Emotional and physical boundaries are generally guarded and monitored by a person’s fear, anger or withdrawal responses, when their boundary of emotional trust or physical safety has been crossed or violated they are triggered to protect and defend themself.

  Some people have been painfully trained, to NOT have emotional or physical boundaries.  They are trained to allow others to do as they wish with them.  Their FEAR and/or belief is that they don’t have any right to protect and defend themself when someone wants to abuse and use them emotionally and physically.  They have been trained that they are not allowed to protect themself or care what happens to them.  They die or become masters of dissociation from their body and soul.  Emotionally they dissociate and the biology is on its own to use its builtin defense mechanisms.  

Those whose boundaries have been so frequently violated give up in defeat and powerlessness.  They also fear that ANY change or ANY change in purpose, WOULD be to hurt them further.  Change is too scary for them.  Their emotional fears and submission have probably saved them from more wounds than they have already sustained.  They are broken and frozen like you can see in any abused and neglected animal’s reaction or withdrawal in fear.

Feeling defeated and powerlessness may be reinforced and strengthened lifetime after lifetime for the soul’s inter-dimensional DNA or aura and imprinted in the SNS, sympathetic nervous systems of each biology or form, the soul inhabits until it CHOOSES to stay conscious, awake and willing to factcheck the complete CURRENT cycle of their truths.  Owning the feedback loops they put into play.  Forgiving themself for misdirections.  Can and will end their robotic unconscious responses that are “on duty” INSTEAD of the soul’s conscious rational logical thoughts happening now in present time.

Lacking CONSCIOUSNESS, means nothing can change.  

Clinging to old wounds nothing can change.

All energy in the universe is structured in PAIRS to maintain its BALANCE and perpetual MOTION and conscious awareness.  3D/4D resonance is a cause and effect reality in an effort to make the unconscious, lacking compassion souls, be conscious and choose kindness and compassionate.

Anger, fear and withdrawal are alarm systems for the deeper, less comfortable emotions and anxieties that you TRY to protect yourself from or dissociate to AVOID dealing with them consciously and rationally.  Like your guilt, sadness, embarrassment, your self rejection or your oozing emotional wounds.  Severely wounded human’s have a knee jerk, irrational reaction of fear of accepting help and support.  They don’t believe it or trust it.

The way to exit that feedback loop is to stay conscious in present time!

Reassure the self that you are valued and deserve compassion from you.

Ask the higher self for support reassurance and guidance.

NOTICE what is true NOW!  It might be more important to use rational thought and logic because your fear and anger responses have been so over stimulated that they are not serving you well at this time.  You may believe ERRONEOUSLY and incorrectly that it is not possible for you to be forgiven and feel safe with yourself.  

When one is ready and willing to put in the work help will be there for you.

Your higher self can meld with your soul’s consciousness to transmute some of your STUCK energy/belief into the higher resonances of compassion for you.  It is always the severely wounded human’s choice to accept as little or as much help as they want, BUT they need to be an active participant and invested in themselves.

To discern who and/or what is compassionate FOR THEM and who or what is not.  To consciously discern who are light helpers and who are Dark Ones to avoid.  The human needs curiosity or desire to create something compassionately for themself for this melding of consciousness to be successful.  When fear is stronger than desire or curiosity for compassion, fear ultimately wins.

What you consciously focus on and the meaning you give it, creates your reality for you.  Unless you walk away mentally and physically, you become part of the feedback loop or cycle of cause and effect YOU put into play during any moment of any incarnation. 

Being a hater or feeling guilty are designed to distract and avoid.

Accepting you with compassion just as you are would mean accepting your sadness, your guilt, embarrassment, self rejection or open wounds to explore, understand and own them as a part of the tapestry that IS YOU currently.  Embrace all your multifaceted parts that have created your current state of awareness.