Dissociative identity disorder (DID), Valence, fugue state or Alternate Personality and their splits, which is a slice or piece of personality that is conscious, co-conscious and/or unconsciously assuming another whole or partial identity to avoid dealing with an unpleasant thought, feeling or sensation. A short or long change in identity is triggered by a similar stressor experienced previously at the start of the original trauma in this and generally a previous incarnation(s) the soul experienced.
Psychologist also use terms as PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Multiple Personality Disorder, BPD Borderline Personality Disorder, Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and Free Floating Anxiety. Those with identity insecurity when given traditional psychological tests frequently show up as schizophrenic or schizoid.
These distinct personality states, or “alters”or splits within one individual’s consciousness, they may also have gaps in their memory, especially about everyday events, personal information and / or other traumatic events. Some feel possessed or tormented by another identity, which is frequently a rejected aspect of themself. Those with identity insecurity may have trance-like behavior, eye blinking, eye-rolling, and changes in posture or hear voices inside or outside of them. Feel detached from reality, emotions and / or their sense of self. They may even feel or act like an animal or object, along with carrying their own identity and / or multiple identities. A person can move back and forth in and out of their core personality into any other adopted identity they fell safer with.
Adopted identities are used when one has lost confidence in themself, for example when victimized, they choose to take on the identity of their predator and drama to feel safer and create the illusion for themself that they are in control of their fear(s) and experiences.
The abused and traumatized child often becomes an abusive adult or parent to create the illusion of safety for themself from being the victim again. They disassociate and move into the role of victimizer instead of victim. Changing their point of perception, but not the frequency of their consciousness. Creating an illusion, pretty picture or fantasy for themself to deny the truth. Like the small young powerless, especially male child, thinking it’s THEIR fault that the adult used them as a sexual toy. The child’s illusion renders, themself UNABLE to heal their trauma because the illusion they created for themself was NOT true. They were the victim NOT the predator.
When you are a generational Illuminist, as an older child and adult you are forced to traumatize “train” the smaller younger children and relatives in your family and group, in the same manner you were violently trained. All the children are forced, trained and tricked into the roles of predator, rapist, killer and trauma victim to stay alive in the generational Illuminist family or die. That is the way of it!
Lewis Caroll,wrote Alice in wonderland and other books, Lyman Frank Baum wrote the OZ books and Walt Disney were all generational Illuminati that practiced black magic. Their words, phrases, songs, nursery rhymes, fairytales in children’s books movies and images, especially the ones Disney created. Were created for, used and read to children too young to read, over and over to INSTALL alternate personalities for them to memorize and act out with slightly TWISTED roles they were to play when triggered by the codes installed in the child’s system to shift their consciousness into another personality and / or program.
Triggers like “Walk a mile in my shoes” “You’re just like your mother” or father or sister or the devil. Generally valence shifting is unconscious, but now our higher selves are making them conscious for us, if and when we ASK! Staying conscious when being triggered allows you to control and choose what you want to think and do!
BOUNCERS, DISRUPTORS and / or FLOODING operate like a cattle-prod to REDIRECT the cattle’s attention, create anxiety, confusion and fear that they are doing the wrong thing and will get severely punished. Flooding is a rapid flow of thoughts, images or sensations of the times you were in extreme pain, trauma or overwhelm that “the family” created for you to experience. These thoughts or trauma images are put into your awareness so rapidly, it’s impossible to focus, think clearly or feel safe.
Bouncers, disrupters and flooding disrupt one from putting cause and effect together, from factchecking and being rational. Your habitual, conditioned responses or robotic reaction is stored in the SNS, sympathetic nervous systems and your inter-dimensional DNA or aura that is “on duty” INSTEAD of rational logical thinking and acting. Some bouncers are “Get out!” “I Can’t stay here!”
Triggers, move your consciousness into PAST trauma, training or programs. Triggers can be many things, a sound, smell, word, picture, feeling or taste that is similar to what was experienced in the past trauma or violence to your self concept. Wizard of Oz themes and triggers were / are used also in the Illuminist MONARCH Programming and “training” or the Nazi Marionette Programming. Many popular movies, cartoons, jingles and songs have triggers in them. Some noises or car noises are a CUE to be fearful and know you are being watched. A hick-up can be a cue for you to go into confusion. Tiger is a trigger to go mentally foggy, into a state of hypnosis and act like a robot. More personalized triggers are developed in dysfunctional families, clans or cults.
INTEGRATING the parts and pieces of your consciousness and bringing them ALL UP to PRESENT time, is easier now with the elevated frequencies on Gaia the human and its higher selves can choose to gather all the alternate personalities and splits to let them know the from now on the human is going to consciously experience all of its feelings and cope with all that needs handling in life by staying conscious and choosing compassion for the self.
The human can express gratitude for all its alternate personalities and splits in consciousness that have helped and supported them in their fears and dissociation.
Allow the alternate personalities and splits to decide if they trust the human enough now to reintegrate back into the core personality. If and when they say yes, invite them to do that now. If some of the alters or splits refuse ask if they would like a portal of greater light opened for them. If they say yes, do that.
A sidebar: “The Family’s” tried and true methods for getting slaves “jumped solidly BACK into the fold” is to make them AFRAID, very afraid that they are just too pathetic, unskilled, uneducated and all around failures and too scared to survive on their own. They are STRONGLY reminded that they need “The Family’s” backup financially and telling them what to do and how to do it, while always giving the slave the illusion of having freewill to do as they wish. Which is never true once they consciously chose to join the family, frequently in a past incarnation! The slave, like most victims of violence and abuse, go back to their predator for protection, guidance and comfort, sacrificing themself once again.
Illuminist children, all cult children and children of dysfunctional adults are NOT allowed to go through NORMAL childhood developmental stages of learning to be independent, self sufficient and use healthy coping mechanisms when stressed. They are trained to always blame the self and distract the self with their own body, frequently abusively. Any cult is very difficult and challenging to leave without a lot of compassion nurturing, support and understanding from the self and other Light Ones.
The soul and human are vibrational matches in their cognitive functioning.
Sometimes the human carries more compassion/light than its soul does, at times the soul has more compassion/light than its human does. Fragments of memories and emotions float into the person’s awareness and they react as if it’s happening currently, and in the middle of their reaction a bouncer will move them into another fragment of memory or sensation. There are no stories or events in their thoughts with a beginning, middle and end, only fragments being played out without any continuity logic or reason. Ask your higher self for a Youtube of the entire incident.