YOU Entrained With?

You are YOUR creator consciously or unconsciously.  

Discern who and what you have attracted to YOU and entrained with:  

Is it a gift or blessing, could it be a wake up call, or a call to arms.  Or one last test, to test your resolve about being compassionate and accepting of you as you are.  Future energy patterns are built on present thought patterns, your ACTIONS and your intentions.  You get more and attract more of what you ARE, not what you wish or take from another. 

Ideally you have separated physically, emotionally and energetically from Dark Ones dysfunctional behavior and irrational LACK of conscious thought and logic.  Dark Ones exist in unconsciousness, get triggered, not knowing why.  They feed addictions to one distraction or another and tend to do what they are told without questioning it or fact checking the consequences.

When you live with a Dark One you can’t get away from, yet! 

Consider taking control of the situation and your interactions so you can cut into and decrease the dysfunction’s, thoughts and acts that lack compassion for you and them.  Over many lifetimes you have interacted in the SAME MANNER with most frequently the same soul essence in a variety of different forms or biology’s and always gotten the same results.

You judge and blame each other and are disappointed and/or angry with the way you treat each other and both sides of these relationships feel THEY are the victim.

When you aren’t compassionate with you!

How can you be compassionate with another(s)?

It is not the experience as such that matters, it’s your perception and predictable engagement in the same frustrating outcome that needs a shift!

Historically, humans have been trained not to interfere when a predictably dysfunctional cycle starts unfolding in your space.  Instead of you surrendering passively (to the same old outcome) consider waking them up to short circuit the same old pattern or come up with a constructive redirection you CAN act on and control or redirect.

When someone doesn’t want to notice you or play with you or like you, are they victimizing you or are you begging them to be responsible for YOU feeling accepted, cared for and noticed.  FAIRNESS is judgment used to assign blame, penalties and punishment.  Fair by what and whose standards.  ARGUING, blaming, belittling and retribution even when only done mentally, in your brain, your biology believes it is happening NOW and acts accordingly. 

“The OTHER” is also experiencing their personal reality!

Be the powerful creator you are, choose to observe, walk away or calm the one out of control down by keeping them in present time and conscious.  The higher frequency option is to STAY IN PRESENT TIME and consciously decide what to create to remain in peacefulness for yourself. 

You create a way to enjoy your daily chores OR change what you do, or how you do it, to enjoy it.  Blaming a parent, family, clan, culture, ethnic group, god, political party or country for not taking care of you, stagnates you into a cycle of blame, judgement and retribution that never ends.  

Do you think any of them are your creator?

Your MISERY is your GIFT to yourself – they are not suffering, you are. 

To consciously choose to vent, hate, force, tell lies about or punish another means your dark thinking and intent FILLS your energy field for as long as you dwell in those thoughts.  Your biology holds that dissonance, tension, dark energy and sympathetic nervous systems reactions of survival, for at least six more hours after your thoughts MAY lighten a bit.  Gossip, tweets and misery will keep you frozen in that negative emoting low resonating energy field.