Is an image or decision made by someone that has been faced with a MORAL dilemma.  They are with a person or in a situation or interaction that they consciously for a moment or two, sense a “red flag” of caution or danger.  Sensing the red flag they quash or ignore their awareness by moving to the prettiest picture they can come up with and choose to go with that.

The “pretty picture maker,” does not want to even try, to protect themselves, put up boundaries, walk away or alter the interaction or redirect the energy.  They will act confused about how things went from controllable and easy to redirect, to out of control, unpleasant, a drama and lies.  Of course the same“red flag” issue will keep coming up until it’s addressed, avoidance and denial only delay the inevitable

When one is faced with something they DO NOT want or address, they avoid responsibility for being compassionate with themself.  Instead they will ignore, deny, doubt, be confused, try one more time, blame someone or something, worry, come up with another pretty story or claim it’s not their job.

Universal or quantum Principle of CAUSE and EFFECT or RECIPROCAL ACTION or ENTRAINMENT, says nothing happens by chance or outside of the quantum field’s laws and principles.  The fact that you cannot identify a cause or effect is irrelevant.  For every thought, intent or action there is a vibration, reaction and consequence you create for you consciously or unconsciously.

Reciprocal is felt or done in return binding two or more parties or energies to an agreement or obligation, feedback loop or cycle or entrainment.  Dark low slow vibration or “the effects” may happen repeatedly in one lifetime and/or KEEP ON HAPPENING in  incarnations after incarnation until you care enough about yourself to be compassionate with you.

Pretty pictures entrain the sender and receiver together in a feedback loop or cycle.  Reciprocal action or entrainment you start in any past, current, parallel or alternate reality and continue to engage in, by giving as good as you got or trying to ignore what needs addressing and resolution.

“I decide you wounded me, NOW I am justified in wounding you back.”

“I allowed your insensitivity and supported your self deception.”

Earth WAS a school of cause and effect, with the freewill to gather the wisdom or you don’t or you ignore it.  The year 2013 and beyond marks the start of our soul’s fifth try at moving BACK into the higher resonance of the quantum field of conscious that gives and receives ONLY compassion for the self.

Dark cycles we started lacking compassion are being completed currently by the individual, IF YOU gathered the wisdom.  If not you’ll be relocated to another lower frequency to continue your freewill with each other, all carrying the same resonance.  You can KNOW and own that the ORIGINAL wound in this cycle was made by you.  And you are currently STILL entrained in feedback loops of blame, judgment, punishment and avoidance.

The question is can you consciously percieve that what you are experiencing NOW, you gifted to another(s), in a previous incarnation and you are locked on to that energy field or cycle of blame, judgment, punishment and/or avoidance.  Energy out is LIKE energy returned to you for you to OWN consciously, no matter how long in linear quarantined time that takes.  When an individual is ethical, in integrity and responsible for the self WHY would they have a moral dilemma or an unresolvable conflict.  The quantum field of compassion does NOT have conflict, opposites, competition, blame judgement vengeance or avoidance.

Dark humans and soul essences enjoy having power and control over others because it creates the ILLUSION of being SAFE from BEING the one being forced and controlled.  Many “Star seeds” that came to Gaia to help Her raise the resonance of mass consciousness, have joined the dark resonance of unconsciousness, self hate and abuse.  Only to eventually discover, that the top of the hierarchy, present in all dark groups, families or couples, has in reality captured or recruited them to be used, suppressed and abused in the name of the current illusional lie pleasing the leader.  Follower’s choices, freedom and power over their own existance is greatly reduced or extinguished.  Forced into obedience and alignment or you will be in a “world of pain, suffering or death.” 

Anger and violence out, anger and violence returned frequently amplified.

Denial and confusion out, denial and confusion returned.

Dark thinking, deeds and people: MEAN YOU NO GOOD! 

Darkness creates, attracts and entrains MORE of the same vibration and resonance of darkness.  Dark Ones do not like their captives or slaves leaving them and will fight dirty to keep them.  Kill any biology and the soul will find another biology to maintain its unconsciousness in the same dark group.

The way to elevate your consciousness is to STAY conscious.  

Conscious choice is the only way to take your power back, people may call you pushy or selfish when all you are doing is deciding what is best for you.  Know that a conscious creator NEEDS to be responsible, culpable for each and every creation, thought and intent.  Those around you may be experiencing sudden turns of events as dark and light energy separates out.  Hold on to your truths, it will all smooth out, even if now it is shocking.  There are very strong and stable high frequencies at work on Earth to help balance the lower frequencies.