Consciously select you as the one being the most significant, important and knowledgeable about what you sense, feel, think and intend.  What you experience externally, is actually the REFLECTION of what is going on inside of you.  

Laws of attraction and entrainment.  Your upsets, frustrations, boredom, joys, skills and mastery are being reflected back to their creator, for the creator to experience exactly what they emanate, sense, feel, think, intend, create, feed and maintain to experience and learn about the self.  Creator’s receive what they give, emanate.

Quantum Principle of PROJECTION or EMANATION is your INTERNAL point of perception, YOUR personal STORY, thought, emotion and reality that you hold to be true for you is what you project out.  Your DNA scans your environment for resonances matching your beliefs.  Then your DNA changes its structure, to match what you chose to perceive.

Quantum particles electromagnetically create a filmy image that is clean and strong, sloppy and chaotic, dark or light, mean or kind and everything in-between of your every unconscious and conscious thoughts and intentions.  The filmy image quantum particles create generally floats around the upper part of the body in front of the face and carries the creator’s signature frequency, intent and agenda.  Images are real enough in the 4D frequency and beyond so that they can be interacted with, rearranged, added to or moved by someone other than their creator. 

Feedback loops, cycles or circles are the way that energy functions.  We exist in a Perpetual Engine of creating that operates as pairs of electromagnetic energy, a weak and a strong force surging back and forth energizing your intentions and thoughts, our holograms, grid structures, our breathe and the universe.

Violating other’s freewill and the law of allowing, TRIGGERS electromagnetically you to experience what you projected out.  That is the feedback loop, cycle or circle that YOU put into play, for you to experience.  That is the “now moment” or “present time” of energy in higher frequencies.  NOW, for those still residing in 3D/4D quarantined toxic unconsciousness it frequently takes a great many incarnations for their dark soul essence to regain consciousness, acceptance and owning the truth of their thoughts and intents enough to rebalance their unbalanced energy. 

This is never punishment or retribution it is offering you an opportunity to experience their “cause and effects” and then choose to rebalance their thoughts and intents into compassion.  The soul is infinite, the death of the biology doesn’t change what the soul attracts and entrains with lifetime after lifetime.  Fairness or the “right way” is NOT a CONCEPT in higher frequencies, higher brainwave states and compassionate thinking.  When you do not plan on assigning blame, punishment or penalties what does it matter if a thing is fair as long as it is compassionate?

Universal or quantum Principle of CAUSE and EFFECT or RECIPROCAL ACTION, nothing happens by chance or outside of the quantum field’s laws and principles.  The fact that you cannot identify a cause or effect is IRRELEVANT.   For every thought, intent or action there is a resonance, consequence, reaction you created for you consciously or not so consciously.

RECIPROCAL means given, felt, or done in return, creating a feedback loop or cycle.  Binding two parties/energies and intents equally to an agreement, mutual action, obligation or relationship.  Laws of attraction and entrainment can last a few moments or lifetime after lifetime.

Your apathy or lack of investment in your wellbeing and joy would indicate you are not in touch with what pleases and is compassionate for you.  Being invested and aware in your experiences, you can create joy and wellness for you.  Owning and accepting what is true about you first, to then decide what you want to create for you NOW.  Do you want to continue being a slum landlord or are you ready to invest your thought and energy in a remodel.  Reinvest in something compassionate and meaningful for you.  It’s not the completed goal or gift that is generally meaningful, considering your soul essence is infinite.  The soul enjoys the process of creativity, skill development and gathering wisdom.  The unfolding that happens while meeting and resolving all the challenge’s successfully during your interactions that bring you YOUR intrinsic rewards, JOY and satisfaction.  Developing new strategies and ideas, working on your own self acceptance, development, insights and self reliance.

Quantum Principle of ENTHUSIASM says that new thoughts generate enjoyment and are ALWAYS showing up to challenge old beliefs and perceptions.  New thought come from within or most anyplace and are vibrational matches to your intent, thought and resonance.

It’s empowering to feel joy, curiosity and enthusiasm that open the heart chakra.  Yes, there are many others on the planet experiencing difficulty, trauma, war and death at this time, BUT you entraining with that low resonances feeds their hopelessness fear, depression and stagnation, which does not help or support THEM or you.  

Yes, if you can help or guide while maintaining a higher resonance that is excellent.  Your personal joy can help raise your consciousness, mass consciousness, is a good example and possibly presents new creative options and hope for others to consider from your example.  Joy and vulnerability takes courage with all the “warm fuzzies” vulnerability has to offer.

Normalizing our intuitive abilities, skills and the information our senses have that are always available to us when we care about our self care and fully appreciate cause and effect.  Higher frequency communication comes through our inner senses. When one sleeps the conscious brain that puts the biology’s survival first, sleeps also, unable to censor or dispute information and messages your soul or higher self wants to share i with you. 

During our many incarnations in 3D/4D, lies, strong fears and disinformation have been PAINFULLY installed into our consciousness.  When we get information that CONFLICT with painfully installed lies we haven’t consciously disputed YET!  The default defense mechanism is to deny, block out and forget the new, most likely truer information, especially when you dissociate or value other’s thoughts over yours.  To change your unconscious truths you must stay in present time.  Conflicting thoughts trigger abuse victims, and they short circuit only to double down on their denial and disbelief in new truths.

Ask your higher self to give you a body scan to help realign stuck energy and/or to heal any body part not in sync with the rest of your body.