Dark Ones go unconscious, shut down their awareness of what they feel and sense to remain “comfortably numb” to continue being nasty, blame others, judge and punish. Dividing people into “them and us.” US perceives they are winning and better than them, avoiding and denying what is truly going on.
BOTH “them and us” suffer when compassion for all is not present or even considered to be possible. When there is a winner there are ALWAYS losers and the wounded that suffer a lower sense of self worth. Allowing the comfortably numb to deny and suppress their senses, feelings and logic. Dark, mean spirited, greedy thoughts, actually hurt a conscious person. When nasty thoughts are what you want to hold, act on and feed on, they hurt! Shame, worry, regret, blame, depression, self hate, judgement and anger hurt one that is awake and aware.
Quantum principle of COMPENSATION and the law of attraction both say that we receive “like energy” to the energy we emanate and share. We attract and are attracted to realities, people, diseases, difficulties, animals, planets and activities that vibrate to our current signature frequency or resonance.
Is your resonance, “I am a bigger winner or victim than YOU are?”
Consider working on accepting you, just as you are, with conscious compassion and kindness, that way you have something constructive to offer you and others. What you create for the self is the ONLY thing that truly satisfies the self. Your joy and happiness is found within you and NOT created by another as a GIFT to you. That is not the way of compassionate things. JOY and happiness in YOU, is created, sustained and found within you and for you. Where you focus goes and the meaning you give it creates the quality and joy of your reality and experiences You always get more of what you ARE, not of what you want or fantasize about.
Quantum Principle of AUTHORITY and RESPONSIBILITY, says the one aware, worthy and capable of carrying out an action has the authority and responsibility to respond.
Is that YOU? I guarantee that no one else can do it for you.
Changing your resonance and transmuting it, is YOUR job.
The fetus’s infinite gray soul essence and their caretakers are all “mature soul essences” that have attracted and entrained together carrying matching resonances and intents at each of your human birth’s including this one. You create (attract or cause) electromagnetically, and sustain (entrain or affect) your perceptions of reality that resonate with the same frequency you do.
Intimate relationships bring out and re-stimulate DEEP childhood and past life wounds and suffering, supporting the MYTH that your needs should be filled by others. How much easier is it to give you what you need instead of trying to trick or force another into thinking they can actually give you what you lack or need with their sacrifice or servitude of themselves, which takes you both, OFF your path of compassionate responsibility for the self.
NICE TRY, blaming angelic wars and angry gods for human unpleasantness, but it’s Human’s at their worst that created the darkness, evil, suffering, vengeance and cruelty our souls and humans have suffered. Dark and light energy are shades of the resonance or frequency human thought patterns hold. When enough humans decide to keep other humans in the dark, then Earth and human mass consciousness was/is in the dark as it has been for aeons. Humans are directly responsible for creating all of it, the slavery, religious wars, forced child labor, suppression of one group over another and our personal using and abusing and forcing of each other in the family, clan, world and universe.
You are YOUR creator consciously or unconsciously. Discern who and what you have attracted to YOU and entrained with: Is it a gift or blessing, could it be a wake up call, or a call to arms. Or one last test, to test your resolve about being compassionate and accepting of you as you are, before your history is rewritten. Future energy patterns are built on present thought patterns, your ACTIONS and your intentions. You get more and attract more of what you ARE, not what you wish or take away from any other.
Ideally you have separated physically, emotionally and energetically from Dark Ones dysfunctional behavior and irrational LACK of conscious thought and logic. Dark Ones exist in unconsciousness, get triggered and move into habits. They do whatever they can to stay distracted and NUMB, use addictions, compulsion, blind obedience to a system or tyrant, blaming and wounding anyone they can.