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CONFLICT can be constructive!

When understood and clarified with deep listening to the various sides.  Small areas of agreement can be expanded to eventually reach compassion and harmony even between hostile enemies.  Hostilities are frequently based on ONLY one or a few data points that a human focuses on instead of the similarities two or more humans or families or groups have in common.  Both sides frequently want the same result and only disagree on how to get there.  

Human consciousness is hardwired for compassion, helpfulness, kindness and gratitude which increase one’s sense of safety, trust, fun and connection with each other.  Humans are curious about “what’s it all about” and want to support each other, their environment and the planet.  They seek new options and peaceful, constructive  ways to resolve issues and conflicts.  

Focus on what you percieve as being OWED to you, for example, vengeance, punishment, getting even, out smarting, watching them suffer, getting their “conditional love,” acceptance or money, proving them wrong or right, blaming or judging them.  Opens YOUR electromagnetic frequency to attract other Dark Ones to you, MATCHING your LOW frequency, to support amplify your low frequency thoughts and intentions.  Your entrainment WITH them even for a few moments and only in your thoughts and intention, will be YOU setting up a feedback loop of “tit for tat” energy frequencies.  The way many dark politician’s or family members do to each other.

Realization that you feed such a dark cycle, gives you the power to change it. 

THERE ARE other compassionate ways to interact with people and events.

If they are wounded and self destructive.  Offer to learn more, help or walk away.

If they are venting on you and you are wise enough to know it has NOTHING to do with you.  Walk away and allow.  They are not currently conscious enough to hear and understand anything other than their perceived pain.  

Entraining into the cycle of “tit for tat” lowers your frequency to match theirs.  Keep your electromagnetic field closed and maintain your boundaries.

UNLIKE thought patterns of two or more human’s thoughts and intentions sharing the same space DO get blended and entrained.  

Quantum Law of ENTRAINMENT requires two or more frequencies; resonances, realities or thoughts existing in the same space MUST combine to create a SINGLE resonance.  That applies to all sentient beings, energy, humans, planets, universes, your thoughts, perceptions and intentions.

Different thoughts and intentions will get blended and entrained or they separate out of the entrainment.  A blending of resonances into one maintains harmony and balance.  For Example, on a scale of 1-10 if you are resonating at 3 and the other is at 7 you will vibrate at 5 together.  Or if one vibration or resonance is stronger it can pull the other to their level and both would be at 3 or 7 or in between.  Change in your thinking, intentions and beliefs happen when you consciously own them.  That gives YOU the power to consciously change them.

Compassion and healing are found within us NOT as a gift given from outside of us as a reward for obedience, efficiency or self sacrifice, being a tyrant or bully.  Dark Ones don’t feel what they think because their thought patterns run from unpleasant and apathetic to nasty and evil.  They do not have compassion for the self so they DO not and WILL not, have compassion for YOU no matter what you say or do or what your reaction is.  If they can’t give compassion to themself, WHY would you think or expect you will get any from them?  Your realizations are compassionate ACTIONS.

Humans chose to perceive 5D as singular or the next step it is not like that.  Higher frequencies of compassion are all together as a synchronized oscillating quantum soup of moving particles.  Your higher self, frequently an alien from your multidimensional DNA consciousness, joins your thoughts and plans to “noodle” new directions and options with you by dropping bits of information into your awareness, that you forgot or denied during your many darker incarnations.  Your higher self and other higher frequencies in the invisible realm facilitate meetings and synchronistic events for you.  They operate with the truth and an expanded awareness of all the other factors or probabilities of interactions that may also be happening.

Fantasizing is a 4D+ frequency, that can relieve boredom, loneliness and resolve issues you are dwelling on.  Thinking about or running scenarios asleep or awake is an excellent clarifying and problem solving tool for us and a way to interact with your higher self and other like minded ones.

Running engrams or postulates is helpful.  RUNNING is repeating an incident, phrase, engram or postulate over and over again, until there is no longer an emotional charge left on it and you may discover new information that will alter your point of perception.  Repetition can bring significant and needed details into your awareness for you to consciously own what is true before you can release your fear, anger, judgment and suffering.  A pretty story, avoidance, denial or an addiction never heals or changes anything, only the truth has the power to create change.

Increased 4D+ AWARENESS is happening more frequently.  Do you wake up remembering that you helped someone out in a dream, or you got rescued or shared a deep feeling you have, with or for another?  Two or more soul essences can share the same dream and/or alternate reality interactively and simultaneously as a form of communicating with each other(s) without technologies.  You use fewer words, more symbology, deeper feelings and sensations within a greater sense of safety and trust with each other.

You may be drawn into a 4D+ dream state and/or alternate reality by another asking you for emotional or compassionate assistance.  Someone you know, or a stranger or astral body no longer in 3D, may call for or request our attention and assistance emotionally, mentally, spiritually or physically while you are asleep or awake.   They may just need you to open a portal of greater compassion and comfort to move into.  Ask them if that is what they want.

Communing in 4D+ and/or an alternate reality is especially likely to happen when you are doing body work, creating songs, dances, writing or developing a philosophy, you may be aware of a 4D+ presence you attracted that wants to interact with you.  Creating is a higher frequency consciousness than your daily chores might be.  It is wise to discern who the energy is and what they want.  ASK QUESTIONS!  If you are working hard to fall in sync with your higher self and quantum laws, you become conscious, of waking up from a dream of “getting married” it could be a symbol of being synergistically entrained or bonded.

Examples of shared dreams:  The younger sister was pregnant and didn’t seem to know why or how.  When the older sister asked if she had sex with anyone, she named 3 men that were “mother’s friends.”  They both were experiencing shame and blamed themself.  The shared dream the sisters had were about a past life that showed how much they cared for and empathized with each other’s feelings of powerlessness to control their own body.  Both sisters were unable to protect their physical self from adult dysfunctional behaviors.  

WORKING at cross purposes.  One person was trying to put some trees and flowers into the dirt.  The other person kept pulling the trees and flowers out of the dirt by their roots.  The dream demonstrate how they worked at cross purposes.  Possibly long and short term goals were to be reconsidered so the self defeating behaviors could be worked out differently.  OR an emotional issue in one or both, needed to be addressed first before moving forward.

GUT and RECTAL pain, two siblings were experiencing rectal and gut pain.  They asked the higher self out loud, PLEASE give us what WE need to remember and be aware of to STOP the pain.  The joint memory was of telling mom, “dad hurt me.”  Her response was “no he didn’t, you imagined it, it’ll be better soon!”  The lesson, forget about being rescued.

To function in and understand higher resonance communications, you rely heavily on your senses, intuition and their alignment with quantum laws and principles.  When your goal is to numb, avoid, deny or remain unconscious of your senses your vibration is generally too low and slow to leave the toxic 3D, lower 4D quarantined illusional holograph that the gray soul essence and biology has entrained with.