SIMPLIFY and Remove

Simplify and remove your lower frequency thoughts and actions to bring in higher frequency energy, relationships, connections and compassion for you.  Make room for the new!  Energy and blessings are moving and flowing in to replace old densities of force and fear with give and receive only compassion.  With the revolution of energy things are shifting and even higher frequencies are on their way.  Have pertinence.

Only a small percentage of people on earth are clinging to their feedback loops of “tit for tat” wound’s, anger, control and force.  The very darkest cycles that the rest of us also experienced and maintained historically, which we have consciously chosen to leave in this and/or previous incarnations.

It took 30% of the mass consciousness to reach the tipping point on earth to move into the higher frequency of compassion. November 8-9, 2003 the Harmonic Concordance, when our 5D/6D higher selves were asked, “Do you give permission for your multidimensional and physical DNA to be changed?  YES!  Male and female energy was high enough to start melding back together as the one unit they once were.  November 11, 2011, Gaia’s operation system was moved from freewill energy stored in 4D crystals, inside Gaia, ONTO the Crystalline grid around Gaia.

“The dark gray fear grid” that surrounded Gaia, attracting and entraining Dark One’s choices and actions, has been and is in process of being transmuted.  2012 and beyond ALL consciousness grids were raised enough to LEAVE the freewill resonance of humanity and move into the frequency of give and receive ONLY compassion.

Patience, those still choosing “freewill force” are in process of being removed.

It is EXCEEDINGLY helpful and supportive for you when you maintain your focus on YOUR compassionate creating for you.  This is where your creativity and power are the most intense, effective and nurturing to you electromagnetically and for the mass consciousness, nurturing all and offering those in darker denser realities a template to consider joining. 

Consciously keep coming back to compassionate thinking and acting for you and implementing your creator abilities and skills.  Stay aware of your thoughts, emotions, sensations and reactions internally and what you emanate to those around you. Quantum Principle of LIABILITY, states you are responsible and answerable for your use, abuse or neglect of the rights you have and the rights you have earned.  Receiving what you enjoy or fail to enjoy is NEVER LUCK, or a God, or devil, it is your ignorance of ALL THE OTHER factors in play. 

There is no one to blame or praise for where you are except you.  

You are your creator consciously or unconsciously.  Discern what your “like intent and vibration” has attracted to YOU and you entrained with.  Have you attracted a gift, blessing, a predator or victim, an option to reconsider and walk away from, or is it one last test, to test your resolve about OWNING a new thought pattern you choose to adopt and maintain now.

GUILT and SHAME, sensations are built on your fear that you are not worthy of acceptance and compassion.  Because of the lies and misdirections we all spread and followed, mistakes we all made, hardships, disappointments and sadness we have all created and endured, which is why we existed in a quarantined reality for more incarnation than we can count.  If we continue to feed our cycles of guilt and shame nothing changes.  

When you consciously choose to leave the cycles of guilt and shame the way to do it is by compassionately accepting you just as you are and build on that!

Simplify and REMOVE by leaving the distraction and feedback loops of guilt and shame as they only sustain suffering indicating you are moving in the wrong direction.  We all agreed to our experiences in advance, we victimized ourselves.  

To cycle out is to LEAVE suffering it has no spiritual value.  Hold the wisdom of how guilt and shame works.  Dark thought and actions eventually boomerang back to their sender and creator.  Trapping the creator in the low vibrating cycle of projecting guilt, shame and blame onto the self and others.  Make right what you can, implement and accept YOUR JOB of forgiving and accepting you without guilt, regret, neediness, judgement, blame, punishment, shame, retribution or anyother dark agenda of force or control of the consciousness of your infinite soul.  Low frequency feelings and judgement nurture no one electromagnetically and invite Dark Ones into your energy field to manipulate and maintain the cycle of use and abuse, of tit for tat.

FUN and the JOY of conscious creating elevate your perceptions and frequency!  

Each infinite soul in this reality, incarnated with a very long history of interacting with all the other souls it interacted with MANY times before.  Your main group will carry similar vibrations, intents, ideas, values, customs, secrets, lies, denials, distractions and consciousness.

Those feeding on drama, eating junk food and toxins, drugging or sexing are liable and responsible for their choice of distractions used to numb them from being aware and responsible for themselves.  Your template of a stable compassionate presence presents another option.  Ask your higher self for needed information, clarification. and energetic support.