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Or generally refer to the 13 multigenerational bloodline families on/in earth that follow orders from “The Ciakar God,” from Draco that rule the Reptilian Illuminists here on earth through the COMMITTEE of 300, the second in command.  Carry out agendas  through their private institutions, companies and religions.  Creating and implementing or infiltrating all the various institutions, religions and leaders to do what they were told to do without question or thought.  

They are well educated, intelligent, active in their churches, businesses and the community organizations, VERY dysfunctional and exceedingly strange in their personal life.   All are sexually addicted and pedophiles as a result of their infinite soul’s multiple lifetimes of trauma based programming.  In trauma programming the physical sexual responses are all twisted up, used and abused by programmers, trainers and frequently the parent of their week old infant will start regular “anal raping” of their infant to hone the child’s skill at dissociation and keep them fearful and obedient.  

Older siblings also “train” younger siblings and relatives in all manner of sexual activity you can imagine.  All illuminist young children need to appear to want sex with any adult that pays for it, anyway the adult wants it.  Their children are well trained sex workers to make money for the “family” move drugs, used to blackmail people, transfer messages and used as “party favors.”  They are frequently controlled and operated by the older children.  There is no way to avoid playing the roles of predator, rapist, killer, trauma victim and stay alive in the generational Illuminist family

Hybrids 50% or more reptilian DNA conceive countless children to perpetuate their bloodline BUT only a few children are given the bloodline name.  Other children are hidden behind other names in other families and brought up by other parents.  Later if needed, they find themselves in positions of power, not knowing WHY.

The Dark Alliance put the Anunnaki Reptilians in charge of the earth, thirteen  thousand years ago and they remained in power until 1995.  In power and control of earth’s natural resources, financial systems, media, propaganda, religions, education, military and leaders in every field covertly.  The design is to keep humans fearful which makes them angry, angry people don’t think clearly or use much logic, they fall in line and follow the biggest loudest bully. 

World Wars, police actions, conflicts and revolutions are fomented and created by the Illuminists.  They increase the agitation, supply the weapons and lies.  They own and control the entertainment industry and our many complex social networks that distract and dissociate people making them docile and dependent on their government which, the Illuminists created to give the illusion of choice, direct and control.

The Illuminist planned third World War with China or Russia.  From 1996 to 2003 the entire planet was on the edge of complete domination or destruction.  Many of those in 3D wanting war were redirected into another 4D reality, the distraction of war games, works well with children and the unconscious and dissociated.

Excellent well-paid lawyers cover Illuminist tracks and criminal behaviors. 

People in the media are paid to delete or spread disinformation and lies. 

The medical establishment largely ignores PREVENTATIVE medicine and create disease outbreaks.  Earning money for the drug and other industries.  During hearings of the Church Committee in 1969 the Department of Defense had asked for ten million dollars to create new viruses to destroy the human immune system and got it.  The cover story was, if they could make a virus to cause cancers and leukemia it would help them to find a cure for those diseases.  The opioid crisis and covid epidemic are not being addressed in any helpful way.  The American diet is very toxic with selling us sugar and other processed foods lacking nutrition destroying our Microbiome’s ability to heal the self.  Therapists who work with Ritual Abuse Survivors are discredited.  Illuminists consider humans their property, chattel, slaves, cattle, something to serve them, amuse them, experiment with, to use or eat as they see fit.

The Department of Defense uses the same basic information the health field does to develop weapons to attack human health, use mind control, give heart attacks, control weather, create chemtrails, GMO food and the nanoparticles that enter and change DNA structure, cause electronic failures and create computer malfunctions.  These weapons are talked of in International Red Cross documents and other press reports.  A CBS – 60 Minutes broadcast on February 11, 1996 said ELF wave systems effects included disorientation and “flu-like symptoms.” 

The CIA’s illegal drug trade around the world funds the CIA’s covert projects.  The American authorities allow US Oil companies to ship chemicals, human trafficking, drugs and other illegal things brought ashore under the cover of oil operations.  This operation was exposed in the wake of the Iran-Contra Affair and gulf oil.  The CIA-drug connection began in the late 1950s and is still going strong.

Each family had an area to reign over and micromanage, which are pretty chaotic now with a lot of infighting and greed.  The families are: Rothschild, Bauer and Pindar, Bruce, Cavendish-Kennedy, De Medici, Hanover, Hapsburg, Plantagenet, Krupp, Rockefeller, Romanov, Sinclair, St. Clair, Warburg, Del Blanco, Windsor, Saxe, Cobourg, Goethe. 

NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY /Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) leads the U.S. Government in cryptology that encompasses both Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) and Information Assurance (IA) products and services, and enables Computer Network Operations (CNO) in order to gain a decision advantage for the Nation and our allies under all circumstances.  THEIR VISION STATEMENT is Global Cryptologic Dominance through Responsive Presence and Network Advantage and VALUES; we will protect national security interests by adhering to the highest standards of behavior.

NSA/CSS is also the liaison between the Greys and earth humans.  That department became a government unto them self like our Indian Nations and the NSA is exempt from the United States laws.  Now some members of the NSA are considered part of “The Grey Group Mind Complex” and Communication System.  BLACK MONKS are from the National Security Agency and been on the moon since the 1950s. The moon was a jumping off point to colonize Mars.

The first real economic hit man was Kermit Roosevelt Jr. in the early 1950s.  Kermit was the grandson of Teddy Roosevelt.  Kermit overthrew the democratically elected government of Iran with some bloodshed, but no military intervention, he just spent millions of dollars and replaced Mossadegh with the Shah of Iran.  Kermit Roosevelt was a CIA agent, a government employee and from a generational Illuminati family.  If he had been caught, it would be embarrassing for America.  So the decision was made going forward, to use organizations like the CIA Central Intelligence Agency and the N.S.A. National Security Agency to recruit future potential Economic Hit Men.

John Perkins says in his books, “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man,” that he was a highly paid professional to cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars and their natural resources.  He was initially recruited while in business school in the late sixties by the National Security Agency, and ultimately worked for private corporations. 

Economic Hit Men are sent to work for private consulting companies, engineering firms and construction companies, so that if they get caught, there will be no connection to the government.  Perkins job was to convince the political and financial leaders of underdeveloped countries to accept enormous development loans from institutions like the World Bank and USAID, saddling them with debts they could not hope to pay back.  Then those countries were forced to acquiesce to political pressure from the United States on a variety of issues.  Developing nations were effectively neutralized politically, their wealth gaps became wider and their economies were crippled in the long run.

Economic hit men are masters at funneling money from the World Bank, the US Agency for International Development (USAID), and other foreign “aid” organizations into the coffers of huge corporations and the pockets of the wealthy few families that control the earth’s natural resources.  They use fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex, blackmail and murder.  The goal is to convince leaders of underdeveloped countries to accept substantially large development loans for large construction and engineering projects to benefit the richest families and local elites. They make sure these projects are contracted to U.S. companies.  The loans give the United States political influence and access to their natural resources for use and abuse by US companies.

Trickle-down economics is a theory (lie) that says benefiting the wealthy will trickle down to everyone else.  The benefits are usually tax cuts on businesses, high-income earners, capital gains and dividends.  In reality only a very small portion of the population benefits at the expense of the rest of the population and increase income inequality.  Large US companies exploit cheap labor and oil companies destroy local environments and the “economic hit man” is used to speed up facilitating that process. 

CORPORATOCRACY is a term used to refer to an economic and political system controlled by corporations or corporate interests, as opposed to the people’s interests.  Corporations with an unlimited access to wealth have managed to gain political power and therefore, can change laws to benefit them.  Influencing government through campaign funding, lobbying, and regulatory agencies.  While governed and corporations retain their own distinct legal structures and managements, the government’s goals and interests are aligned with the corporation’s bottom line.  America’s large corporations have acquired, “Bought” the congress and governmental leaders.

The City of London is the center of global finance and is in charge of all hidden finances. The Bank of England controls the world’s stock and commodities markets, coordinates tax avoidance schemes for major corporations, and creates money for the Illuminist bloodline families.  Illuminists CREATE inflation and the 1929 Wall Street stock market crash starting the great depression and the economic global recession of late 1900s. They did the same to the housing market to create the crash of 2008. In 1921 there were 31,076 banks in the US The Illuminati decided it was time to reap their harvest.  The Federal Reserve announced new regulations that they KNEW smaller banks couldn’t meet forcing 16,000 banks to fail in 11 years destroying competition and increasing their assets and hold on all banking. 

Franklin D Roosevelt, an Illuminist, announced his New Deal to lift the US out of the depression creating enormous government and individual debt again.

The Military Mandate to the Military Intelligence Agency (MIA), in Washington DC is to instigate or stir up continual conflicts and wars globally.  Artificial or real conflicts are intended to generate buying, selling and future business opportunities for those owning international corporations.

KOREA and VIETNAM Civil Wars were instigated by the European elite to reduce the world’s population and make money.  The United States Government defined these conflicts as “Police Actions” because we were never supposed to win and had no business getting involved!

WWI was the biggest “Brotherhood” project so far, led by the Rothschild and Rockefeller.  WWII President Franklin D Roosevelt knew at least 48 hours before the attack on Pearl Harbor and did nothing to warn the American public.  Illuminists wanted public outraged so they would agree to spend money to enter the war in Europe. 

Communist dictator Joseph Stalin, and his underlings and successors murdered millions of their own people in this “WORKERS paradise.” 

Germany’s “master race” was one more phase of the illuminists improving their “slave population” or fine tuning their Trans-humans.

The Federal reserve Bank is privately owned by Illuminati members and has never been audited since the day it was formed.  Money is moved and counted with bookkeeping entries only, because the funds have nothing backing them.  This Act established the most gigantic TRUST on earth and a Central Bank.

INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE / IRS is NOT a Government Agency.  Alphabet Agencies like CIA and DOT are agencies of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) that is an agency of the United Nations.  Social Security Numbers or SSN is issued by the UN via IMF and not by the Social Security Administration.  There are no judicial courts or judges overseeing laws, only Executive Administrators enforcing Statutes and Codes. 

USA is a private corporation and all crimes are commercial.  Read the Deed to your property, you are listed as a Tenant.  America is a British Colony.  The Vatican owns Britain.  The Pope can abolish any law in the USA.  The duty of the police is not to protect you, it is to protect Corporations.  The SS/SSI check comes directly from the IMF an Agency of the UN.

INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND or IMF was devised in 1944 an agency of the United Nations stabilizing unstable exchange rates to prevent a monetary crisis in any country, which became made up of 185 countries to oversee global financial health and provide assistance when needed to its members.  Today, the goal of the IMF is to control all money and countries globally.

INVENTIONS of FREE ENERGY technology have always been suppressed.  In 1946 John Searl at fourteen years of age was jailed for using his own FREE electricity.  He built his Searl Effect Generator from childhood dreams, based on a magnetic device that generated usable electricity.  While Searl was in prison the authorities burned all his papers and notes.  He was also working on a flying craft with the same power system that could out perform today’s conventional air and spacecraft.  Free energy inventors are refused patents.  The “Military Use Refuse” law can prevent them from publishing their findings or promoting their technology.

ILLUMINATI GIANT TRADING BLOCKS were created to destroy a country’s ability to make its own economic decisions, act and function as an independent unit.  The game plan is to create conflict across the world on all levels to undermine the freedom and economy each individual country has and controls.  To DESTROY what confidence, creativity and compassion the people in each country have.

The GATT Agreement opens more borders to FREE world trade, the European Community and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is in Europe to have one currency and one European Central Bank gives them one center to control. 

  When a politician opposes the loss of national sovereignty they are suddenly discredited, have their power, money and resources removed or there is an accident.

Project 2025 is a historic movement, brought together by over 100 respected Illuminati organizations.  THAT MEAN YOU NO GOOD just like The first real economic hit man Kermit Roosevelt Jr. in the early 1950s was.  The government has never been for the people, how can you return the government to the people.  Black is white and up is down.  The New world order or Emerald City of Oz is one of UNITY and MULTIPLICITY.  Illuminists love the Illusion and confusion of opposites.  Unity in their reality is a forced obligation and duty or you will suffer.  Multiplicity is the unity of your obedience without question.  The government of the people is you behaving like a good obedient and efficient slave as one unit.  Project 2025 is word salad of Illusion and confusion of opposites saying nothing constructive or compassionate.