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  Disease is a wake-up call, letting you know your point of perception needs changing.  BUT, most cancer patients never get the chance to change their thought patterns to compassion for the self before an arsenal of deadly weapons like chemotherapy, radiation and surgery is applied.  The American diet has become very toxic with all the ways they have figured out how to sell us sugar and other processed foods lacking nutrition and destroying our Microbiome’s ability to sustain and heal the biology they live in.

  Our microbiome is critical to our health and wellbeing to strengthen the gut brain connection.  Eat your vegetables avoid antibiotics and cut back on meat.  The growth hormone and antibiotics animals are fed are fed to our microbiome when we eat the animal.  Growth hormones are designed to fatten the animal by making it hungry, including the human that eats the animal.  Dr. Gundry’s “Podcasts”  on these subjects are exceeding informative and enlightening.

Physical disease cannot occur in the biology unless there is strong emotional uneasiness and deep-seated frustration with unbalanced energy of your thought patterns in this or any other reality or lifetime you have experienced.  The main root spiritual issues or state of consciousness creating cancers and candida is valuing other’s thinking more than you value your own thoughts and inner wisdom and staying aligned with quantum laws.  

Prostrate cancer and heart problems reflect no compassion for you by you.  Breast cancer is too little compassion for you or too much nurturing / forcing others.  Constant conflicts, guilt, anger and shame can easily paralyze the body’s most basic functions.  

The infant’s soul, aura, grid system carries guilt, wounds and shame from their past or parallel lifetimes with them and manifests them again, to try and rebalance the energy this time.  This continues on in the new biology UNTIL you figure out how to give and receive compassion by changing your point of perception.  Whatever negative experiences you have now, it is safe to ASSUME you have inflicted on others at some or many points, in your personal and group histories.

Universal or quantum Principle of CAUSE and EFFECT or RECIPROCAL ACTION, Nothing happens by chance or outside of the quantum field’s laws and principles.  The fact that you cannot identify a cause or effect is IRRELEVANT.   For every thought, intent or action there is a RESONANCE, reaction and consequence you create for you.


Your vibration and intent electromagnetically attracted it to you.  

You associated and entrained with it.  If you feel victimized, angry or confused, you might believe in magic, Super Heroes, god or reptilian that wants to rescue, favor or punish you.  But it’s not!  YOU are the conscious or unconscious creator of your vibrations thoughts or allowing others to think FOR you.  Going along to get along.  OR getting as good as you gave.

When the biology has an excess of Candida it forms a white cloud between the human and their soul’s higher self decreasing or disrupting communication and interactions.  Yeast infestations make it hard to think clearly, you may release people and things too rapidly OR cling to them far too long.  You actually forget to take care of yourself or dismiss the importance of self-nurture and compassion, it seems too hard to do while in a cloud of yeast fatigue and confusion. 

Cancer is a condition where cells in a specific part of the body grow and reproduce uncontrollably. The cancerous cells can invade and destroy surrounding healthy tissue, including organs. Cancer sometimes begins in one part of the body before spreading to other areas. This process is known as metastasis.

Universal or Quantum principle of: 

GRACE would indicate there was judgment and punishment in the light bandwidth and there IS NOT!  Quanta just ARE.  You create your own grace with your compassionate point of perception and thought patterns for you.

You are your creator and the giver of grace TOO you!  

Quantum particles are not “your keeper, judge, god or parent” they only manifest your thought and intent dark or light, mean or kind.  Lies and misdirections you have followed, mistakes you have made, hardships you have endured or created and disappointments and sadness you have had about you, are FOR YOU to heal and release.  Dark and light thoughts do boomerang back to their sender and creator.

Judgement, punishment, blame, competition, vengeance, shame and retribution are only found in the quarantined holographic illusion lesson plan or module of 3D/4D.  In higher brainwave states and resonances injuries and wounds you have sustained or caused ARE healed, released and transmuted from within you, AFTER you consciously own them.  Consider that cycle complete, understood by you and you gathered the wisdom!