Law of attraction brought you to CONSCIOUSLY see and feel what goes on in your brain and aura.  Are you enjoying experiencing external what you dwell on internally?

To change what goes on outside of you, need’s your insides to change first.  Humans tend to work with rather limited options mentally especially when those around you are limited.  Seek outside your realm of knowing and ask around to explore options you haven’t thought of yet!  

Consider using https://www.thencfo.org/the-opportunity-finder or 

google or https://www.opportunityknocks.net/ or anything you want to know about find a mentor or therapist or friend that knows more than you know about a subject that you need to know more about.

Consciously or unconsciously you are YOUR creator and need to be invested in you!  No one else can do it for you.  Unfortunately, systematic barriers have prevented equitable access to financial resources, education, healthcare, and jobs.  Help, support  and new information is out there for you – seek it.

What you electromagnetically emanate with your thought and intent you attract to you, that has ALWAYS been true for your infinite soul!  That is how you KNOW what is going on inside of you.  It is reflected or mirrored in your current outside reality.

Quantum Law of ATTRACTION electromagnetically pulls together quanta with “like resonances” similar thoughts, vibrations and intentions.  The sender gets back what they emanate, dwell on and project out.  What comes back to you CLEARLY reflects your perceptions, intent, frequency and reality.  No matter how many incarnations ago you put these aspects of you into play.

If and when you stay conscious, you have the power to manage your energy and intentions, the way you want it to operate.  Consciousness allows you the opportunity to transmute your perceptions into the higher frequency of NOT blaming, judging or punishing yourself or anyone else.  Seeking new directions and options you like is constructive, rewarding and enjoyable.

Your ever evolving current personality is the synthesis of all the vast experiences and reactions your soul has had.  Unbalanced energy you have now, would be you consciously choosing to go against quantum laws and principle’s.  Following or alignment with quantum laws rebalances your soul.

OR you can stay unbalanced, unconscious and perpetually distracting yourself from being conscious, claiming to be a confused innocent and/or victimized like some political leaders claim and their followers support and amplify unconsciously.

Instead of upset or finding a way to shut down awareness, be curious about what your personal external reality is telling you.  Figure out the messages.  Ask for and allow answers to come from your feelings, sensations, body parts or organs.  Listen to your self talk, is it judgmental and cruel or accepting you as you are, compassionate with, about, to and for you?

Telling the truth to a Dark One or darkness drives them away from YOU faster than sharing lies, distortions, misdirections or your ANGER, which they love to entrain with, putting you BOTH in a dark space and feedback loop to get them to leave you alone.  The possible but not so likely perk of stating the truth, is, that telling them the truth, MAY spark a realization for them NOW or possibly lifetimes from now. 

REALIZATION IS A constructive compassionate ACTION.

One example, A person wants you to join their group BUT you don’t want to witness them verbally assaulting their spouse any longer.  Do you have the ovaries/ balls to share your truth with them?

Cause and effect energy is always structured in pairs.  

Structured as the perpetual engine of creation, our DNA / RNA, matter and antimatter are paired creating the double event of a weak and strong force surging back and forth to energize holograms, grid structures, the universe, our breathing, thinking and INTENTIONS for the self and others.  Feedback loops or cycles we put into play structured in pairs of giving and receiving.  Being judgmental, blaming or negative uttering out-loud or only in your thoughts means YOU receive judgement, blame and whatever other unpleasantness you emanated WILL return to you.  RECIPROCAL is getting back what you sent out energetically creating a cycle maybe started lifetimes ago if you haven’t rebalanced the energy yet with your compassion.

Your intense beliefs and feelings that lack compassion are owned and felt or expressed in your biology that attracts and entrains with inflammation, poor digestion, leaky gut, high blood pressure, calcification in the body and brain, gonad pathology, cancer, mites, mold, yeast and other diseases and conditions carrying the same low vibrations your thoughts carry.  And you are not fun to play with or be around. 

There is no one to blame or praise for where you are except you.  

Your higher self is present to help, guide and support you, when YOU meet them half way, you initiate and do half the work to prove your commitment.  Until you put your thinking in integrity nothing in your life will work smoothly.