Answers to your questions or information you seek from your higher self or the invisible realm are RELATIVE to YOUR state of consciousness.

Your current vibration, amount of self compassion.  

Your INTENT you have in that moment.

And your particular signature frequency, reflects what you are able to perceive and want to do with your answer and information, will all be taken into consideration when or how you are answered.  This explains why no answer will ALWAYS be true and accurate to ANY particular question.

Answers are “It depends” on the potentials and options available to your current resonance and intent in that moment.

REAL answers are ONLY true for that current moment. 

Always stay aware of HOW you form your question.  Same question with a different intent or a word changed, will generate different answers and information.   

Broad vague questions gets a broad vague answer that is not so helpful generally if you seek guidance.  Many smaller direct question are answered with smaller direct answers.

Options and synchronicities vary for different realities or states of consciousness.

The invisible realm operates with different truths or beliefs than humanity and Dark Ones function with.  The invisible realm and higher frequencies are aligned with quantum laws and principles, there is no linear time or secrets, they give and receive only compassion, read each other’s thoughts telepathically.  By focusing on a time period, person, place, event or theme, that is where their consciousness goes to collect data and information.  

Then the data and information are manifested, “pulled together” by quantum particles for as long as “a consciousness” is giving it focus and energy.  When the focus and energy shifts to something else the quantum particles separate out again.  There are event sites from any time period, past, present or future.  There are themes and

sequences of things or events, but it all exists as potentials UNTIL your focus on them and then they are instantly created or manifested by quantum particles especially when your awareness resides in higher frequencies that are NOT quarantined.

When you can’t form a question about what you want or seek the invisible realm believes you are not ready to accept the answer.  Which generally means you are in denial about what is true.  

Commonly if you can’t HEAR, see or feel an answer, YOUR emotional body is BLOCKING, withholds accurate information, from your brain.  The human brain operates on and believes whatever the human chooses to believe in and focuses on, lies, deception or illusions.

BUT the biology cannot keep your emotional lies and denial’s a secret forever.  The biology OWNS the TRUTH emotionally, and holds the brain’s lies, self deceptions, denials and secret’s by creating dense pockets of energy that eventually create disease and disability in an effort to wake the human up to the truth.  When the biology dies in ignorance the soul essence carries its ignorance INTO its next physical incarnation.

The invisible realms answer’s may be relevant to your soul’s infinite experiences, not just this one or only a few incarnations.  Continue asking pointed questions to arrive at the clarity and healing you seek. 

Mean spirited, depressed, angry, self deprecating, judgmental and vengeful thought patterns carry very little if any compassion.  

“Suffering is NOT righteous or noble.” 

Suffering, self abuse, deprecation or disapproval of the self is alerting you to the FACT that you are moving away from compassion.  That means you are attracting and entraining with more suffering and abusive vibrations to match your current resonance.   Perceived victimization attracts predators and enablers, putting into play and sustaining a feedback loop of these very low vibrations.

New options are being presented to us that have the highest probability of being successful for your compassionate growth, healing and wisdom gathering now.  This is called quanta tunneling, when quantum particles spread out in waves, moving through all barriers to sample all possible routes or options at once, in present time, to find the quickest or best route or solution that is available in the now moment.

YOU need to notice and implement the options brought to you, dropped into your awareness.  To notice you need to stay conscious.  To consciously decide which you want to think about and act on. 

All parties in a synchronicity choose how they will interact with the other ones involved.  So, be conscious and aware that at any point a person, thought or event may change direction and change again.  You may need to keep recalibrating.

NOT TRUTH, there are no coincidences or magic or a supreme being favoring or punishing you.  Elevated frequencies DO NOT judge, blame or punish, they wait for you to figure it out and gather the wisdom at your pace.

DREAMS are a powerful tool our higher self and the invisible realm use to give new options and information.  Sleep or day dreaming is when we are able to accept new thinking we normally would reject while awake.  The catch is whether and how the mind allows the information offered, to come into our awareness.  And how we interpret what comes through to our consciousness.

Currently many dreams are snippets of memories from past incarnations.

Our dreams are guidance through a film or slideshow the strong emotion is important to notice and learn from when you are deciphering a dream.

At times we have a build up of energy that gets chaotic on a particular subject that needs defragging and we have an energy clearing dream.  

We have prophetic dreams to prepare us for future events or encounters that have a high probability of happening.  

Most often our dreams are guidance or consciousness shifts to teach and expand our knowledge of what is NEXT and true for us.