Lonely people tend to put a negative spin on other people and information they receive from facial expressions, news or information they seek, which would amplify their perceptions of fear, rejection or “stranger danger.”  Neuroscience suggests, circuits in our brain and changes in our behavior can trap us into a feedback loop reinforcing our fears and suspicions.  While the lonely desire connection with others, they view others as unreliable, judgmental and unfriendly, which is actually the energy field THEY emanate attract and entrain with.

Quantum Law of ATTRACTION electromagnetically pulls together quanta with “like resonances” similar thoughts, vibrations and intentions.

What you’re thinking electromagnetically emanates out and attracts more of that to you energetically.  By keeping your distance and putting a negative spin on other people and information you actually attract people that feel just like you do.  There by, proving to yourself that everyone is just like you.  That is their circle, cycle or feedback loop that is the same as your circle, cycle or feedback loop and creation to experience and percieve.

Within 120 milliseconds, lonely people focus and pick up on many social signals or cues as negative.  Which is twice as fast as people with satisfying relationships might pick up on.  Lonely people prefer to stand further away from strangers than other people do and they avoid physical touch.  Which could contribute to the emotional well-being of lonely individuals often “downward spiral,” said Danilo Bzdok, an interdisciplinary researcher at McGill University with a background in neuroscience and machine learning. 

Check your mirror, what you feel is true about others is probably true about your attracting them electromagnetically to you.  Are you emanating your unreliability, being judgmental and unfriendly.  Do you perceive yourself as victimized, confused and angry electromagnetically attracting a predator or Dark One to prove you are right.  

You get more of what you ARE, not of what you want.  

To leave the cycle of loneliness, one needs to alter their perceptions of themself!  To be what you want to attract, which means embracing, accepting, and enjoying your own company.  Have you noticed that when there is a problem or you experience your loneliness, YOU ARE THERE!  

The issue is INSIDE of you, therefore you are the only one able to alter or change your perceptions.

Notice how your issue, the emotion of loneliness feels, focus on the feelings INSIDE of you.  Say to yourself, I am sorry I keep triggering this feeling of upset in me.

Please forgive me for continuing to upset me with this feeling.

I love me, accept me and forgive me.

Universal or Quantum principle of: GRACE would indicate there was judgment and punishment in the light bandwidth and there IS NOT!  Quanta ARE neutral, while mocking up a consciousness’ thoughts.  You create your own grace with your compassionate point of perception and thought for you.  You are your creator and the giver of grace TO you!  

To attract those one trusts, feels safe with and enjoys, they need to BE a person that has compassion for the self, is trustworthy, feels safe with and enjoys.  YOU are the conscious or unconscious creator of your vibrations, intentions, thoughts, perceptions and emanations.  Time to be curious and explore your unowned nastiness and wounds you keep recycling and bringing up into present time, emanating and projecting onto others.  When you experience nastiness and wounding, ask your higher self about this cycle that YOU put into play.  Ask for the slideshow of the original incident YOU put into play when YOU were nasty and wounded another

One exits an unpleasant feedback loop as their perceptions change.

Listen closely to your self talk is it judgmental and cruel or compassionate with and about you?  Loneliness feels bad and takes a toll on our health.  It can lead to high blood pressure, stroke and heart disease double the risk of type 2 diabetes and raise the likelihood of dementia by 40%.  Chronically lonely people tend to have an 83% higher mortality risk.  They consider themself powerless and unwilling and unable to change.  You are your creator that needs to be invested in changing your perceptions of YOU.

Organizations, groups and governments often attempt to help lonely people by suggesting they go out more and set up hobby clubs, community gardens and craft groups.  Which doesn’t address the lonely person’s, low self esteem, fear and anger.

Come up to PRESENT TIME and focus on the present!  

Come up with a way or find another to help you heal your wounds instead of endlessly recycling and feeding them.  Judgement, punishment, blame, competition, vengeance, shame and retribution are only found in the toxic quarantined holographic illusion lesson plan or module of 3D/4D reality.  In higher brainwave states and resonances injuries and wounds you sustained or caused ARE healed, released and transmuted from WITHIN you.

Consider that cycle complete.  Fear should be a short lived experience and paid attention to where there is a real present time danger.  Not used as a pingpong match of fear, anger and your tired out option to isolate yourself, going back and forth between you and others.