Are stored habitual, robotic patterns of response we put into play when we feel wounded, abandoned or not accepted.  This automatic unconscious response is “on duty” INSTEAD of conscious rational logical thought. 

Lacking CONSCIOUSNESS and the truth, means nothing can change.  

Defensive responses to wounds, abandonment or not experiencing acceptance were created, strengthened and maintained by our soul’s feedback loops of structured pairs of giving and receiving the same low, slow mean spirited energy and intention to each other.  Your infinite soul and the same other infinite souls that treat each other without compassion.  Only the finite biologies change lifetime after lifetime.  

Feedback loops of structured pairs of giving and receiving that lack compassion remain in the soul’s inter-dimensional DNA or aura and imprint each new biology’s SNS, sympathetic nervous systems the soul inhabits until we CHOOSE to BE conscious, awake and factchecking the TRUTH of the complete cycle.

Then the soul can choose to transmute its thought and intent.  When the soul’s perception is solidly compassionate the higher self rewrites the soul’s multidimensional DNA history’s thought and intent, deletes program, imprints or implants in your grid system.  This has been called moving into the void or zero point energyYOUR old survival truths fall away and your new compassionate thoughts are owned and applied.  You’ll feel a bit spacey during the process.  The larger void is between fourth and fifth dimension lasting much longer.

The emotional charge on the soul’s thoughts and intent that lack compassion need removing to prevent the soul from getting triggered into unconscious habits and dissociate into past time and run a program of stimulus response, imprint or implant it may still have.  Fear, force, lies and control are the creative energies lacking compassion.  Grieving the thoughts and skills you mastered to survive, now need to be release to embrace compassionate thoughts, actions and sensations.

Your higher self, when asked, can give you a YouTube or slideshow of the ORIGINAL wound or abandonment you consciously delivered to another and how you felt when you delivered that wound/rejection.  3D/4D reality is a cause and effect reality.  All energy in the universe is structured in PAIRS to maintain its BALANCE and perpetual MOTION.  You get to feel what your SOUL sent out and put into motion and delivered during ANY of your soul’s incarnation.  

Once you know about the original incident your soul put into play and how you felt doing that to another, you will then have clarity and information as to why you are experiencing what you are experiencing today.

ONE EXAMPLE: In one of your past incarnation you were royalty or in a powerful position and your soul still believe you are outstandingly special, need to be adored and crave way too much supplication (begging) and attention.  When you crave attention other Dark Ones DO notice you, and will “love bomb” you or “blow smoke up your bum” because their flattery and attention feeds your need for puffery (false praise), giving you, your sense of worth, illusional value and power.  

Admiration or attention is not coming from you, or necessarily to you.

Admiration or attention is never an indication of how you feel about you.

Lavishing someone with attention, their specialness or your affection or “set up” is frequently used to influence and manipulate those that do not accept themself well.  They settle for and are ONLY comfortable with “quid pro quo,” a favor or advantage or puffery or blind loyalty expected or granted in return.  

ANOTHER EXAMPLE: Sexual abuse and physical abuse is and always has been about FORCE!  Forcing and over powering another physically, mentally, financially  and/or emotionally.  The intent and resonance is FORCE, control, anger, venting on one that can’t get away from you and punishment.  It might include the sexual organs but is NOT about sexual pleasure and enjoyment, that the sexual organs were designed for.  Sexual and physical abuse, force or seduction used to humiliate and shame, is rage, anger, blame or punishment DONE to others that can’t defend themself.  The predator was powerless in their previous situations of being forced and abused that they do or don’t remember.

Even a masochist, a person who derives sexual gratification from their own pain or humiliation will use “safe words” to make it stop!  Somewhere in a masochist’s history, sex signals, pain and humiliation got tied together and distorted.  

Ask for the slideshow or awareness of your original sexual, physical abuse incident when you were the perpetrator.  

Ask for the slideshow or awareness of your original sexual, physical abuse incident when you were the victim.  Sexual addictions are about you distracting you from what is emotionally and spiritually true for you, your lack of compassion for you.


You are your creator consciously or unconsciously!

Universal or Quantum principle of: GRACE would indicate there was judgment and punishment in the light bandwidth and there IS NOT!  Quanta ARE neutral, while mocking up a consciousness’ thoughts.  You create your own grace with your compassionate point of perception and thought for you.  You are your creator and the giver of grace TOO you! 

Consciously own and accept YOUR JOB of forgiving you and be compassionate with you FIRST!  Without guilt, regret, neediness, judgement, blame, punishment, shame, retribution or anyother dark agenda of force or control.  Consider this feedback loop exited and COMPLETED!  You cannot make amends to a Dark One.  They are incapable of perceiving it and WILL use any gift as an opportunity to suck the life, light and energy OUT of the giver, if YOU allow that to happen, you feed the dark and entrain with their hate, anger and justification to abuse and destroy.

Quantum particles are not and never have been “your keeper, judge, predator, god or parent” they only manifest your thought and intent dark or light, mean or kind.  Lies and misdirections you followed, mistakes you made, hardships, disappointments and sadness you endured and created, are FOR YOU to gather the wisdom from, you need to forgive you to heal and release.  

Dark One’s thoughts and intent eventually, maybe many incarnations later do boomerang back to their sender and creator.

Light One’s thoughts and intent immediately boomerang back to their sender and creator.  If they lack compassion the Light One’s soul, low resonance will drop itself into a quarantined frequency. 

Memory and dreams are NOW blending into the same thing to help the human be conscious and accepting of what is true about their history of cause and effect.  These memories and dreams MAY appear confusing because they are presented in the order of importance to YOU for your growth, acceptance of compassion.  Events are not generally presented in linear or chronological order.  In higher frequency’s there is NO time, space, fear, judgment, blame, anxiety, shame or humiliation.  Things are arranged by theme or the quantum law you are having resistance to alining with.

Mind wandering is thinking about what HAS happened, MIGHT happen, or COULD or should happen.  Mind wandering is used to AVOID being conscious and responsible for you.  Your fear, judgement, force or mind wandering disconnects you from your power and control of yourself and triggers you into dissociation, which allows others to decide FOR YOU and make choices for you.

To know the truth you need to stay conscious.

No one is GIVEN knowledge, it is always present and available to all.  HAVE YOU NOTICED?  As humanity WAITS for their rewards, not many pleasant things happen?  Making you feel good and responsible for your feelings is your JOB!   Without blame, judgement or penalties for you or anyone else.  Create a realistic ACTION PLAN of self acceptance and fondness for you.  Ask your higher self for guidance, support and information.  Then put your conscious creator skills FOR YOU, into action.