Is Your HEART Screaming!

Do you listen and recalibrate?

Research says everyday people violate their own self care and moral values when they don’t stay conscious and act on what their expanded senses of intuition and awareness is telling them.  Ignoring, denying or suppressing what your senses are screaming at you via your heart, mind physically, mentally, emotionally or financially.  

Consider why you fail to act on their cries for help and change?

What can be more important than compassion for you!

You can’t offer another what you haven’t given to you first.

Human heart’s electromagnetic field changes continuously to align with what the brain tells the body and emotional body.  Positive emotions and self care create physiological benefits to the nerves, immune and hormonal systems.  

Humans consciously closed or shut down their heart sensations as a way to protect the self from the affects of past abuse and trauma, which stays closed until you consciously reopen your heart by reopening your body senses to higher frequencies of trust and feeling safe again.  The heart and gut, shut or open, sends more information to the brain than the brain delivers to the heart and the gut.

Sexual activity has been weaponized with shame and power games of control, force, used and abuse but sexual activity was and is designed to lift people up, as a sacred pleasure and celebration.

  Being used as a sexual OBJECT or toy during your childhood by both sexes and or all ages, results in a confused sexual IDENTITY regardless of the obvious physical sexual organs the child/adult have or doesn’t have.  Called by the American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.) Gender Dysphoria.  For example, the child sex slave and eventual adult may respond socially, mentally, emotionally and sexually the same way to both sexes and situations inappropriately.  Sending mixed messages or confused signals to everyone including and especially to the self.  When the heart and brain has shut down, the human can get confused and conflicted about their identity and purpose.

Data suggests that anxiety increases people’s perception of threat, which in turn results in self-interested and unethical behaviors.  In threatening situations, real or imagined, the brain shifts into past survival modes of FIGHT, flight, FREEZE or sacrifice the self in order to save the biology.

Unresolved issues or our dark thought patterns become crystallized capsules of energy and/or calcification stuck and dense in our meridians, chakras, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems until the thoughts and intents the soul essence holds are transmuted into compassion for the self and flows back into the quantum field’s higher frequency of compassion.

Angry upset thought patterns of blame and judgment is generally an avoidance and denial of what is true.  Anger and upset is a distraction used to avoid responsibility for what you know you should be doing and thinking to take care of you.  Our thoughts and intent are our creations for US and by us.  Introspection can help you discover what is true about you so you can recalibrate to be and act compassionately with you.

Nasty thought and intent manifests nastiness. 

Physical matter is compressed energy, quantum particles!

Extinction of any physical species or nasty intent and thought is a natural product of earth’s evolution and appropriate for the growth and development of the planet.  Just as extinction of old abusive unkind thoughts and actions is a natural product of your personal evolution.  Your soul is infinite and adopts another physical form over and over again to continue being a conduit or portal on earth that senses the energy and the intent it delivers to itself and others.  

The lesson plan is the human soul consciously understanding that what they think and intend gets created or manifested by quantum particles.  Humans are working on gathering the wisdom from cause and effect.

Animage created by quantum particles is solid enough to be moved by another consciousness.  The image will carry the resonance and clarity that the THINKER HAS.  Sloppy thinker, sloppy images.  Mean thoughts, mean thinker.  Compassionate intent and thinking means your heart, mind and body stop screaming at you.

On earth now, you DO have the power and the compassionate back-up to stop acting like artificial intellegence controlled by the dark lacking compassion.  When you have given your power away to circumstances outside of you, ONLY you can set yourself free, by now starting to chose compassion for you WITHOUT judgement, blame, guilt, hate, anger, vengeance, retribution, competition or punishment for the self or anyone else.

Consider aligning with universal laws and principles.

Law of ALLOWING others their path without your demands and judgement.

Law of ATTRACTION which attractslike energy, intent and resonance to you.

Law of ENTRAINMENT is when2 or more resonances, realities or thoughts existing in the same space, MUST combine to create a SINGLE resonance.

Law of CONSCIOUSNESS, YOU must consciously make your choices because you ARE personally responsible for them.