AGREEMENTS made with Freewill

Freewill is the option to think and act any way you like, in all the lower frequencies that LACK compassion and unconditional love, which is why the vibration or resonance of freewill needs to be quarantined.  It is toxic. 

Higher frequencies, 5D combined with all the higher resonances is giving and receiving only compassion.  If and when you choose to lower the resonance of your thoughts, actions and intent to LACK compassion, you have a few moments to reconsider and if you still LACK compassion, your consciousness drops into freewill.

With compassion there is no need for agreements, contracts or karma.

Agreements, contracts and karma were/are a way to keep dark and light thoughts, actions and intent somewhat balanced in the quarantined resonance of freewill because of its toxicity to each other and the mass consciousness.  Karma is another way to express and experience cause and effect or a feedback loop or cycle that lacks compassion.

Our soul is in process of transmuting its thoughts and actions lacking compassion or will soon be relocated to another 4D reality.

Transmutation, moving into higher frequencies, needs you to be conscious to happen.  By bringing the original incident of your soul lacking compassion into your current state of consciousness you can change your perception into a compassionate perception for you and others.  By understanding and releasing your unbalanced mean spirited thought, action, resentment, grief, sorrow or fear that no longer serves you or is an issue in the now moment.  Things you feared in past incarnations, starvation or physical issues, wounds, abandonment not present in this incarnation, BUT your biology, psyche or emotions are not aware you have moved on into another lifetime and new thought patterns.

All your past information and experiences are stored and accessed from your multidimensional DNA or in your aura’s grid system or electromagnetic field around your biology.  Get your higher self and your DNA all in sync with you to search your history and present the original issue or belief your gray soul and/or biology STILL thinks is happening to it now.  Your soul and you being consciously aware of what WAS true, NOW have the power to update and change beliefs and issues to the way you want it to be now.

One method used to keep you focused on mining your history, is EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique is a tapping technique on various body parts to get its attention and information to bring it into present time.  While talking aloud to give higher frequencies permission to guide and assist you.

Sense, feel and notice where that particular issue you want to work with resides in your body.  Talk about this process aloud with another while tapping body parts to keep the human and those in the invisible realm on the same page and history you want to own consciously.  The rituals are not necessary, but are used to assist the human to have time to move into higher frequencies and to tap into this knowledge. 

Whatever you need will come to you when you need it.  You can address all parts and pieces of you.  You start tapping on the side of either hand while stating aloud what you want to explore.  Moving to the top of the head or crown, tapping this area is where all meridians meet.  Tap where the eyebrow starts, then on the bone at the end of the eyebrow indentation, move to below the middle of the eye that addresses the stomach meridian and anxiety.  Go under the nose the fleshy part addresses your feelings of no unsupported.  Under the lower lip above the chin is. The last two points are the start and end of all the meridians of the body.  Collarbone tapping point is an inch down from the two points into the hallow area focusing on fears.  Four inches under arm pit addresses the  different organs and body consciousness.

Another method to bring into consciousness information and experiences stored in your multidimensional DNA or in your aura’s grid system or electromagnetic field around your biology is running your engrams and/or postulates.  RUNNING is repeating an incident, phrase, engram or postulate over and over again, until there is no longer an emotional charge left on it.  Repetition will also bring significant and needed details into your consciousness.  You need to consciously own what is true before you are able to release your fear, anger, judgment and suffering.  A pretty story, your distraction avoidance, denial or an addiction never changes or heals anything, especially the truth.