia’s core entraining frequency’s up, in and through.  Turning around inside yourself, you can see your 5D light in your inner core, which expands your awareness.

POLARITIES like good and bad mean nothing in 5D+ energy fields as they do not exist in higher frequencies.  There is no concept of “other’s.”  As your hand is in unity with your body.  Lightbodies adapt to every situation you experience to make all feel comfortable.  You will generally choose to wear a form when you present your SELF to 3D humans, so as not to frighten anyone.

Gaia’s planet is transmuting into a “light planet.”  No longer needing to confine Her essence into a dense, third-dimensional shell.  The animals, plants, and aspects of nature that have become extinct in 3D have been the leaders of re-location from density into compassionate light.  Many of the flora, fauna, and humans believed to have died or become extinct are only “dead” to the resonance of 3D.  They lived the timeline they chose, and re-located into a reality that does not have linear time and space.

All life is respected and their compassionate choices allowed in 5D+, as you think it you manifest it.  Your perception or imagination creates what you wish to perceive.  All life is accepted and appreciated as living, sentient, sharing and matching the same frequency of consciousness as your own and all exist infinitely within the quantum field of “All That Is.”  You are the creator of your perceptions which create your environment.

Universal or Quantum Principle of PERCEPTION: is your understanding and view from YOUR particular, personal viewpoint is true and accurate for you.  To PERCEIVE any reality, thought, resonance or vibration you must MATCH your resonance to its resonance and intent.

What is “real and true for you” is a perceptual decision you make and CAN change continuously with new information and changing thoughts and intentions.  The quantum field is always in flow.

Quantum Law of FLUIDITY says, life is best when experienced as a fluid substance and not as a rigid solid.  The quantum field has no fixed shape; it yields easily to external pressure.  The way water runs, no faster or slower than is called for and seeks its own level.  Its flow is even, unforced and fluid, staying in the now moment without hurry or standing still. 

Resistance, impatience, frustration, doubt, worry and/or blame move you OUT of the cosmic flow of energy and put you in danger of making irrational or ill timed choices.  Impatience and indignation put you into the fight, flight, freeze or sacrifice you, mode of survival.  Calm and patience, allow things to unfold in the most advantageous manner for all those involved.  Patience is the capacity to consciously accept or tolerate delay or suffering until it gets better.