LYMAN FRANK BAUM, 1856 -1919 was an American author best known for his books about child fantasy. Baum himself when asked whether his stories had hidden meanings? He replied that they were written to “please children.”
L. Frank Baum was raised in a strict Methodist family, that is the cover story. Frank is from a generational Illuminati family as is Walt Disney and both were grand master masons. The Illuminists use media stories, books and film to prepare their slave population mentally and emotionally for the direction the Illuminists are moving their slave population in and are preparing them for each new step and JOB along the way.
Lyman Frank Baum was a wizard of black magic, a member of the Theosophical Society and he created The Wizard of Oz series of books as a theosophical fairy tale incorporating the “ancient wisdom” and programming of the Mystery Religions, secret religious cults in the Greco-Roman world requiring initiation to join.
The Wizard of Oz movie was made in 1939. The Wizard of Oz themes triggers and focus changers were used in many CIA mind control programs like MK-Ultra, which was the code name for one of the many experiments on human subjects without their knowledge or consent. Wizard of Oz themes and triggers were / are used also in the Illuminist MONARCH Programming and “training” or the Nazi Marionette Programming and training given to generational Illuminati slaves, Male and Female.
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and its 14 novel sequels in the Oz series and 41 other novels, 83 short stories, over 200 poems, and 42 scripts. His works anticipated (prepared humans to accept) future events thrust on them. Things like television, virtual reality and laptop computers in The Master Key and females in high-risk action jobs. Cell phones in Tik-Tok of Oz. Mary Louise in the Country and advertising for clothing in Aunt Jane’s Nieces at work. “Oz” stands for ounces of gold, the yellow brick road is the bars of gold. MINION movies, a fictional species from the Despicable Me franchise and a word used to describe someone who is obedient to another. One that means you, “no good.”
Oz is the con man, representing Lucifer the deceiver that says, he has “no good in him.” Lucifer or Satan and their back-story created by humans for humans and isn’t true or possible or logical in the quantum field of compassion. The concept of Lucifer is “conflict in the mind of a third dimensional god” which is only a human issue, in the reality of the dark bandwidth of 3D/4D and lower brainwave states. Humans put skin, wings, and created names and a hierarchy for angels, which is not truth outside of 3D/4D matrix or illusion.
Higher frequencies and consciousness are not in doubt or conflict about what is compassionate, all are equal and each is responsible for the self. No worshiping or begging or “sucking up” or making a deal!
Lucifer or Satan uses deception, magic and grand Illusion to trick, lead and USE the “good people” of Oz and now we are using the word “freedom” which we never had and they have no intention to gifting it to us. The illuminists consider humans to be SIMPLE, sheep-like and slaves. The sheeple of Oz and many humans, have consciously CHOSEN to allow others to do their THINKING and FEELING for them, which is why we have the current president. They REFUSE to think or be responsible for themselves just like the ones I call “confused innocents in denial” which operate under the delusion that they are avoiding culpability for their lack of integrity, ethics and responsibility for the self they operate with. Allowing another or the illuminists to do their thinking and acting makes them, AI’s Artificial Intelligence, robots, Marionettes.
L. Frank Baum’s books are set in The LAND of OZ. The land and its characters presented are to condition people to accept the New World Order and the New World Religion, Project 2025 so you will know how to act under their control. Always, well in advance Illuminists prepare the sheeple for the changes coming and how they should act about them. Training the minions on how their front alternate personalities or alter, should behave and act socially.
Talk like you are a Christian and act like a Satanist. Up is down, white is black.
The New world order or Project 2025 or Emerald City is one of UNITY and MULTIPLICITY. Illuminists operate with illusion and confusion of opposites creating nothing logical or constructive to work with. It’s nonsense that says nothing. Their unity is do things their way or there will be GREATER suffering. Multiplicity is obedience without question. Unity is not diversity or multiplicity in their reality.
The Straw Man represents a person regarded as having no substance or integrity. An intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent’s real argument or the truth. A Birth Certificate is given to the straw-man or new Artificial Intelligence creations get a number. A fiction has no breath or brain its an illusion delusion and distraction. The field of poppies (drugs) doesn’t affect AI’s.
The Tin Man or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) TIN, Man works mindlessly and does what its was told until his body literally freezes up. No compassion, emotion or awareness or responsibility for the self and what it does.
The Cowardly Lion was too frightened to stand in his truth. A bully and a big mouth, the victimized child feeling entitled to be the predator or confused innocent in denial. His medal of “official” recognition legally allowed him to be a tyrant.
Toto the dog means in total, the dog stayed conscious and stood in its truth exposing the scams, illusions and delusions.
The MAP of the country in the Wizard of Oz books, is a square divided in four parts or quadrants, corner to corner making four triangles, and in the center, is the Emerald City. This is also the design of the current Government Programming in the human brain, for their human slaves that carry messages between the governmental Illuminists of the world.
Oz consists of four vast quadrants, the Gillikin Country in the North, Quadling Country in the South, Munchkin Country in the East, and Winkie Country in the West. Oz is entirely cut off from the rest of the world and surrounded on all four sides by a vast impassible desert, north, Shifting Sands east, Great Sandy Waste Lands south and deadly Desert west. This insulates the citizens of Oz known as “Ozians” safe from discovery, invasion, new information and the truth, being fearful and unconscious makes for easy manipulation, control and force.
Same concept followed in the in the Hunger Games books and movies, each of the districts are cut off and isolated from each other and rewarded for their obedient efficiency and are endlessly distracted from conscious freedom with games of survival of the physical biology to avoid sensing higher frequencies that are compassionate, responsible for the self and treat each others as equals. When compassionate with each other, they got punished for it.
EMERALD CITY LIBRARY of OZ consists of the Generational Family Illuminists history, especially the genetic history. Some alters in the illuminati system are “trained” with photographic memories to store pages and pages of information including the codes of the their entire system. The human slave’s alternate personalities that hold the library’s contents also contain the historical genealogies of their infinite soul’s DNA from early ancient times before Draco and Orion incarnations into the present.
Illuminists don’t trust any of the forms of communication the sheeple use. The human messenger is triggered to take the message, triggered by the receiver, to give the message and the receiver triggers them to forget the massage and or takes an answer to another. Then triggered to forget all of it. Electroshocked used as a focus changer and then a coke and fries from McDonalds.
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland published in 1865 and Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There, published in 1871 written by Lewis Caroll an Illuminist. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, published in 1900 by Lyman Frank Baum. All books along with Walt Disney cartoons and books, WERE created to “train” and actually program young children not able to read yet. Trained with trauma based programming. Something ALL generational Illuminati children are forced into, which grow up to be our world leaders in every significant area of human life.
Lewis Caroll, Lyman Frank Baum and Walt Disney were generational Illuminati that practiced black magic. These books, fairytales and nursery rhymes were created, used and read to the young child over and over to INSTALL alternate personalities and to memorize their roles, slightly TWISTED, codes and triggers placed in the child’s system before they could read or think for themselves.
Alice in Wonderland Programming, the books mapped out the child’s System. The parts, names, roles and quotes are the same as the characters in the books which deliver these codes, triggers and programs.
The Alice in Wonderland technique was designed to reinforce chaos. Two or more programmers worked together in relays, to thoroughly jumble up the timing and situations of each other. For the child to make sense of the chaos, they try to recreate what WAS known previously, before being forced into contradiction’s and doublespeak. The programmers thwart the child’s attempts to do so, driving the child even deeper into confusion until they stop thinking and just listen to and follow commands, codes and triggers to know what to do next given by the white rabbit. The child has lost confidence in their ability to think clearly or know what is true.
Through the Looking-Glass describes Alice’s further adventures as she moves through a mirror into another unreal world of illogical behavior, dominated with chess pieces and chessboards. The Queen of Hearts gives commands and uses codes for the Looking Glass World. Looking glass alters carry out commands in a way that reality is considered a chaotic dream.
The WHITE RABBIT is a major alternate personality in the Illuminati system used to create chaos, confusion and misdirection for anyone “inside or outside” of the slaves programming. Chaos, confusion and misdirection encourages layers of denials and coverups, especially for a therapist, the slave or anyone trying to break into the codes to learn secret messages, triggers or codes.
The White Rabbit is the programed figure that programs and triggers other alters, within the child and adult’s system. Alice is triggered by the White Rabbit to run conflicting programs always redirecting her in illogical directions overwhelming her.
Amnesia programming gives alter(s) amnesia as a backup when they loose time and memory. And they won’t remember that they don’t remember. This is an example of hypnosis used internally by the programmer AND the internal programmed parts like the White Rabbit, used to control other parts inside. Triads of alters frequently function together. Systems built upon triads are extremely strong and unbreakable, often programmed in threes: three backups, three system controllers, etc.
Amnesia programs are used in Alice in Wonderland, Alice falling down a tree. In Oz in the Poppy field. Glenda the Good witch with her wand. Two-way amnesia can be used, where neither part knows about the other’s existence.
The Illuminists have made a detailed science of how to make human AI’s perform without any conscious thought, choice or memory. These alters, are so well TRAINED, fearful, confused and dissociated that they complete tasks obediently and efficiently without thought or CONSCIOUS memory of what they do.
NURSERY RHYME Programming imaginary worlds are for many of the deeper alternate personalities to live in. And if your soul essence was an illuminist in previous lifetimes your training and programming goes on between incarnations into your current one. These worlds are illusional nonsense and so distorted, the core personality finds it difficult or impossible to separate truth from fiction. The slave just submits to the nuttiness and total lack of clarity that the human tries to function in. You can see this dysfunction played out in some of the wealthy, famous, politicians, leaders, royalty and the one living next door to you.
Nursery rhymes, commercials, holidays, anniversaries, Ads, actions on specific dates currently and in the future have been installed in the slave’s systems! Can and do trigger ACTION in sleeper alters. This is why unpleasant things seem to suddenly happen in society without any seaming rhyme or reason. A “sleeper” is an alter working covertly when triggered, within the alternate personality system. Like a random shooting or setting a fire.
A Tisket A Tasket, A green and yellow basket, I send a letter to my mommy. On the way I dropped or lost it. And Baa, Baa, Black Sheep, Have you any wool? Yes, sir, yes, sir. Three bags full. One for the master. And one for the dame, One for the little boy. Who lives down the lane.
The above are used for drug money or drug carrying scripts or money laundering scripts. Scripts can be a written series of instructions. Financial scrips come in many different forms, primarily as a form of credit, with the document acknowledging the debt.
Bye, Baby Bunting. Father’s gone a-hunting, Mother’s gone a-milking, Sister’s gone a-silking, Brother’s gone to buy a skin To wrap the baby Bunting in.
Is used in near death and resurrection rituals and are about the Phoenix rising. The symbol of death and rebirth into the Illuminati’s New World Order and Satanism. This brutal ritual is done to two and three year olds.
Diddle, Diddle Dumpling, Went to bed with his britches on. One shoe off, and one shoe on; Diddle, diddle dumpling, my son John. Hickory Dickery Dock The mouse went up the clock. The clock struck one. The mouse went down. Hickory dickory dock Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock. Ding, Dong Bell, Pussy’s in the well. Who put her in? Little Johnny Green. Who pulled her out? Little Tommy Stout. What a naughty boy was that, To try to drown poor pussy cat, Who ne’er did him any harm, But killed all the mice in the farmer’s barn
Dr. Josef Mengele, In 1943, was appointed by SS Heinrich Himmler as chief doctor of the Auschwitz death camps in Poland. Mengele was known as the “Angel of Death,” the infamous Nazi doctor who performed nasty medical experiments at the Auschwitz death camps and used these three nursery rhymes to send the message: don’t disturb the mouse that runs the internal clocks, which triggered internal alters.
Fa Fe Fi Fo Fum; I smell the blood of an Englishman. Be he alive or be he dead, I’ll grind his bones to make my bread. This is about NOT moving within the system and a death threat if you do.
Nursery rhymes are steeped in images and words conveying moral issues or political messages. Old Mother Hubbard, Went to the Cupboard. To give the poor dog a bone: When she came there, The cupboard was bare. Was first printed in 1805, and is about poverty OR allegedly refers to Cardinal Thomas Wolsey and his unsuccessful attempt to get an annulment for King Henry VIII a divorce Queen Catherine of Argon. Old Mother Hubbard is Cardinal Wolsey. The cupboard is the Catholic Church.
Ring a Ring o’ Roses. A pocket full of posies, A-tishoo! A-tishoo! We all fall down. Existed in 1790s. The ring of roses was a circular red body rash, the posies contained herbs to cover the smells and or prevent infection. “Atishoo” was the violent sneezing and “all fall down” was a reference to death. These were all symptoms of the Great Plague, or Black Death killing more than half London’s population in 1665. The Black Death was the second disaster affecting Europe during the Late Middle Ages (the first one being the Great Famine of 1315–1317) and is estimated to have killed 30% to 60% of Europe’s population.
All Illuminati children through to their adulthood, have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD and Dissociative Identity Disorder, DID or MPD and when tested psychologically show up as schizophrenic or schizoid. The child is trained to never THINK for themselves and to trust no one. The Illuminati alter system is coded with 13 different colors, when their training started they were unable to read but knew their colors. The conscious choice to join the illuminati and the perks they “baited one with,” and switched on you. Happened when you were a conscious adult in another reality you probably do not remember. When you incarnated into this reality, you did it as a fetus, already entrained with the matching resonance you carried and your parents or caretakers carried.
Ask your higher self if you have ever joined the Illuminati.
When you consciously joined.
How many lifetimes were you a member.