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ALLOW Silent Awareness

Lies, deception, misdirection and chaos keeps things and thoughts unbalanced.

Chaos deals with nonlinear things that are effectively impossible to predict or control, like turbulent weather.  With infinite complexity and unpredictability, one cannot hope to predict the ultimate fate of a complex system.  Even slight misdirections or an error in a system will be amplified dramatically, rendering any prediction pointless.  Chaos is the transition period between DISORDER into ORDER.

Chaos can help systems evolve and adapt into new data and can help people innovate, restructure and overcome or transmute dense energy, old patterns and intentions.  Chaos can help systems evolve and change by disrupting old processes, habits and routines.

Quantum or Universal Principle of SILENCE is to BE aware and fully present, know and allow in silence and nonresistance, especially in your thought, feeling and intention. 

Patterns or reactions of anger, upset, resistance, jealousy and wounding are low vibrations that interrupt or prevent curiosity and seeking innovation and new pathways to compassion without judgement, blame, shame, retribution, guilt, competition, envy or vengeance.

Scared, jealous and greedy ones have low self esteem, fear and self hate, they create a reality, delusion and illusion of feeling protected and safe when they judge, blame and punish “others.”  They magically think that makes it better for them.  Reality demonstrates over and over again that does NOT happen.  They are talked into violent or insensitive action because they consider themself special and superior UNTIL they fail to obey and worship the top of the pyramid and become the one that receives the judgement, blame and punishment.  Following any actions that lack compassion for you means no compassion, calm and peace for anyone.

LIKE attracts LIKE!

ANY thinking you ADOPT becomes your thought, intent and frequency.

Your ENVY and JEALOUSY are your MORAL judgements.  They are painful feelings of wanting what someone else has or has created for themself.  Question your logic, HAVE you been denied or are you denying YOU something you need or must have?  Is someone or something else getting what YOU think you should be getting?  IF that is your thinking, consider how to create that for yourself as being the most viable compassionate option for you to explore and create for you.  It may take a great many steps and frustrations to create what you decide you need or want and possibly it may even mean a shift in the truths you live by, to achieve your goal.

Universal or Quantum principle of COMPENSATION and the law of attraction both say that we receive “like energy” to the energy we emanate and share.  We attract and are attracted to realities, people, diseases, challenge’s, animals, planets and activities that vibrate to our current signature frequency.

What you create for the self is the only thing that satisfies and carries a high enough resonance to be compassionate for you.  Your joy and happiness is found and created within you and NOT created by another, as a GIFT or punishment to you.  

Victims and / or confused innocents in denial feel justified and entitled to BE the predator and rewarded, by using force, trickery or demanding what they want instead of creating for the self and being responsible for the self.  Victims and / or confused innocents in denial consider the self worthless and try to deceive, sacrifice for, or trick another into valuing, accepting or creating FOR them because of their “neediness,” helplessness, worthlessness or self pity.  BUT the ONLY one attracted to that vibration will be a predator to victimize them again.

LIKE attracts LIKE again and again!

Spouses, children, friends and followers of abusers and predators frequently protect and enable their abuser because they are entrained with each other and depend on the other’s dysfunction to maintain their own dysfunction of codependency, self-hate and self-abuse.  The victimizer believes that no one could care about or love them unless they were forced and controlled to have contact with them.  The victim believes they don’t deserve anything better or more compassionate because they think they are worthless and need punishment and / or feel entitled to vengeance.  

Honesty and integrity means staying conscious and responsible for you.

You wish, need, want others to own and tell the truth.

YOU need to accept that she, he, they or it, may NOT want to do that.  

Are you compassionate enough with you to walk away and allow them their reality and their very long winding path to gather their wisdom?  The more you try to guilt or force a liar or denier to change, the greater their resistance and fear of exposure becomes and they WILL separate from you and / or attack and punish you with lies and illusions that “are your fault.”  Just as our president and other bullies do.  In dark politics and to increase public awareness, lies and misdirecting need factchecking and sharing what is truth whenever possible.

Your anger, upset, wound reaction only short-circuits YOUR compassion for you, lowering YOUR resonance to match their’s.  Always it’s your CHOICE and wisdom to join, engage in their lower resonating frequency and even engage in escalating it into drama if you wish, with your freewill.  You can feel flattered and special or superior or enraged by the one(s) residing in lower intent and frequencies.  BUT remember that fear, judgement, blame, force, drama or dissociation, DOES disconnect YOU from your ability to stay compassionate in YOUR thought, intent and deed.

Silently know the truth and act on it compassionately for you.  Focus on how you can please you and allow them their path without you.  High speed energy and rapidly spinning quanta are illuminating our wounds, self deceptions and what is not aligned with compassion now.

To know, exist in and own the truth you need to stay conscious.

Elevated consciousness says, “I don’t choose it, but I understand it and allow it.  I notice negativity, violence and wounding that is happening and disconnect and withdraw from those still enjoying that type of thinking and activity, and that would include from all blood relatives, friends and groups that remain stuck in their dense programs.

Information is neutral, the human’s intent or agendas are not.

Intense beliefs and feelings lacking compassion and wisdom show up in the biology as inflammation, poor digestion, leaky gut, high blood pressure, calcification in the body and brain, gonad pathology, cancer, mites, mold and other diseases and conditions that have matching frequencies to your thoughts and intentions. 

Negative emotion and thought patterns hold you in the feedback loop of pastime wounds, fear and anger reinforcing your illusion and delusion of powerlessness to deal with them because you deny being their creator, owner and potential destroyer by withholding and withdrawing your focus and energy from them.  You can’t change things in the past, so why keep living there, in your wounds, upset and anger?

REGRET is a MORAL judgement of self blame and punishment for you that holds you in the resonance of other Dark Ones.  Factcheck YOUR regret narratives.  Talk to your fears or doubts to clarify your perceptions, possibly what you did or didn’t do, was the best option at that time.  Relationships are challenging, financial setbacks and misdirections happen.  Seek, own and focus of the blessings and good that came as a result of what happened.  Give yourself compassionate credit for the things you did and do, that you approve of and were done with kindness.  

Ask your higher self to present a slideshow of any incident you regret.  Ask for the thought’s of the key players in your narrative.  Run the same regretful incident multiple times to gather important details you may have missed that would alter your point of perception.  Consciously own and accept YOUR JOB of forgiving you and be compassionate with you FIRST!  Without guilt, regret, neediness, judgement, blame, punishment, shame, retribution or anyother dark agenda of force or control.

Universal or Quantum Principle of PROJECTION or EMANATION is your INTERNAL point of perception, YOUR personal STORY, thought, emotion and reality that you hold to be true for you is what you project out.  Your DNA scans your environment for resonances matching your beliefs.  Then your DNA changes its structure, to match what you chose to perceive.

Quantum particles are not and NEVER have been “your keeper, judge, god or parent” they only manifest your thought and intent dark or light, mean spirited or kind, clear cut or sloppy and chaotic.  Lies and misdirections you have followed, mistakes you have made, hardships and disappointments you have endured and created for you, are FOR YOU to own and transmute into higher frequencies of grace and compassion for YOU.  When you do not plan on assigning blame, punishment or penalties what does it matter if it is fair as long as it is/was compassionate and your intent was compassionate.

Universal or Quantum principle of: GRACE would indicate there was judgment and punishment in the light bandwidth and there IS NOT!  Quanta ARE neutral, while mocking up a consciousness’ thoughts.  You create your own grace with your compassionate point of perception and thought for you.  You are your creator and the giver of grace TOO you!