Your Screaming HEART!

Do you listen, recalibrate and rebalance your intention, thought or action?

Research says people violate their own self care and moral values when they don’t stay conscious TO ACT on what their heart and expanded senses of intuition and awareness is telling them.  Ignoring, denying or suppressing what your senses are screaming at you via your heart, mind, physically, mentally, emotionally or financially will lower your frequency increasing poor judgement and neediness.  

Consider why you fail to act on your heart’s cries for recognition, acceptance and biological needs cared for.  What can be more important than compassionate thought and actions for you.  Human heart’s electromagnetic field changes continuously to align with what the messages your gut is sending to your brain and your sympathetic nervous system and your PNS, parasympathetic nervous systems, which returns your body back to a normal relaxed state.  Positive emotions and self care will benefit your nervous, immune and hormonal systems increasing your mental health.  

Humans have consciously closed or shut down their heart sensations as a way to protect the self from the effects of PAST abuse and trauma, they put into play many past incarnations ago.  Now the feedback loop they put into motion is coming round to let them know how what they created feels personally.  One needs to consciously own, accept and forgive the self for past thoughts and actions.  One needs to consciously reopen their closed heart, to reopen your the bodily senses and feelings.

  The heart and gut, shut or open, sends more information to the brain than the brain delivers to the heart and the gut.

Lies and misdirections need to be owned and transmuted by their individual or group creators with a compassionate point of perception.  Events that YOU put into play by victimizing you or another(s) or you allowing another to control you all need to be compassionately owned and transmuted into the higher frequency and PERCEPTION of compassion.

Sexual activity that has been weaponized with shame and power games of force, control, use and abuse emotionally, psychologically, physically and financially need to be owned, accepted and forgiven by their creator(s).  Sexual activity is designed to lift people up, as a sacred pleasure and intimate connection and contact with each other or alone.

  Being used as a sexual OBJECT or toy during your childhood and / or as an adult by any sex at any age, results in a confused sexual IDENTITY regardless of obvious physical sexual organs the individual has or doesn’t have.  

The American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.) calls sexual confusion Gender Dysphoria.  For example, the child sex slave and eventual adult may respond socially, mentally, emotionally and / or sexually the same way to both sexes and situations that at times are inappropriate that send mixed messages and confused signals.  Data suggests that anxiety increases people’s perception of threat, which in turn results in self-interested and unethical behaviors.  In threatening situations, imagined or real, the brain shifts into past survival modes of FIGHT, flight, FREEZE or sacrifice the self in order to save the biology.

Unresolved issues or our dark thought patterns become crystallized capsules of energy and / or calcification stuck and dense in our brain, body, meridians, chakras, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems until they change.

Angry upset thought patterns of blame and judgment is generally avoidance and denial of what is true.  Anger and upset is a distraction used to avoid responsibility for what you know you should be doing and thinking to take care of you.  Our thoughts and intent are OUR creations FOR US AND BY US.

Consider aligning with the Law of ALLOWING others their path without your demands and judgement.  Law of ATTRACTION which attractslike energy, intent and resonance to you.  Law of ENTRAINMENT is when2 or more resonances, realities or thoughts existing in the same space, MUST combine to create a SINGLE resonance.  Law of CONSCIOUSNESS, YOU must consciously make your choices because you ARE personally responsible for them.

Human SENSATION receptors, are the connection to their infinite soul and the invisible realm.  Through the very small rivers of electrical energy that flow through our 206 meridians, 7 main chakra points, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and pineal gland we get subtle and calm information most of the time.  Through the network of our internal senses and human consciousness, intuition, imagination, “gut feeling” hunches or Aha’s propel us into action without always knowing why or how, and not always using logic or rational thought.

HEALING is conscious control over matter, or the ability to significantly alter our own cellular structure through intent and consciousness alone.  The biology knows your intent, and also any substance you’re holding.  So it is possible to imbue the properties of that substance into your cells without actually taking it internally, so there are no side effects of it or a drug.  This will work on a case-by-case basis within the consciousness of each Human and the path they’re on.  This is the same principle as homeopathy, where one part in a million of a “cure” can be “seen” by the body.  What the body does, is react to your intent, the substance, and your consciousness around it. 

The mental body in your aura floats over your head, above the pineal gland.  Move into fear and beta brainwaves and the pineal gland shuts down.  Adrenals kick in to ensure survival of the biology.  Different entity’s consciousness, visit and interact with you when you need specialized information or have shared interests, need an expert, a healer or want to visit with family or friends incarnated in biology or not.

Skillfully listening to what another conveys means staying conscious when you interact together.  Respond with integrity and kindness.  Ask for what you need with clarity.  Listen to increase your understanding rather than listening to solve someone else’s problems, blame or judge them.  Even poor wording can be beautifully received when said from a place of compassion and caring.

Quantum Principle of RELATIVITY says that what you view and understand from YOUR particular, personal viewpoint is true, RELATIVE and accurate for your perception of reality, dark or light, high or low resonating.