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ALLOW Others

Allow others their judgement, blame, envy, guilt, fear, anger, competition and vengeance without your focus and energy feeding their’s.  Ideally your focus would be about you nurturing and caring for you, enjoying your acceptance and expanding your consciousness into greater compassion.

Disputes, conflicts and wars have been dragged into this reality by our soul’s low vibrating consciousness, incarnation after incarnation for millennia that have seldom been dealt with compassionately or resolved with acceptance.  Making for an unbalanced mass consciousness in the quarantined toxic 3D/4D resonance.

A blast of compassionate light is moving into our energy fields the third week of November 2024 which will unbalance the latest version of “normal” we have been  working with.  For the next six weeks after that our higher selves will be compressing as much of the dense, stagnant, lacking compassion energy as they can, to transmute it into the next highest frequency the soul and human will allow individually.  The human body has never gone through anything this intense and compressed before and will stress the human nervous system and physical body.   Ideally to release as much of the emotion trauma and negativity of the soul’s history of toxicity from its 3D/4D incarnations as the human and soul are willing to release from its multidimensional DNA. 

In this process the human and soul’s mind, consciousness and heart will gather clarity, coherence and understand cause and effect better.  Dark Ones hanging onto denial and avoidance will not be so comfortable.

Aligning with any side or engagement with a side means you are matching your frequency to the dispute, conflict and/or war and feeding it your energy which maintains its existance.


It is wise to ALLOW those choosing to not be compassionate their path, of taking forever to understand cause and effect without your energy and focus included in their cause.  Your interference and/or engagement, will entrain YOU, to THEIR insensitivity and cruelty.  You notice it and may call out the negativity, violence and wounding but you stay disconnect and withdrawn from those still enjoying that type of thinking and activity.  Including all blood relatives, friends and any group that remains stuck in their density.  Low vibrational frequencies are on their own path and in their own reality.  Walk away and avoid the slow low quantum spin of soul sucking and energy feeding.  Allow you and them their path without either of you forcing, judging blaming or punishing anyone, EVEN and especially in your thoughts.

Adopting their choice to live and exist in their ancient wounds, incarnation after incarnation never resolving, fixing, accepting any change, is their choice and doesn’t need to be your choice.

It is NOT your job to fix him, her or it!

Quantum or Universal Law of ALLOWING, says you have the RIGHT and RESPONSIBILITY to BE and DO whatever YOU choose, with the intent and resonance your creations carry with them.

The thoughts and actions you hold presently and your current decisions shape your future.  Thinking and acting without compassion means remaining in quarantine, toxic isolation with the matching resonance of other souls lacking compassion for the self and consequently others.

Violating the rights and choices of others, expecting them to create for you and play games of distraction with you or DESTROYING any part of the environment, drops you out of the quantum field’s compassion into 3D/4D quarantined reality of freewill.  Allowing one to be as nasty, rude and insensitive and as self abusive as they choose.

Humanities unpleasant events and interactions will always have a combination of positive and negative outcomes without resolution.  What you consider unpleasant or negative is only one point of perception on the continuum or chain of “cause and effects” over thousands of incarnations, creations and experiences.  Stretching out for as long as you care to notice.  The butterfly effect, in the chaos theory, is the phenomenon where a minute localized change in a complex system of cause and effects that you care to focus on for a long or short period of time, can have large effects down the line, as the chain of cause and effects continues its cascading flow. 

It is hard to create, maintain and compassionately enjoy life when you insist on focusing on PAST wounds, pain and traumas and/or other’s insisting on suffering, blaming and judging.  Experiencing the continuous flow of events in the now moment means choosing which ones you want to give MORE or LESS of your focus and energy to.  Know what you have NO control or ability to alter, so why engage in trying to change it, know in silence and allow each one their path. 

Obsessing about why you couldn’t change another to please you is not a wise compassionate way to interact with the self or others.  Making you joyful and feel loved is always your job for you to continuously create for you.  No one else can do it for you.  Fully accept you only have the power and wisdom to percieve or change YOU in a new or different direction.  Your intent, focus and energy needs to be all about what you can change or fix or percieve differently in you!  You can only ACCEPT or give the amount of compassion and love from another that you have given to YOU FIRST!  

Quantum Law of AWARENESS or CONSCIOUSNESS says YOU must consciously make your choices because you ARE held personally responsible for them.  What you create or ALLOW, that lacks compassion, you must release or transmute to remain in the higher vibration of the quantum field.

Embrace what makes you unique.  People that accept and have compassion for the self know they are flawed and make mistakes, but they are seekers and energy movers.  They accept and care about themselves and seek ways to evolve their giving and receiving compassion, which helps dissipate fear, anxiety, anger and wounds.

Release dwelling on the things you can’t change.  Or figure out away to put a positive spin on them.  Identify and work with your strengths, creativity and potentials.  You are in process of unfolding and implementing your interdimensional DNA.  We are not singular, the other parts of your consciousness are living a parallel existance concurrently WITH you.  Our soul essence is an INFINITE multiple with 15 to 33 separate parts experiencing or doing 15 to 33 different things in various resonances.

Higher resonances carry grace, the TRUTH, no secrets and compassion.  The active power of hope and an increasing resonance on Gaia, is being felt physically and mentally.  The clarity, peace, love, and joy are being sensed and amplified.  Humans are literally vibrating energy that is increasing their resonance, our cells are made of atoms, quantum particles and electromagnetic energy which is in constant motion and flow in the individual and mass consciousness 

Humming is one of the simplest and profound sounds we make.  If you have a voice and can speak, you can hum.  Research has shown humming to be much more than self-soothing sound: it affects us on a physical level, reducing stress, inducing calmness, and enhancing sleep, lowering heart rate, blood pressure and producing powerful neuron-chemicals such as oxytocin, the “love” hormone melatonin, higher consciousness, increases lymphatic circulation, releases endorphins, creates new neural pathways in the brain and boosts blood platelet production and improved sinus health.