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SIRIANS and Sirius A, B and C 

The Sirius star system is a binary star system made up of Sirius A and Sirius B, located in the Canis Major constellation.  Sirius A and B are stars that orbit each other, and Sirius A is close to twice as massive as the sun.  The two stars revolve around each other every 50 years.  Sirius A, only 8.6 light-years from Earth.  Sirius B, is a white dwarf and very faint because of its tiny size, only 7,500 miles in diameter or 12,000 kilometers. 

White dwarfs are the remnants of stars similar to our Sun. 

Sirius C orbits Sirius A, a brown dwarf too faint and close to Sirius A to be seen by a visual observer.  Sirius C is being terra formed or “earth-formed” or planetary engineered to support organisms that live primarily on land, like animals and insects, modifying the atmosphere, temperature and ecology of a planet to support life.
Sirius star system, is linked with the Egyptian goddess Isis and called the “Dog Star.”  Sirius is also known as the “Dog Star” because of its prominence in the constellation Canis Major, the Greater Dog.

Sirians have been present in various colonies on Earth for millions of years.  These were fourth dimensional realities until the middle of Lemuria and Atlantis which gradually turned into 3D/4D physicality, lacking compassion means a low slow quantum spin, collecting matter, solidifying into physicality and forgetting previous incarnations.  The infinite soul essence came to believe it was, its container, only a biology with one lifetime.  Trapped in a biology, its thoughts and intentions without compassion means loss of higher frequency skills, wisdom and awareness.  What you think and resonate with in the one lifetime, you create and are!  Those lacking compassion kept on violating the quantum law of freewill and allowing.

Quantum Principle of FREEWILL says each entity or consciousness has the right to direct and pursue their life and reality, as long as they do not VIOLATE the rights of others including the planet’s rights. 

Humans enjoy and have operated with the WEAK force of control, violence and an operating system with a bias that supported Dark Ones that continuously violate the rights of others including the planet’s rights.   The slow, low quantum spin of their intent, thoughts and actions collected matter solidifying them and their thinking, ultimately manifesting the physical third dimension and lower fourth dimension.

Quantum or Universal Law of ALLOWING, says you have the RIGHT and RESPONSIBILITY to BE and DO whatever YOU choose, with the resonance your creation, thought, intent and action carry with them.

Your current thought, intent and action is your reality and shapes your future.

Some from Sirius B, advocated “political thought control” which is the same belief system the Illuminati has on earth and everywhere else they went.  Using the same trauma based programming methods developed and used in the Orion and Draco systems on all their children and any other children they can get a hold of.

Sirius B Sirians are merchants to the universe selling and trading technology.  

To get the Sirian Montauk technology the United States government gave Sirians permission to access and experiment on any citizen they wanted to.  The Israeli government made agreements with the Sirians to perform genetic experiments on their citizens to create Vegans, a Grey race that has two hearts, is unemotional, friendly, gentle, physically strong and intelligent.  They perform menial tasks and experiments for the Israeli government.  Sirians and Antarians aren’t necessarily here to help us raise our consciousness, historically they have straddled the line of dark, lacking compassion  and light, being compassionate and/or use and abuse.

Some Sirians were once biological biped whale beings or space ships sent from Sirius, like in our Star Trek movies.  Lowering their vibration in order to enter earth’s atmosphere, they lost their inter-galactic powers.  Stuck on earth they found the ocean was much like outer space and their watery world and quickly adapted to living there if they survived the descent into the third dimension, but many didn’t survive.  

Some crew members who did survive lived on land.  They used their database or multidimensional DNA from when their infinite soul was a human, to create their inner organs to exist on earth.  The few crew members that survived living on land were called Viper Warriors, conquerors feared by many because of the pain and suffering they created wherever they went.

When some Andromedans visited Earth to set up research stations to study flora and fauna around and within the inner Earth the Sirians welcomed them.  Some of the Andromedan genetic experiments with plants were used to aid the Sirian’s in creating more durable Sirian biologies for earth.  There was some genetic manipulation of human DNA on earth at that time also.

Sirians from Sirius B included reptilians from Draco and Bellatricians both carried the same low slow frequency and state of consciousness of destruction and antagonism with each other for hundreds of years.  They lied, broke contracts and agreements with each other.  Some of their souls have moved back into 5D and beyond frequencies.

Sirians body were serpentine and/or dragon in form that served them well in their home world.  In Sirius B, the atmosphere is thick like liquid air.  Movement through the atmosphere was like a snake swimming in water.  The males were usually nine to ten feet and the females were six to eight feet.  The elders who had moved beyond the polarization of gender became androgynous and often eleven to twelve feet that took the form of a dragon, sprouting arms and legs when they chose to.  The elders had the ability to travel in hyperspace.  Within hyper-space, one can easily travel to anywhere in the galaxy by curving space.

Sirius B had/has humanoids with red, beige and black-skin, they are close to 4 foot tall and squat.  In the galaxy they are known as the philosophers and influenced Lao Tzu’s philosophy advocating naturalness, spontaneity and freedom from social conventions and desires.  Sirian’s had a strong influence in earth’s Ancient Egypt, the priest’s were not so compassionate.

Sirius A has many humanoid races, some are red-skinned, 7 to 8 foot tall and slender.  The animal races include felines, mammals and aquatic animals.  Earth’s whales, dolphins and octopus originated from Sirius and are telepathic.  Octopuses are intelligent beings that easily multi-task, controlling four of their arms as easily as we control one.  They do not need their eyes but it gives something for others to focus on.  There is no visible mouth or nose they breathe in and out through their skin like many entities do. 

Some Lyran women, and children, called Katayy, that escaped the Orion Wars, settled on Sirius A.  They were builders, artists musicians and valued nature.  Their government was based on spiritual technologies using sound, light and color.  Currently scientists from Sirius A are assisting earth in building ecological systems to promote bio-diversity for human evolution and altering the bio-magnetic energy grids of earth. 

Humans with Sirian DNA may be having memories or dreams coming up into their awareness to transmute their perception’s into compassionate ones.  All Dark Ones transmuting their perception’s of their human lives on earth, eventually move into transmuting their extra-terrestrial lives and then inter-planetary galactic life experiences lacking compassion into compassionate thought patterns, perceptions, awareness and wisdom.

Transmutation means logging out, exiting the 3D/4D cycles and or feedback loops lacking compassion to move into a higher frequency, consciously owning self destructive logic, addictions, distractions and unconsciousness.  Becoming responsible for yourself and treating each other as equals.  Forgiving and accepting you with compassion for you, WITHOUT judgment, blame, shame, guilt, competition or punishment.  When a physical biology dies the astral body or light-body of quantum particles making up your consciousness and higher self is always connected and in contact with you.  Feel and listen for the connection.

Killing or death does not happen in 4D or any higher frequency.  

Killing and death were/are ONLY 3D creations.

When Dracs and Sirians or any consciousness fought in 4D, it was tactical, like playing chess, Dungeons and Dragons, or video games with an avatar.  Even when they became ill or wounded, its only temporary setbacks or distractions.  Then the form and consciousness would be sent back to continue their game of distraction from lacking compassion for the self and each other.

As the infinite soul and the body decreased their compassion, they feel out of communication with the higher self.  The biology believed it could die and did.

“Energy War games” of Dark vs Light in Earth’s lower 4D have continued on since Lemuria and Atlantis.  Mostly in human dream states and between incarnations.  Gaia has relocated Her lower 4D energy field along with those infinite souls astral bodies still enjoying the fight in another quarantined fourth dimensional reality to continue distracting themself from being compassionate.