FREQUENCY of Your SOUL’S Consciousness

Each frequency has its own key principles, beliefs and behaviors that define it. Quantum law of attraction electromagnetically draws LIKE frequencies, resonances or vibrations of INFINITE soul essences together.

Quantum law of entrainment homogenizes customs, ideas, values and the consciousness’s together to increase harmony into a feedback loop or cycle of cause and effect, of the interactions of the soul and its human UNTIL the soul or human individually or both CONSCIOUSLY decides and actively moves into another frequency. 

The Quantum Field of quantum particles is a Perpetual Engine of Creation of free renewable energy, always in motion aligned with quantum laws.  Perpetual systems come in pairs creating the double event of a weak and strong force surging back and forth to energize holograms, grid structures your breathing and thought patterns.

Quantum LAW of RESONANCE, vibration or frequency, is each resonance has different event sites with particular themes or purposes that have unique sensations, colors, sounds, tastes and smells.  Vibrations or frequencies are predictable, measurable and can be calculated and understood.  You interact in real time with any resonance your thought patterns electromagnetically match, attract and entrain with.

Repeated motions are called “oscillations” or cycles or feedback loops that repeat the same frequency of events for the INFINITE soul.  Humans are not infinite.  

All the states of resonant energy exist and have always existed all around us concurrently and simultaneously.  We were trained to call all of it “third dimension,” but that is not truth.  It is just the only truth humans choose to believe.

3D/4D resonant realities key principles, beliefs and behaviors lack so much compassion for the self and others it needs to be quarantined because it is toxic to the resonances of compassion.  The INFINITE soul’s thoughts, intent and actions, that lack compassion eventually have consequences, even if it takes a great many incarnations to experience and rebalance its energy.  “As you sow, so shall you reap” is the basic understanding of how karma or the law of cause and effect work.

Dark soul’s beliefs and behaviors operate in a cycle of cause and effect over and over again until the dark soul consciously owns and chooses to leave that cycle by increasing their compassion for themself WITHOUT, guilt, shame, judgement or blame.

The dark cycle of cause and effect has 3 main beliefs and behaviors that the infinite soul rotates in and out of incarnation after incarnation.  Being the victim, the entitle predator and the confused innocent in denial or unconsciousness “zoned out”.  The same infinite soul takes turns experiencing all 3 roles with other souls that match their resonance; wounding, abandoning, abusing, using, torturing or killing the self and each other over and over and over again.  Having the illusion or delusion that they won or accomplished something of value.

AN EXAMPLE of one feedback loop for one infinite soul over a great many 3D/4D consecutive incarnations whose’ human, grinds its teeth in anger, fear, guilt and shame during sleep to awaken with lots of pain and doesn’t know why.

Many incarnations ago this soul essence was a priest that denied his flock things they needed.  The priest consciously withheld these things because the felt his flock did not appreciate him enough.  In two different later incarnations his significant other’s killed him because he didn’t share enough of what they wanted from him.  Tell me:

When and who was the victim?  

When and who was the predator?  

When and who was the innocent in denial, dissociated and unconscious?

There can’t be a victim in isolation, a predator isolated or a confused innocent in denial, they all need each other to define themself and maintain the same resonance of their joint feedback loop.

YOU ASK, why this soul didn’t notice the wounds, suffering and anger building in his flock and significant others that eventually killed him.  BECAUSE, when this Dark One sees a red flag of danger in others, his choice was to create a fiction or “pretty story” about it for himself as to why there was nothing to worry about.  Or frequently he was just unconscious, dissociated and/or distracted with his sense of entitlement, work, excessive eating and drinking or entertainment.

The denial of consciousness and truth is strong in this one!  

When one is in denial, avoidance, unconsciousness or entitlement of what is moving in a dangerous direction, they don’t need to change or alter anything and they don’t want to change!  They demand things stay as they are that favor the Dark One.

During this current incarnation his two killer’s souls incarnated with him.  Both at different times, during this current lifetime, AGAIN became “significant others” with him.  A rematch of energy and/or another opportunity for someone or all to leave the dark feedback loop by being compassionate with the self, which would increase the soul’s resonance OUT of the 3D/4D quarantined feedback loop.

During this current incarnation his INFINITE soul was born into a generational Illuminist family again and suffered in the same manner as it did before and as all their children are forced to suffer as they are created or MOLDED to be obedient slaves, very angry, fearful, guilty and addicted to sex, alcohol, self hate and self abuse. 

SIDE BAR; The Illuminati needs and therefore creates souls/people that are obedient efficient slaves that can be controlled with THEIR fear, guilt and shame.  The slave needs to accept the illusion that they are worthless and useless without “the family” to care for them and use them for all their money making criminal projects and enterprises to support the elite’s greed, power and entertainment. 

The slave’s trainers channel the slaves angry and out of control, “passion” to use and MAINTAIN the slaves fear, guilt and shame.  The slave also needs to believe no one else will have them or could love them which is why they are not allowed to bond with others and especially NOT with each other.  They are trained to trust no one including and especially themself and their own judgement.

Back to teeth grinding, “The priest’s soul” in this current incarnation was so ashamed of his guilt, that he suppressed it from his consciousness while awake by JUST being angry and judgmental of many others and “their ways” along with a few addictions he battles with.  The teeth grinding happened while he slept.  The biology can’t be forced for long, to hold the mental body’s lies and secrets.  While he slept his self deception, sense of entitlement and pretty stories were being called out and exposed for what they were.  The denial, distractions and unconsciousness were falling away to expose what was true.

In this incarnation, when the soul stayed conscious, slow and steady the soul allowed itself to experience the true feelings and emotions he HAD gifted his flock and significant others with.  It was painful receiving what he gifted to others.  Realizing he was a Dark One amongst other Dark Ones made him fearful that he was not strong enough to leave the feedback loop he joined.  He was angry at being suppressed and forced to obey.  He had denied and tried to avoid awareness about how guilty he felt using, abusing and punishing others.

SIDE BAR; Dark One’s reassure each other there is NO compassion, that lie is only a “set up” to be used and abused again.

Higher RESONANCES, vibrations or frequency’s, key principles, beliefs and behaviors that define it, are receive and give only compassion, be responsible for the self, treating all as equals and the resonance is 5D and beyond, with no physicality, no linear time only present time and no secrecy as all are telepathic.