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Antenna for LIGHT

The human body is an antenna for light, the electromagnetic field of photons.

An antenna converts an electric current into radio waves, which are then radiated into space by the human.

An antenna intercepts radio waves and converts them into an electromagnetic current, which is then amplified and used by a receiver, the human.

Human eyes, skin, actually the entire body interacts with the electromagnetic field of infrared (IR), ultraviolet (UV), and visible spectrum (VIS) wavelengths of light, the  electromagnetic field of photons.  Humans SEE only 0.0035% of the total field of light energy.  

The Sun emits a spectrum of light we can’t see from the lowest to highest waves  and particles of radiation.  Radio waves are oscillating light always around us, that we receive, respond to and emit light frequencies ourself, especially when compassionately conscious.

According to quantum theory, light is made up of the quantum particles we call “photons” which can behave like both waves and particles depending on the situation.

 Light is considered both a wave and a particle in the quantum realm.

A photon is a quantum of electromagnetic energy.  Photon particles have no mass, while the other particles do.  When a particle is as small as a photon it can move like a wave or a particle. 

Matter is composed of much larger particles called electrons, protons and neutrons.

Epigenetic refers to the “on or off switches” of genes, meaning it controls whether a particular gene is actively expressed (turned on) or silenced (turned off) within a cell, without changing the underlying DNA sequence itself; essentially acting as a regulatory mechanism that determines which proteins are produced, triggered or shut down by your environmental factors and cellular needs and your thoughts.  But doesn’t change the genetic codes of our DNA itself.

Quantum Tunneling is a subatomic particle that pass through barriers as a wave would.  This happens during photosynthesis, when we smell, during DNA mutations, and enzyme reactions.  Judith Klinman, PhD demonstrated in her laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley that enzyme reactions are dependent on quantum tunneling.  Enzymes are proteins that act as catalysts, enabling otherwise improbable reactions that are critical to sustaining life.

Quantum Entanglement is non-local connection.  When one quantum system has interacted with another, their waves become entangled so that when one collapses, the other collapses instantly.  Consider two waltzing couples performing the same but opposite dance.  When one couple spins one way, the other couple instantly spins the other way.  Across the dance floor or across the world from each other.  There are two possible spin states subatomic particle have: spin-up and spin-down.  Quantum entanglement can also occur across time, called temporal non-locality.  Two quantum entangled particles CAN influence each other across space or time, faster than can be transmitted than the speed of light.

Quantum Entanglement in Bird Migration uses Earth’s magnetic field, extending from the geographic North pole to the South pole, as if there were an enormous bar

magnet at its core.  Birds that migrate have a magnetic compass within their eyes, dependent on a light-sensing protein called cryptochrome.  When a photon of blue light excites the electrons within the cryptochrome, it creates quantum entanglement when it induces a highly unstable excited state that allows the bird to detect the very subtle magnetic field of Earth, determining its geographic location to its destination.

Quantum Coherence goes hand-in-hand with quantum entanglement.

Two waves superimposed upon each other form a single coherent wave.

A marching band in unison with a spirited song ignites the crowd.  When the entire band is marching (coherence) and moving through the choreography (entanglement) they instantaneously make magical music across the field.  Quantum Coherence in Photosynthesis is when plants convert light energy from the electromagnetic field into chemical energy through photosynthesis.

The energy we are being showered with currently is moving our consciousness, brain and biology from focusing on our individual survival in physicality to sensing the subtle sensory messages and information coming from faster oscillation of quantum particle’s found in the invisible realm, the light we don’t see.

“I am” is moving into the faster quantum oscillation of WE are.  

Our connections to each other is strengthening when we stay conscious.  It is getting easier to shift from our internal and external fears and anger or upset energy into clear calm feeling safe compassion.  Emotion arises in us to allow us to experience how we TRUELY feel so we can consciously decide how we want to react to each particular sensation we are experiencing.  We are moving from unconscious habitual responses develop for survival of the biology into the compassion of the infinite soul energy. 

Future energy patterns and structures are built on present expectations, actions and consciousness.  Forward momentum for compassionate action is guided and supported now.  All the factors from all your incarnations and realities are in play NOW as one continuous interlocking unit in motion for growth and development. 

ANGER has been used to deny a person’s guilt, shame and fears.  These low frequency feelings nurture no one electromagnetically and allow Dark Ones to take over those in denial into accepting dark agendas and creations of use and abuse. 

We are moving from what do you want? 

To what will you ALLOW?

Old clutter, blame and judgement needs releasing to make way for the new.

Clearly focus on what you DO want to create for you to enjoy being in your individual space craft, your biology, the energy around you and your current reality.  Examine, explore and release junk and junk foods, fears and anger that eat up your consciousness, bind or entrain you to low frequency feedback loops.  Surrender your dark old stories and those of your ancestors about how you were DONE WRONG, how you wounded and abused each other for millions of incarnations.

You decide if your 3D / 4D “god” leader or oppressor is in control, deciding FOR you or rescuing you.  That removes your responsibility for what you think, intend and act on.  Allowing yourself to be less than or victimized in your perceptions.

Low frequency thoughts ARE, fight, force, control and “might makes right.”

COMPETITION forces artificial meaningless judgments of FEAR, self-doubt, self-flagellation or delusions of grandeur, a false superficial impression of one’s own value and importance.  Competing leads to mean spirited justifications for tormenting, killing, humiliating, human trafficking, ethnic cleansing and all manner of abuses, excuses and lies Dark Ones use.  Dark Ones profit in short term physical reality from their hatred of self and each other.

High frequency thought patterns are compassion for the self, enjoy deep listening of new thoughts and concepts and treating others as responsible equals.  Opening up to peaceful consciousness and compassionate connectedness.  Write down or record what you NOTICE in your awareness, ask your higher self for information to expand your knowledge and clarify.  What direction do you want to go with your information?  Take time to listen to and evaluate your perceptions. 

Our heart chakra activations and opening can be intense enough to feel like a heart attack.  It isn’t, because the heart chakra activations happen outside the biology in the high heart.  Being vulnerable and open is a strength as we need to continuously adapt to the new and compassionate.  Trust in the process and your intuition that these changes are to increase our compassion for the self and consequently others.