CONSULT Your Higher Self

Perpetual Engine of Creation’s pulse of push/pull of renewable energy, is always in motion and aligned with quantum laws and principles.  When you are curious about WHY or what the heck is going on, it is always good to consult with your higher self about the other factors happening in the universe that you are unaware of or are trying to ignore, that might be helping or hindering you to create the project, connections and/or reality you seek.

Your higher self will alert you as to the most auspicious, favorable time to act, push forward.  Your higher self can give you the percentage of light/compassion your project and the people connected with it carry.  Just ask.  Open up your consciousness to new directions, knowledge and/or options.

Almost one third of the world population, as children, since Atlantis fell, were raised in a Family of Generational Illuminists.  Great care is taken to prevent “their slaves” FROM conscious awareness of this fact.  Staying conscious, being responsible for yourself and using logical thought is the way for your soul essence to leave the Illuminists or any bully, tyrant or cult they joined many incarnations ago.  The biology’s death is the end for that biology’s entrainment, but the soul continues on in the same feedback loops unconsciously perceiving its essence as being the victim at times, the predator now and again and the confused innocent in denial to deny culpability or personal responsibility for their thoughts and actions.

Verify what I say with your higher self or soul, your multidimensional DNA or grid system can access all that information and knows what is true for you and your belief’s of powerlessness (the victim of your own creations) and the entitlement you feel to be  vengeful, becoming the predator will make it all better for you.  Or does that just make you an unconscious bully that claims they are innocent and confused about what they did and think (the confused innocent in denial) ?

Ask and listen, without your “ifs” “ands” and “buts” about your cycles.

One THIRD of ALL children in this world have gone through the Illuminist’s physical and psychological trauma based programming.  

ANOTHER THIRD Since the year 1742, of the world population is/was attracted to and entrained with the beliefs and actions lacking compassion that Dark Ones and the Illuminists adhere to.  No need to bother with trauma based programming for the second third of the population that kept growing on its own.  

Most historians consider Jonathan Edwards, a Northampton Anglican minister, one of the chief fathers of the Great Awakening.  In 1741, Edwards gave an infamous and emotional sermon, entitled “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.”  Edwards’ and now Trump’s message is centered on the idea that humans were sinners, God and Trump was/is angry and judged irrationally, his followers that needed to stay loyal to his cruelty and insensitivity asking/begging for forgiveness frequently not given unless it served the angry god in some way.

These are the SAME characteristics of the illuminati God, the one in the Old Testament of the Bible, the Torah, the Reptilian God and Satan.  The world population carried around 40% compassion and were/are easily seduced when given permission, to judge, blame, punish, vent, cheat, lie, abuse and violate any that fail to join their gang, group, clan or cult.

TWO THIRDS have pursued instant gratification, cruelty and lawlessness.  Dark Ones believe they are not culpable/responsible because they are only unconsciously without rational thought or awareness following their 4D/3D god/leader/clan/bully/tyrant.  

Their infinite soul’s lack of compassionate choice’s for the self remains in their multidimensional DNA until the individual transmutes that energy into compassion and kindness for the self.  UNTIL those with less than 60% compassion for themself consciously own and transmute their thoughts and actions WITHOUT using, judgement, force, anger, criticism, punishment, competition, blame, vengeance, shame or retribution.  Another cannot do it for them!  

Harmony and collaboration are present with equal treatment and compassion for the self and each other.  Guidance comes through the senses, your feeling FRIST and then the mind your logic, decides if it hurts or nurtures you.

To keep yourself safe while interacting with Dark Ones you need STRONG boundaries.  Dark Ones refuse to take responsibility for their dark creations.  Any amount that they steal, take or destroy NEVER satisfies them either.  Empty calories, abusing others, lies, denial, pretty stories disinformation, distractions, addictions and dissociations that never nourish, nurture or sustain their biology or soul.  Getting your WANTS met from another ALWAYS means you are NOT being responsible for you.  AND the one trying to fill your wants is probably NOT nurturing and compassionate with themselves either. 

Quantum Principle of AUTHORITY and RESPONSIBILITY, says the one aware, worthy and capable of carrying out an action has the authority and responsibility to respond.

You are the only one having the authority to change YOUR perception, intent and consciousness.  You need to be your own SuperHero!  No one can or should even try to do it for you.  BLESSINGS are potential synchronicities waiting for you to percieve these compassionate options being offered to you.

The fetus’s infinite gray soul essence and their caretakers are all “mature soul essences” that have attracted and entrained together carrying matching resonances and intents.  You create (attract electromagnetically) and sustain (entrain) with your own chosen perceptions of reality.