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ALLOW Your Consciousness

Sense and notice your positive changes.

Without consciousness you create, feel, sense and direct nada!  “Nada” is the direct translation of “nothing” in Spanish.

Like attracts like, electromagnetically, synchronicities and subtle magnetic magic is happening more frequently because your own multidimensional DNA is activating.  That is how you’ll know you are in the universal FLOW of energy.  Some move into the flow infrequently or in short bursts before they relax into it as their new normal reality of staying conscious. 

A team from the Stanford University School of Medicine discovered that when we are not being task-oriented a network of interacting regions of the brain wander in the mind.  Remembering experiences, thoughts and feelings about others’ or reviewing their mental states, envisioning the future and processing language.  While this may seem like a grab bag of unrelated aspects of cognition, Vinod Menon, director of the Stanford Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience Laboratory, theorized that all of these functions may be helpful in constructing a coherent self-narrative or self-concept of who and what you are.  The brain constructs, organizes and stores the information you percieve and/or create after it happens and your review of it.

Profound and/or sudden awakenings and knowledge or information get dropped into our consciousness for us to integrate with what our brain has already organized and stored.  We are learning increasingly more about the higher frequencies that are not so physical and more about the thinking and intentions we choose to operate and exist in.

Some Dark Ones and those feeling victimized just DO NOT want to risk change.  The only option they believe in and trust is to double down on operating in the feedback loops of being a victim, sometimes the predator and when in doubt, the confused innocent in denial cycles.  

It is NOT your job to fix or force him, her, them or it!

One applies and uses only what they figure out for themself and OWN.

When you want to be compassionate with you, allow them their path.  If they want help they will ask or seek it out.  You need to discern if they want knowledge, support, information OR do they want you to do it for them while they “suck the life” out of you.  To discern whose project and what intent you are working on you need to remain conscious.

Notice what unbalances you and causes you to move out of peace. 

Consider what aspect of YOU gets triggered, WHY and how.  Ask your higher self for help in consciously knowing why and how you can stop getting triggered into past time and running old habits or programs.

There is no need to take any side or even get involved.  Taking any side WILL create barriers that increase separation and you falling back into YOUR past victim, predator, and/or confused innocent thought patterns and feedback loops.

During this process of transmutation, standing in your truths is needed.

Knowing your truth is needed.

Staying in the NOW moment of self compassion maintains an emotional, mental, physical and spiritual balance of peace and calm for you.  Transformation processes take time and you need to increase your self care, attention and consciousness.  Pay close attention to details and your reactions and / or habits you have and the type of relationships you feed and nurture yourself on.  

Clarity of your vision, your mission and action plans are shaping up for those staying consciously compassionate.  Overthinking and perseverating about unpleasant truths, will NOT and never has CHANGED them.  Headaches frequently come from conflicting thoughts you give equal weight to.  It is wise to factcheck what you can.  Commit to one belief or course of action and change your action or thought when you think it wise to do that.  Commitment to a thought or belief is grounding and gives you something to bounce new information off of, creating a base for you to operate from and build on.  

Your soul’s thoughts and intents are intertwined energetically with the biology you reside in and operate from.  You have a long infinite history with those infinite souls you are now interacting with and have psychic connections with.  For example,  In the book Life Before Birth 2018, they collected information about pre birth experiences, which were very individual personal accounts.  

53% of the time the infinite soul contacted the human before conception.  And 47% of the contacts occurred between conception and birth. 

63% almost 2/3 came to the future moms, 13% of the time it came to the dads, 

24% of the soul contact came to grandparents or future siblings.

16% of pre-born beings were witnessed in dreams, 29% appeared in visions while awake.  It’s not always the child that comes sometimes it’s someone announcing the child is coming.

Grounding or Anchoring is creating a template, pattern, state of consciousness or belief as REAL and operational for you now.  Ideally you are being compassionately hopeful and that will electromagnetically attract more hopefulness, kindness, laughter and joy for you now.  Anchoring compassion and fun for YOU in your belief system and your daily functioning. 

Understand and own that your infinite gray soul historically and currently gave as much nastiness as you might now be experiencing or continue to keep reliving by bring past wounds and angry attitude’s into present time.  Existing in the low frequency cycle of “tit for tat” that your eternal soul group kept incarnating with is stagnation.  ONLY changing their form, being the parent instead of the child or the younger sibling, locked energetically in the same feedback loop of denial, blame, judgement, force and trying to control each other.

Acceptance of people and situations just as they are grounds you in what is true.  Accepting does not mean agreeing, liking or downplaying another’s impact on you.  It is honestly observing what is true in that moment.  ULTIMATELY you need to create and be responsible for what you want for you, which is why it is so important to be and stay conscious with a compassionate intention.

If you have a pattern you keep repeating and don’t like, it is most likely a pattern you developed in a past incarnation, maybe you can ask why and how it served you back then, so you can release it now that it isn’t relevant any longer.