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  Our Infinite souls have continuously created hundreds of thousands of genetic blends throughout the Galaxy with the physical bodies found on each planet.

Astral body’s are fourth dimensional so they can shape-shift consciously by mentally and emotionally taking on the characteristics and looks of what they want to appear like and are able to match the resonance of. 

  Fifth dimensional frequency and beyond, the higher selves of our stream of consciousness has lightbody’s and therefore have access to higher expressions of the self, the multidimensional DNA and advanced galactic concepts and information.  You use your heart, compassion and wisdom to commune with your multidimensional selves to project an image outward, so it appears you have another separate body.  Whatever reality you are experiencing in higher frequencies you decide the way you want to appear.  You control and project that holographic image.

Consider one of the first things any child does, they explore and experiment with their own biology to see what it is and what it can do.  This curiosity never ends, but the INTENTION is what makes it compassionate wisdom, on to the other extreme having total disregard for how and what a sentient body senses, expresses, suffers or feels.

Only 2% of Reptilians have infinite souls.  

The soulless Reptilians mated with human females in hope their genetic blend or hybrid baby would have a soul, but that didn’t happen unless it was with a reptilian with a soul.  Noted in the Bible Genesis 6:4. The Nephilim (Reptilians from Draco) the product of the sons of god, mingling with the daughters of men and bore children to them.  The Old Testament and The Torah, the compilation of the first five books of the Hebrew bible made Jehovah a vengeful god, just like the ancestral bloodline of the Illuminists god is.  All the children they had and controlled or had access to are raised and tormented with trauma-based programming, brought directly from Draco.  

Almost a third of the world population here on Earth were raised with trauma-based programming.  Few have any memory of these continuous traumas called “training” because they are trained to dissociate and change their focus to forget the abused UNTIL you “fail to toe the line,” then their flood programs will get triggered.

FLOOD programming is used to keep the slave in a continual state of anxiety and fear of more punishment, IF they remember something consciously that happened to them and try to share that information with someone that is “unauthorized to know” that information.  Unauthorized persons, can be internal alters, within the slaves system or external ones like a therapist or friend.

Even THINKING about sharing “their Illuminist secrets,” there is a group of alters and fragments in the delta brainwave state that hold highly traumatic memories of their personal abuses, which will be triggered to be released as a flood, in wave after wave of the slave’s previous mental, physical and emotional torture and traumas, which easily happen again and again.  The delta brainwave state is the state the slave was in when traumatized, that’s the state of dreamless sleep, coma or the planetary state.

To deal with or heal flood programming try to SLOW the memories down by reasoning with the internal controllers or alters within the delta brainwave state as they are the ones that create the flooding.  Offer to open a portal of greater compassion and comfort for them to enter.

Alpha Reptilians, Dracos, Lemurians and Atlanians created the Grey soulless AI’s artificial intelligence aliens, that are WORKERS for whatever group that purchases them.  Like the Zeta Reticuli I and II, and Sirius A groups did. 

Those at the top of the illuminati pyramid, the COMMITTEE of 300, and second in command on earth are HYBRIDS having 50% or more reptilian DNA and in 4D it is easy for them to switch or shape-shift back and forth from human to reptilian, when we see it, this is a 4D event, not 3D.  The edge the 2% of Reptilians with infinite souls had over humans was their memory of their ancient secret knowledge and their vast network of dissociated obedient and efficient human slave populations.  

The scientists, during Atlantis, 20,000 to 25,000 years ago wanted and created powerful creatures, capable of extremely heavy labor, to work in mines, farms and forests.  The scientists genetically blended human and ape DNA and these creatures have continued to reproduce into present day on their own.  Now they are called Sasquatch, Yeti, Bigfoot and the Abominable Snowman depending on what part of the world they have made their home.  Less than 1,000 are still alive.  Life expectancy is 80 to 90 years.  Less than 25% of the females can reproduce now and in a few centuries they will all be gone.

They live in caves, on remote mountains, deep forests and swamplands.  They evolved thick hair and thick, oily skins to allow them to live in extreme climates and are taller than the average human.  They are nocturnal beings and can travel 300 miles a day on foot and live in well-lit underground housing.  Their sleep cycle is 30 to 35 hours of sleep for every ten to twelve hours awake.  They have great strength and natural animal survival skills.  They live in small groups and nurture their young.  

They are not aggressive.  There are no alpha males.  When their space is invaded they will attempt to frighten an intruder but won’t attack them.  They are not red-meat carnivores and subsist by eating plants, roots and flowers, some bark, insects, grubs, and some fish.  They can’t change their consciousness or biology into a higher dimension or become invisible, but they do excel at camouflaging themselves and move fast.  They are very cautious, realizing that some humans are not very nice. 

Sasquatch sense of smell is superior to the bear.  They smell humans 20 miles away.  Their ability to perceive sound and vibration is well beyond any other land mammal.  They sense humans by telepathically picking up their state of consciousness as far away as 1.242 miles or two kilometers away.  Their enhanced telepathy of sound and thought is similar to the sonar of dolphins.

Sasquatch, dolphins and many other animal species on earth have Sirian DNA, from Sirius, genetic code and binary systems.  Dolphins have individual infinite soul essences that express a wide variety of emotion including joy.  Sasquatch cannot express a wide range of emotion, it has been cloned out of them.  Unlike the dolphin, the Sasquatch is trapped between having a group mass consciousness combined with instinctual thought patterns similar to an animal’s, with some individual awareness. 

  They cautiously watch humans and desire to interact, but are wise enough to know it is too risky.  They have been known to help people in distress, cars caught in mud, children that are lost, animals that are injured, etc.  Sasquatch create infrasound to affect their environment and to help people relax before they make their presence known.  They can read, write and project their voice.

The Yeti is the most physically powerful and intelligent of these creatures.  They are found in the Himalayas.  Sasquatch or Bigfoot are found in the Pacific North-west and Siberia.  Skunk or Swamp Apes have different primate DNA and live in the swamplands of southern United States.  They are smaller and less intelligent.

There were and are test-tube humans being lobotomized to be robotic slaves and servants.  They can be controlled remotely electronically, drugs are used to regulate their hormones, and electroshock is used to direct their behavior.

WOLF Creatures, ANUBIS is half human and half wolf DNA.  In Atlantis they believed the WOLF was the height of MALENESS in a mammalian.  These creatures were created to guard the Atlantean scientific temples, Illuminists do not share their information.  The Anubis were also used in sexual magic rituals that resulted in many pregnancies.  The Anubis with more wolf DNA than human DNA, can shape shift into werewolves in the fourth dimension.

After the destruction of Atlantis the wolf creatures, half human and half wolf DNA, were written about on Egyptian papyrus from the Roman period (30–380 AD) and were called Anubis, the “son of Isis.”  In the Ptolemaic period (350–30 BC), when Egypt became a Hellenistic kingdom ruled by Greek pharaohs, Anubis was merged with the Greek god Hermes, becoming Hermanubis.   Anapa is a word that coincides with a word meaning “royal child, prince.”   ANUBIS the Egyptian god associated with mummification and the afterlife, led the dead to the underworld.  Often depicted as a man with the head of a jackal.  ANUBIS Romulus and Remus, on April 21, 753 B.C., founded Rome on the site where the twin orphaned infants were suckled by a she-wolf that raised them.  Later Romulus was incensed at Remus killing him.  The Romans declared Romulus a god. 

AMAZONS are a serpent cult or “Wolf Tribe” of female warriors that acted aggressively strong and fearless like dominate males.  Amazons were nomadic and dominated by older women, priestess queens.  They would mate during two-months of the year to get pregnant.  Their progeny included the Germanic bloodlines that became the Sicambri Franks and Merovingians.  

The Amazon women performed sacrifices, caught the blood in sacred cauldrons, cast spells for victory and went with the men into battle.  The major location of the Amazons and their interbreeding was with the Nordic reptilian bloodline in the Caucasus Mountain Range in southern Russia.  Specifically mentioned as the city of Themiskyra on the Black Sea.  Libya and the whole of North Africa, except for Egypt was another of Amazon settlement.  South America was named after these women when a Portuguese explorer in the 16th century found women fighting there.

Amazons were the witches in “Shakespeare’s” Macbeth.  In Celtic Viking legends the cauldron is associated with the underground world and has been symbolically connected to the womb of the death-goddess.  The children of the bloodlines come out of the cauldron of the women who carry royal blood, a Pagan Hag or earth-priestess, with reptilian Illuminati DNA that can shape shift in 4D consciousness.

The BLUE MOON UNIT in the National Security Agency has bases and alien technology information.  Blue Moon on earth is underneath Kirkland Air Force base in New Mexico.  The entrance to this base is in Manzano Mountain and the private Department of Energy (DOE) technological base.  The building of free energy devices for use in space is ongoing.  Under the Blue Moon Unit there is a group called Alpha One that gather materials and make sure humanity remains ignorant.  Alpha Two controls and manipulates their forces or personnel.

Dulce US Military Base was one of the secret underground facilities under Dulce Mountain in Dulce, New Mexico housing and creating genetic blends until stoped April 11, 2012 when the Galactic Federation destroyed the Illuminati’s escape underground areas and released the captives they were experimenting on and with.

Transhumanism is the Illuminists philosophical and scientific movement that advocates technology to improve the human condition and enhance human capabilities. Transhumanists believe that technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), genetic engineering, cryonics, and nanotechnology can enhance the human biology.  Nazi’s “superior race” is part of Transhumanism.

Ask your higher self if you have done any genetic blending.

What experiences have you had as a genetic blend.