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Awareness is the precursor to gathering wisdom.

We can parrot what we say we heard and learned, but are our actions reflecting  what we say?  Our actions interact with our environment to create a mirror that forces us to experience ourselves.  Perceiving yourself as victimized means you are not being responsible for your well being and joy and most likely believe someone or something needs to fix, amuse and be responsible for you.  That would be you victimizing others when they allowed you to do that.  

The feedback loop of the victim, victimizing others or the victim taking the role of predator.  Or the role of confused innocent in denial about acting victimized, trying to create guilt in others to make them responsible for them and their well being and joy is  a low toxic energy cycle.  Perception of being “the victim” attracts and entrains  other souls that enjoy the role of predator.  Switching roles or taking turns being the victim, the submissive, the abused and forced one with being the angry abusive dominant, crazy, irrational one is only “aeons” of playing games of distraction with each other.  These games including the role of “confused innocent in denial” confirm to all players that YOU ARE the role you are playing currently.

There are moments for a compassionate person to briefly experiencing the self as victimized and that might need to be felt, but we are also being invited to participate in exploring other ways to view our experiences.  What do, what to change and different ways to feel.  Energy is structured in never ending pairs of a weak and a strong force, to create FREE renewable energy in our universe.  Dark low slow quantum spin is painful and unpleasant to experience.  Higher frequency quantum spin is receive and giving only compassionate energy.  How do you wish to structure your energy creator?

Actions do not lie, but your words might.

New and unexpected frequencies are challenging our current static perceptions and beliefs or habits.  Notice that the ones intentionally trying to cause harm, chaos and disruption that they once could count on getting, are not happening.  This is a year of reckoning, Dark Ones true intentions are being put on display for all to see and feel what they think about it.  Are you ready to shed the lies, deceptions and delusions about what is true.  Healing for you may be layer upon layer of releasing and recalibration of what you are willing to tolerate from Dark One’s intentions.

Intentions manifests what we desire and shape our reality. 

Your environment, reality, reflects back to you the essence of your intentions.

Quantum Law of ATTRACTION electromagnetically pulls together quanta with “like resonances” similar thoughts, vibrations and intentions.  The sender gets back what they emanate, dwell on and project out.  What comes back to you CLEARLY reflects your perceptions, intent, frequency and reality.  No matter how many incarnations ago your infinite soul put them into play.

When you embody higher vibrations it is much easier to discern the truth because you stay conscious, rational and logical so the truth is clear.  It is increasingly difficult for falsehoods and lies to persist unnoticed.  Your higher self, frequently an alien or extraterrestrial is in your multidimensional DNA consciousness, communing with you in 4D and beyond and / or in your alternate realities.  Our 5D self was not allowed to interact with the 3D self unless the 3D self requested it to.  Now the 5D self can give help and guidance when it decides to or is asked.

The NOW moment images and energy from higher frequencies are overlaid one upon the other and intertwined, similar to a picture of our DNA or as water flows in a cosmic sea.

Higher frequencies entities remain in a certain stage of experiencing until they feel they have gained all the necessary lessons of that stage or frequency.  Even though they are not bound by time, they enjoy moving through the many differing stages of life.  Therefore they have more expansive experiences in greater depth of one stage of life, and may choose to skip another stage.  They choose the stage of life they wish to focus on along with experiencing their conscious awareness of all the other directions parallel realities can and do move in.

Higher frequency entities operate in their Lightbody and change holographic images with their thoughts.  They can focus on another separate body they have had that matches that reality.  Bodies and their reality are separate AND all are connected to us in our aura or grid system.  Where there is “everything and always.” 

Our aura is similar to a huge screen on which holographic thought forms can be projected.  You move to each parallel reality or your ship or planet or what you are experiencing with a friend by thinking and sensing it occurring.  Our brain is a biological computer that you can download new files on, update information, delete unwanted data or pull up information from archived files.  We are our force of creation.

To navigate into a parallel reality you must FEEL the emotional / frequency signature of that reality.  Traveling through parallel realities, requires your senses and compassion or heart.  Happy joyful pictures in your thoughts will create symmetrical patterns that easily flow into each other.  “Tit for tat” thoughts put quantum particles into chaotic patterns that are confusing and separate from other patterns making the form denser and slower, your body posture will hunch over into a protective state.

Notice that expanded consciousness intertwines with compassion, freedom and unity detached from fear, judgment and anything that threatens to lower consciousness.  Ask your higher selves to connect and flow with you.

Many Inter-planetary Ships have been in the higher fourth dimension of Earth since before 9-11-2001. The Galactic Federation was very aware that a world war could have easily arisen from that incident.  It was not planned to stop that from happening.  But the Galactics DID work to strengthen the consciousness of the awakened one’s to avoid WWIII by assisting them to override the waves of darkness.  WWIII was split off into a parallel reality before a major cataclysm happened.

How Do Brains Tell Reality From Imagination? 

This study suggested that when processing images, the brain might make a judgment on reality based on signal strength.  If the signal is weak, the brain takes it for imagination.  If it’s strong, the brain deems it real.  “The brain has this careful balancing act to perform,”  says Thomas Naselaris, a neuroscientist at the University of Minnesota. 

Neuroscientists are finding that even our perception of reality is in many ways imagined. “Underneath our skull, everything is made up,” Lars Muckli, a professor of visual and cognitive neurosciences at the University of Glasgow, said.  We entirely construct the world in its richness, detail, color, sound, content and excitement with our neurons.  Although recalling memories is a creative and imaginative process, it activates the visual cortex as if we were seeing it. 

Sam Ling, a neuroscientist at Boston University, said memory and perception construct differently at the neurobiological level.  Our visual cues undergo layers of processing in the visual cortex that increases in complexity.  Neurons in earlier parts of this process fire more precisely than those that get involved later.  In the study, researchers found that during memory recall, neurons fired in a much blurrier way through all the layers, which might explain why our memories aren’t often as crisp as what we’re seeing in front of us.

Those who are interested in imagination are fascinated by a phenomenon known as aphantasia. Some people, thought to be about 1% to 4% of the general population do not have a mind’s eye.  They can’t conjure a mental image of a gorilla or visually recall memories suggest that connection differences between brain regions involved in vision, memory and decision-making could explain some cases.  But, many people with aphantasia still dream in images, so possibly they “have access to visual information.  Paolo Bartolomeo, a neurologist at the Paris Brain Institute, thinks they are not able to integrate this information into a subjective experience.

In 2025 many of us will be experiencing ourselves in different ways from how we have ever been before.  Increased clarity of thought and purpose will be going on.  Long lasting healing cycles are being completed, freeing up any remaining self suppression we suffered from.  The gap between the haves and have-nots is growing in all of our awareness, creating a stronger pushback finally to manifest change. 

Accept with grace and patience the days or weeks you feel disoriented and your routine will change along with changed behavior patterns of sleep and nutrition.  You may feel spacey, slow or detached.  This is because your quantum particles are spinning faster in the process of transforming you into a cosmic being from your inside out.  Increasing the strength of your convictions, standing in your truth without fear, judgement or blame.  We are moving on up into our next higher level of consciousness that will intensify our passion and grounding in truth and quantum laws.  Very strong boundaries against darkness. 

Patience and trust with this process is you being compassionate with you.