Lyra Star System is a small constellation, also known as the Harp or Lyre, in the Northern Hemisphere that’s easy to find because of its bright star Vega, which is part of the Summer Triangle with Deneb and Altair. Lyra is considered one of the oldest constellations in the sky of the Milky Way Galaxy. Beginning at its north, Lyra is bordered by Draco, Hercules, Vulpecula, and Cygnus. Many ancient civilizations, including the Greeks, Arabs, and Persians, associated Lyra with a musical instrument. In Greek mythology, Lyra represented the lyre of Orpheus.
Lyrans are from the Lyra constellation and are considered the precursors to the human form, biology and the soul’s multidimensional DNA, the Caucasian race’s thought patterns and intentions. The Lyran’s soul essence originally dwelled in another universe. There presence and soul’s multidimensional DNA can be found all throughout a number of different galaxies and planets in our own universe: the Orion constellation, Pleiades, Zeta Reticula, Centaurs, Altair, Vega, Sirius and Earth to name a few, as well as that of the Andromeda galaxy.
The Lyran’s had created a peaceful benevolent, cooperative, harmonious and spiritual lifestyle for themselves that the reptilians from Draco wanted. As criminals like to do, they took what they could and destroyed the rest, having no clue or desire to create calm peaceful compassionate energy fields for themself.
Dark Ones and Dracos angry chaotic energy thoughts and intentions suck the life out of others, as Dark Ones try to create as much misery in others as they carry within themself. Thus the Draco-Lyran physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual wars ensued. Estimates of when the wars took place coincide with the galactic wars from around 20 million to 13 million years ago, This was during a period of early galactic expansion and colonization by various extraterrestrial races, particularly from the angry, greedy Draco civilization, “Dracos” are often depicted as an aggressive reptilian race and hierarchical society.
Different spacefaring civilizations actively explored, settling on or pillaged using violence to steal from new planets. Just as the Europeans settled or invaded America and the native people. Just as the Europeans went to Africa to pillaged and create a slave work force.
Lyrans were forced to flee from their plants the Draconian Reptilian’s destroyed. Some Lyrans, rather than engage in war or defend their property used their spacecrafts to relocate, settle or integrate into societies on a variety other planets and galaxies.
Some Lyrans were living in hollowed-out asteroids and moons at that time always needing to move while searching for safety. Similar to what people need to do in the middle east. It was recommended that they settle in the Andromeda star system which had less gravity, which elongated the Lyran humanoid body, their skin went from white to blue pigmentation because of the copper-based minerals in their food source and nutrition. Some are said to have established colonies in other star systems such as the Pleiades, the Hyades, and Vega. Some Lyra refugees hid out on the planet Lyrus or Cassiopeia with the Cat entities, a mammalian species that walked on two legs and had feline features from the planet Lyrus in the Beta Quadrant.
The Lyran Giants may be the oldest humanoid race in the Milky Way Galaxy. They had primarily light skin, blue eyes and blond to medium brown hair. The physical body was well-balanced and muscular. Both sexes were six to nine feet tall, similar to Greek statue images of Lyran Giants that are found in old churches, on large doors and windows in some biblical stories about giants and Lyran Giants mentioned in poetry.
During Atlantis the Reptilians made genetic hybrids with their DNA and the Lyran refugees from Mars. Some refugees settled on the Pleiades, Star called Taygeta to start their new civilization in the year 228,000 B.C. Some Sirians developed blue skin as a result of genetic mixing with Lyran and Vegan refugees.
Lyran Redheads come in two sizes giant and average sized. Averaged sized redheads have red to strawberry blonde hair and very fair skin. Eye color is generally light to a shade of green different from the green seen on earth. They would be the Norse men, Vikings, etc. There is a red-haired race in the Pleiades also.
Darker skinned Caucasian Lyran’s have a light chocolate skin and are pacifists. Their eyes are brown or green, dark brown hair and found in India and Pakistan.
Birdlike Lyran’s are found in earth’s literature, and are mammals having a birdlike appearance. This was an actual race that interacted on Earth in the distant past. The Lyran race of humanoids existed long before the Earth was inhabited.
Biology, universes and galaxies are all sentient, able to perceive or feel things. Each physical entity has a particular DNA grid system, frequency and has a mass consciousness for that particular planet, galaxy and those infinite soul essences at the time they were conceived, melded, expanded, touched or collided entangling their physical DNA and multidimensional DNA and quantum particle spin. As per the laws of our universe.
Law of ALLOWING others their path without your demands and neediness.
Law of ATTRACTION attracts like energy, intent and resonance to yours.
Law of ENTRAINMENT is when two or more resonances, realities or thoughts exist in the same space, they MUST and will combine to create a SINGLE resonance.
Law of CONSCIOUSNESS, YOU must consciously make your choices because you ARE personally responsible to create, maintain and/or change them.
The same processes that created life on earth naturally happened on other planets, aligned with quantum laws and principles. The same periodic table of elements, plus or minus the ones we have yet to discover were used. Earth in its infancy, started out like all the other planets, BUT there were issues. Earth had five starts, but not until the fifth go-round did the microbial life create photosynthesis for the survival of life on the planet. By that time the other planets had evolved millions of years ahead of Earth in their development of compassionate consciousness.
CONCURRENT is existing, happening or done at the same time. Multiverses or “all that is” or the quantum field or the universe or cosmos operate concurrently with the EXCEPTION of quarantined 3D/4D because it is so toxic. Concurrently an infinite number of alternate and parallel realities are being played out, manifested from the existing quantum particles in the quantum field that are “always present.” Everything existing in this universe, planets, biology, our solar system and our consciousness was not created, but is ALWAYS restructured from the existing quantum particles alongside the current ones you are consciously aware of.
Quantum Principle of PERPETUAL TRANSMUTATION is all sentient beings can change their resonance, intent or state of consciousness continuously.
RESTRUCTURED from the EXISTING eternal, timeless, everlasting, with no beginning or end quantum particles. The phrase “No beginning and no end” means eternal. Quantum particles, continuously create and separate out what a, or a mass consciousness thinks and intends in the now moment, as they focus and change their focus.