Enthusiasm is generated as you engage your creativity in the ongoing process of problem solving in every aspect of life.  OWN the freedom to move in another direction with imagination and all the parts and pieces that are involved.   Creativity is recognizing there are many and multiple options.  Reframe setbacks or perceived “failures” as your  teaching tools.  Ask another creator or your higher self to help reframe your frustration or perceived mistake.  

Internal intrinsic rewards are the true motivators and give one genuine pleasure.  External rewards or praise from others can be a distraction or false flag or may have a hidden agenda you fall for.  When you solve an issue differently or more efficiently or discover new and deeper levels of information or awareness you feel the sincere win.  Motivating you further and deeper into more creativity.

Quantum Principle of ENTHUSIASM says that new thoughts generate enjoyment and are ALWAYS showing up to challenge old beliefs and perceptions.  New thought come from within or most anyplace and are vibrational matches to your intent, thought and resonance.

It’s empowering to feel joy, curiosity and enthusiasm which opens your heart chakra for compassion for you.  Yes, there are many others on the planet experiencing difficulty, trauma, war and death at this time as per the law of attraction and entrainment, they are on their path of experience and wisdom gathering.

For example, AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) first appeared in the early 1980s, and rapidly became an epidemic among homosexual men.  Those soul essence’s agreed to experience this to call attention to somethings that needed addressing.  The human biology may or may NOT have agreed to this BUT the infinite soul essence DID agree beforehand. 

Those dying during the wars going on now.  Their soul essence’s have agreed to “be in service” for the same reasons.  To call attention to humanities lack of compassion with the self and each other.

Your entraining with that low resonances feeds the hopelessness fear, depression and stagnation, which does not help or support you or them and takes you off your path.  

Yes, if you can help or guide while maintaining a higher resonance that is excellent.  Your personal joy helps raise the mass consciousness, is a good example and possibly presents new creative options and hope for others to consider and implement.  Joy and vulnerability takes courage with all the “warm fuzzies” and surprises vulnerability has to offer.

Dark One’s trained humanity for thousands of years by perverting meanings and definitions of everything in service of their agenda to create a fearful obedient slave population with lies like, “that is all there is available to you” slavery, obedience, hard work or death.  Convincing and reinforcing the belief that humans are vulnerable and helpless, the way a child perceives its biology.  Humanity looks to others, imagined or real, to rescue, save and nurture them.  There parents, gods, leaders, magic, “blanket and thumb,” along with their created mythical beings that were to help, support, guide and comfort them.

Remaining in denial about their personal powerfulness.

Human’s creative force has generally been FEAR, judgement, punishment, abuse and stealing from each other.  Dark Ones used their freewill to allow OTHERS to do their thinking for them, so they can deny culpability for the rather unpleasant things and thoughts they hold, feed and nurture instead of being responsible for themselves and OWNING what they think and do that lacks compassion for the self.

Demons, Satan, devils, bogymen, reptilians, vengeful gods and goddesses, monsters and alternate personalities created by the Illuminists and all the different religions they created in 3D and maintained for humanity to keep allowing the top of the pyramid to do their thinking for them and reap the rewards of humanities hard work.

There is Lucifer, Belial and Oz, from the Wizard of OZ, which are all con men.  Their back-stories, skin, wings and powers, are all DARK human creations.  Their concept is “conflict in the mind of a 3D/4D god” and a hierarchy of angels, which can only be a human creations inside the quarantined 3D/4D matrix or illusion or holograph.  The Dark Gray FEAR Grid supported and amplified Dark Ones freewill and the illusion that they are separate individuals that have the option to be as nasty as they want to be and avoid culpability.

Consciousness aligned with quantum truths and the quantum field of compassion does NOT have conflict, opposites, competition, judgement, blame or vengeance.  The operating system of the quantum field is give and receive ONLY compassion always in the now moment.  

Linear time was used to help dark thinker’s KNOW what their thought and intent created for them!  More of the same!  The law of attraction and entrainment are ALWAYS in operation!

Human’s project and support what they “want to see” reflected back to the self, FROM their child, pet, a famous or infamous or political person, from an object, symbol or mythical being like Santa Clause, The Tooth Fairy, Elves, divine and semi-divine entities, dragons and other imaginary creatures are all created, maintained and evolved to suit CURRENT human intent, need and wants.

MYTHICAL BEINGS and their PURPOSE created by humans WILL carry the vibration and intent of their human creator(s).  Those building onto the original creation or redirecting it, will change or alter the original intent and purpose.

What humans call ANGELIC ENERGIES or entities, outside the quarantined 3D/4D holograph are NOT physical or singular.  They are perceived as one voice in our head, but are a collective consciousness.  Archangel Michael is a powerful group that speaks as one.  What separates Angel collectives is their type of “service” or area of specialty.  There is never a hierarchy.  Some are ambassadors for others, but do not rank higher or lower.  These Quantum Field Entities reside in higher brainwave states and are aligned with quantum truths or laws.  Their rapid quantum spin enable them to take any form for any length of time they choose.  When interacting with humans they take a form the human can easily accept and feel safe with.

Angels come to deliver messages or give information about future events to an individual or group.  Sometimes Angelic energies come right through a wall or appear as a burning bush because they are actually iridescent balls of energy coming at you, that is why they generally frighten humans and why their messages start with. 

“Fear not!”

The GABRIEL collective consciousness (angel) is a JOB TITLE that told Mary she would give birth to the Son of God.  The “Job Title” of the “Gabriel collective” was coordinating soul contracts with both parties.  Soul-to-soul agreements or entrainments created a “karmic energy field” that stayed with the dark soul during all its incarnations in 3D/4D quarantined realities, which reside outside of the quantum field.  All these contracts ended, were made invalid, having no spiritual force since 2010.  Those still operating with freewill, may believe they are still binding.

Created entities DO HAVE the same rights and freewill humans have.  

To choose for the self, to serve a dark master or NO ONE.  Mythical beings can stay with their original creative intent they were created for or change it themselves.  They are what they perceive and create themselves to be. 

We opened a portal of greater light for ALL mythical or created entities, alternate personalities, dark energy and human soul essences that care to STOP serving Dark Ones and move into the next level of greater light, clarity, comfort, knowledge and understanding about receiving and giving compassion.

Light Ones never need to be served they OWN and operate with their creator abilities, treat all as equals and are responsibility for the self.