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LEMURIANS and Lemuria

Lemuria is/was a continent on Earth that was fourth dimensional and third dimensionally physical, in the Pacific Ocean, that bridged the Indian Ocean, and the belief is that lemurs and other entities on earth at that time migrated to and from India and Madagascar across the Lemuria land mass before it was submerged.  Lemurs are some of the earliest primate species that walked with two legs on the earth.  Being members of the primate family, lemurs share many characteristics with humans, despite having 60 million-odd years between us.  Their souls are infinite.  All biology on earth is finite and upon death remains with the earth.

Lemuria lasted more than 20,000 years.

Atlantis lasted 9,000 years towards the end of Lemuria.

Lemuria or Mele’ha or Motherland of Mu are names given to the civilization that had lemurs, refugees from the Lyran star system, reptilians from Draco and even Dark Ones exiled from the Pleiades and more.  Lemurians were 4D and 3D dimensional from 35,000 years ago to about 15,000 years ago, lasting more than 20,000 years.  One lifetime of a Lemurian could be a thousand years long and very few children were born.

Pleiadians helped create and structure the consciousness grids of Gaia.  They planted energetic Nulls and Nodes on Earth, which were/are time capsules of higher frequencies that did open when humanity survived past 2012, by NOT destroying itself, increasing the quanta spin by 5%.  These Pleiadian soul essences were in Pleiadian humanoid biology and acted as teachers, spiritual parents and multidimensional DNA donor’s for the Lemurians and with the Lyrans they procreated with.

Possibly your soul essence inhabited one of these forms?  Ask your higher self.

Spiritually, emotionally and mentally the infinite souls multidimensional DNA, thought patterns and intentions might have been present during the time of Lemuria as one of a mixture of earth’s primitive biologies and/or a 4D frequency astral body.  Astral bodies are a vehicle for the quantum particles of the gray infinite soul essence’s thought and intentions to exist on/in the lower frequency of the earth plane.

The Dinosaurs, Draconian’s of dinosaur ancestry infinite souls, were stewards of the earth before humans were and they believed earth was their home.  The leaders and their followers as is true now, were aggressive, judgmental and liars that blamed and forced each other, which maintained a climate of fear, shame, conflict and control.

As Lemurian and Atlantean civilizations on Earth continued devolving the infinite soul needed to consciously choose when to logout or to remain in a civilization that kept lowering its frequency.  Remaining in freewill’s feedback loops of “tit for tat” unpleasant, apathetic to nasty and toxic quarantined energy fields of lower 4D/3D that lacked compassion for the self.  Still not realizing that one that does not have compassion for the self, cannot and does NOT and will NOT, have compassion for you.

The 1st galactic colony of human quarantined infinite souls was the age of LEMURIA.  The 2nd was ATLANTIS, the end of Atlantis carried many of the same dark souls present now on earth in the norther hemisphere.  The 3rd was the CHRISTIS era.  ASHTAR SOLAR STAR COMMAND is/was a mass consciousness from the 13.13.13 Solar New Earth Reality that assists humanity back into the Christ resonance.  Sananda, the commander, a consciousness of Jesus of Nazareth messages were of compassion, equality and responsibility for the self.  BUT Dark One’s choose to worship the container, its earth biology and how to make money from that and control others.

The 4th quarantined galactic colony was RECONNECTION with our soul, higher frequencies and the invisible realm.  2013 marks the 5th try on earth for the remaining infinite dark souls, to choose logging out of quarantined freewill and transmuting into receive and give only compassion.

Earth was/is a school of cause and effect, you gather the wisdom or you don’t.

Earth’s operating system and the human infinite souls that can match Her frequency, OFFICIALLY moved from quarantine back into the quantum field 11/11/11 of receive and give only compassion.

Dracos were the spiritual parents for the reptilian soul essences and biology during the civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis.  Both civilizations of reptilians and human scientists, experimented with DNA, cloning and trying to create workers and obedient slaves to serve and service them EXACTLY like we do today with the same “advanced technology and psychological sciences” that they brought with them to the earth from Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and many other planets.  The same dark infinite souls from Lemuria and Atlantis incarnated mostly in the norther hemisphere of earth currently, trying to increase their resonance, compassion and forgiveness.

During the end days of Lemuria and Atlantis, the infinite souls choosing to remain in higher frequencies of 5D and beyond knew they needed to relocate into higher resonating realities.  Some soul essences chose to relocated into the oceans as whales and dolphins.  Some moved back to their original home worlds.  Some moved into the Hollow Earth and are called Agarthans.  Their communication is telepathic or melodies with flashes of images that blur into various pictures, tones or patterns that separate, blend and change.  You hear tones from trees, plants, bodies of water and rain drops.

5D reality and beyond is not so physical or isolated.

In the Hallow Earth, the Agarthans built more than a hundred crystal cities.  The capital of Agartha is Shamballa.  Petiti lies under the Amazon jungle, Catharia under the Aegean Sea and Mt. Shasta, under the Nevada desert.  At least one entranceway is near the North Pole and shows up on Google Earth photos.  The Hallow Earth, has a central sun with a diffuse glow.  The outer sun’s energies determine how the inner-core energies are dispersed.  There are mountains taller than Everest and oceans wider than the Pacific and rivers like the Nile, Mississippi, and Yangtze with wide-open sky and pure air.  The environment is manifested and maintained with the mass consciousness of the sentient, not so physical beings within the earth.  Most are shorter humanoids with a blue tint to the skin.

With the compassionate or lighter operating system on Gaia now, increasing numbers of Lemurian infinite souls have incarnated into a biology on earth to assist Gaia’s transmutation into the quantum field of give and receive only compassion.

Lemurians in the Pacific Ocean sank themselves and their island homes before Atlantis sank itself with nuclear weapons that also destroyed the firmament protecting the earth, making it safe to live on.  Currently 13 thousand years later, we are destroying the climate that made it safe for humans to live on the Earth.

Draconian’s believed they had a right to dominate in the Milky Way Galaxy.

During Lemuria and then Atlantis Draconian, reptilian souls resided in VARIOUS earth biology’s, called the “Sons of Biel” that became the “Dark Robes of Atlantis” and the attraction to their beliefs and intentions of force, control of a dictatorship which was responsible for the fall of Lemuria and then Atlantis.  The mass consciousness of the people entrained with the Draco’s thinking and behaviors just as the “entitled one’s” are currently behaving now.  They wanted, and now some still want, tyrants and bullies to protect, rescue and support them in venting their anger, blame and vengeance on everyone and anyone.

INSTEAD of owning responsibility for their lack of compassion for the self.