Our DNA field or aura is eight meters or 26 feet wide.
As you overlap field’s with another(s) you are communicating information to each other in the now moment multidimensionally with your consciousness and focus.
Consciousness human or otherwise is an energy field of information.
Consciousness sends instructions and information magnetically to trigger or change your body, intent or thought. The seen and unseen parts of our cells are invisible multidimensional parts. Cells are complex magnets of electromagnetic energy. One cell will detect the magnetic pattern of the other and they join as a key in a lock. Human consciousness is needed to rewrite any instructions for any DNA to change their magnetic structure.
Our multidimensional DNA energy soup needs human consciousness to trigger electromagnetically, FOR EXAMPLE, the ninth layer of our DNA to activate the key in that lock, that will heal a part of our physical body.
Small percentages of our DNA soup, maybe only 5% is visible to us. Most are invisible with VERY complicated electromagnetic interactions happening back and forth. The human thought and intent needs to consciously trigger electromagnetically what it wants activated.
Temple of Rejuvenation is NOT a building and never will be again, as it was described in past texts, NOW it is intuitive and in the human’s personal control to activate and restructure their own DNA. The temple represented the blueprint of our original DNA and its prime resonance.
Our 12 meridians are multidimensional portals to and from the human body that are used to access our multidimensional DNA. Acupuncture or similar systems respond to the meridian portals. They help the body heal itself using its own set of instructions for its own personal chemistry. Homeopathy is an “information signal” to magnetically trigger our multidimensional DNA. Layer nine in multidimensional DNA is the healing layer, when it works WITH layer one’s physical DNA. Layers one and nine carry the information to alert and heal the human to disease, like the immune system does.
Multidimensional frequency’s of our multidimensional DNA grids or our aura are roughly divided into 12 parts of interactive energies, divided into 4 groups of 3. Each numbered layer of DNA carries particular types of focused energy, frequencies and characteristics of interaction with each other. Similar to the way chakras interact within the whole system.
Group One within the 12 Layers of DNA is the grounding or biological layer. Our DNA, includes the physical DNA our scientists see NOW and the INVISIBLE parts they will see with more advanced equipment.
Layer Two is your mission or experiences. Aspects of our consciousness like our guides, invisible friends, angelic entities or even the devil etc., are aspects of ourself’s consciousness separated out for us to better understand and interact with how each aspect operates, to consciously understand cause and effect instead of getting triggered by “stimulus response.” For Dark Ones this layer is dormant, inactive.
Layer three is activation or ascension out of 3D / 4D quarantine toxic thoughts and actions, unconsciousness and “stimulus response.” Mastering RECEIVING and giving only compassion. Falling in sync with our 5D / 6D higher self, aligned with quantum law which is generally an extraterrestrial or what we call alien. Humans have many 4D / 5D things and interactions that we consider 3D physical interaction, but in reality are 4D / 5D.
Multidimensional DNA carries the memory of all the infinite soul’s experience’s, imprints, habits and movements into all the different frequency’s the infinite soul has been a part of.
Parallel lives is NOT another physical Human, living a parallel life. It’s your consciousness that is experiencing activities actually happening in your energy field. An aspect of your soul or higher self may be in a parallel reality, resonance doing what you are doing in the same timeline having slightly different experiences and outcomes.
Currently pieces and parts of our invisible DNA are being up graded, transmuted. DNA with ragged edges, are codes no longer used and are being deactivated along with implants we have had. Immune systems are being strengthened, life expectancy is increasing. As a race, humanity is experiencing what the Pleiadians went through long ago and have moved on to seed and restructuring DNA on other planets.
One Hundred Thousand or 100,000 years ago, like most mammals of Earth there were a wide variety of different kinds of humans. At that time the Pleiadians, our infinite soul aspect, altered the genetic codes for the current human to be the core race, and stopped the development of the other branches of humans on earth at that time.
Our higher selves, that were and are Pleiadians for many of us, decided Earth humans were going to experiment with how the “human animal” would handle having freewill or choice, to be as nasty or nice as they liked as an INDIVIDUAL. The Pleiadian DNA provided Humans with a healthy life-span and kind thought patterns.
During the time of Lemuria and Atlantis, around 300,000 BC reptilians from Draco and some dark Pleiadians installed thought patterns in humans DNA, that supported fear, hard work and glorified slavery. This lowered the resonance of human’s consciousness, that meant the 4D soul aspect, to match the human’s resonance, modified itself to entrain with its human’s resonance of fear based feelings, beliefs of abuse, force and control glorifying greed and a lack of compassion. And Gaia’s mass consciousness was lowered also. Generally there is a 10-20 percentage point difference between the biology and soul’s compassion or light.
As mentioned in the bible, the “sons of God” or the Reptilians, who married the “daughters of men” in Genesis 6:4. Resulted in all human biology having a minimum of 20% reptilian DNA, our limbic system.
There were and are more than 22 different alien race’s, that donated their DNA to humans at various times. They are generally an aspect of our soul called the higher self and may well be interacting with the human’s consciousness now, quarantined or not.
To name a few of the 22 different alien race’s would be: Arcturians, Pleiadians, Sirians, Bellatrician, Dracos, Octurians and/or Orions. Currently many humans and their soul are dealing with their inability to release their fear based thoughts and emotions, real or imagined. The Reptilians, currently called the Illuminati’s agenda of severing the biology from the soul’s wisdom, support, guidance and compassion was pretty successful, by making the human think the soul and higher self are “the devil” or evil and something to be feared and not trusted.
At the time of a physical birth on earth or any planet, the biology grid system or DNA will carry the same resonance that the mass consciousness of the planet currently carries and operates with. From the time of Atlantis until around the 1940s the mass consciousness interwoven into an infant’s biology, was around 40% compassion or light. The steady increases in the mass consciousness on Gaia, raises the percent of light or compassion each new biology has at the time of its birth.
Group TWO of our multidimensional DNA is the human and its stream of consciousness located in the quantum field soup operating compassionately. The second group is layer four, five and sixis the human and higher self ON LINE, in sync with its stream of consciousness, giving and receiving only compassion most of the time working together aligned with the quantum laws and principles, perceiving the world of creation that resides act or dormant within us.
Quantum Principle of PURE INTENT is compassion with nothing to gain or lose. Any time you have pure intent, the process is accomplished!
The inability for the human to KNOW what actually happened is a frustration, 3D humans love solid measurable feedback. Quantum spiritual things have very little 3D proof. Faith and knowingness is used in lieu of proof.
NO character, symbol, word of any language has power in and of itself. Voicing combined with your knowledge, frequency, wisdom and intent gets the awareness of quantum particles for you to receive benefit or attract what you seek and manifest. Only what is appropriate is delivered to you interdimensionally and at the time it is needed including new developments in the sciences.
Group THREE is the multidimensional DNA frequencies of seven, eight and nine. They are all together in a soup of energy information that interacts with each other. Layer nine in your multidimensional DNA, aura is the healing layer, but it has to work consciously with layer one of your 3D DNA to recreate the prime resonance for healing.
Group FOUR is the multidimensional DNA frequencies ten, eleven and twelve.