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CREATING Your Misery

During one of a soul’s many incarnations it chose to reject and deny ownership of an aspect or characteristic it had.  That aspect got separated out from the soul’s core personality becoming a separate bit of energy rejected and denied it existed by the soul’s consciousness.  But everyone else saw and knew it existed, because they felt and experienced its ongoing anger, judgmental, jealous and nastiness.

Once in a while the core personality would notice the depth of the rejected aspect’s nastiness and be horrified!  Still in denial, avoidance or distraction, the core personality believed it was someone else or an evil spirit was tormenting her and she didn’t know why or how to stop it. 

As long as she denies ownership, she never will be able to control it.  

Continued denial, avoidance and/or distraction of a fear or hate generally increases its growth and intensity to get the core personality or someone to notice and address it and comfort it with acceptance and compassion.

Anger, upset or wounded reactions will short circuit YOUR compassion and acceptance of you, for you, lowering YOUR resonance to match those that continue to reside in drama, denial and their illusion of victimhood.  Feeling not worthy of owning or acceptance and compassion.  

That is how to create your own misery, negative sensations, depression, anger and vengeance.  AND then conclude that YOU are justified in tormenting those that  rejected you and/or never rescued you from that aspect of you that YOU rejected.

YOU are a whole with a great many parts.  

All the parts need acceptance and compassion.

Honesty and integrity are both qualities that describe a person’s character and actions, and are often associated with you being trustworthy and reliable.  Honesty is being truthful and transparent in words and actions, and refusing to lie, steal, or deceive.  Integrity is having strong moral principles, being honest and fair, trustworthy and incorruptible.  People with integrity own up to their mistakes and try to correct and learn from them. 

It is not possible for another to convince you that you ARE or need to be honest, have integrity and deserve compassion and kindness.  ONLY you truly know if you are honest and operate with integrity.  When you have judged you unworthy of these characteristics, you are the one that withholds compassion and kindness from you.  When another offers compassion and kindness you won’t accept it and IN FACT, you will reject it!  Or you demand proof of how they feel and you won’t accept that either.

Compassion and kindness needs to come from you to you, first!

When interacting with one devoid of compassion for the self all you can do is allow their lies and self deceptions, because that is their concept of safety and security.  Their self hate and/or grandiosity, their unrealistic sense of superiority, uniqueness, or invulnerability allows them to keep functioning.  Self haters listen to and follow other self haters, parroting each other’s irrational thoughts and behaviors.

Silently know the truth and act on it compassionately for you.  Focus on how you can please you and allow them their path without you.  Rapidly spinning quanta entering our atmosphere now are creating wakefulness, illuminating our wounds, self deceptions and what is not aligned with compassion.

Quantum or Universal Principle of SILENCE is to BE aware and fully present, know and allow in silence and nonresistance, especially in your thoughts and feelings. 

The scared one with low self esteem, fear and self hate, has created a reality and delusion they feel protected in and safe.  They fall for the SELF deception that blaming and punishing “others” will magically make it better for them.  The past has demonstrated over and over again that is NOT what happens.  They are talked into violent action because they consider themself special and superior UNTIL they fail to obey and worship the top of the pyramid and become the one that carries the blame, judgement, punishment and fear.  The purpose and result of fear, judgement, blame, force, drama, dissociation is to disconnect YOU from your ability to stay conscious, compassionate and rational in YOUR thought and actions. 

Honesty and integrity means staying conscious and responsible for you.