SEEK Solutions

Synchronicities are attracted to you by the energy you emanate, you seek and/or expect.  There is no magic or having a supreme being blessing or sabotaging you. SEEKING solutions or resolutions for your concerns, problems and issues triggers the    law of attraction that will present OPTIONS that are vibrational matches to your vibration.  Which you need to notice, pick one or more and act on it now.

You will get more of what you ARE, not of what you want. 

Know and accept the truth about what your intent is, because that is what the law of attraction will be working with.  When you want to increase your compassion for you create a new pattern of thought and behavior for the way you function now, that will make your existing thought and habits you choose to release obsolete.  Experiencing you at a higher vibrator level with compassionate nurturing, of you and for you.

Hoping and waiting for another to change first, or change you, isn’t how it works.  You are responsible for you and the reality you created for you.  Acknowledge what is currently happening is true.  Practice self care and positive self-talk.  Accept yourself with kind compassion instead of judgement, blame and punishment.  Taking care of yourself means taking steps to break your entrainment with lower frequency people, thought’s and habits.  Allow them their path without you.  

You can lead a human to wisdom BUT you can’t make them SEE its value, or use it.  Light Ones allow all, their path and will NOT create for others, become their predator, victim or confused innocent.

Quantum particles create our thoughts, with their intent, emotion, smell, color, 3D shape and sound filled out.  The filmy quantum image is solid enough for another consciousness to move the image around.  Owning your creator abilities allows you to shape and continuously change and alter your perceptions of your reality.  In higher frequencies you FEEL and sense what you think as you think it.  

Nasty thoughts give immediate pain, suffering and a strong nudge to get one to reframe their thought and intent NOW!  There is only receive and give compassion, or one’s consciousness is dropped out of the quantum field into a quarantined toxic dark bandwidth of 3D/4D reality and communing with other Dark One’s low consciousness, also called karma, unbalanced energy or you “get what you give.”  The use and abuse that many humans do on earth to themself and each other. 

When you are ready to WORK on creating compassion for you, your higher self is present and ready to help, guide and support you, when YOU meet them half way, to prove your commitment. 

Higher conscious creators create in collaboration or alone WITHOUT the low resonating thoughts of ownership, control, force or greed.  The joy comes from your intrinsic feelings of being a creator, well satisfied with your creations in the moment.  The physical biology adjusts and follows along with what one thinks and feels.  The higher self or soul essence is eternal, awake conscious and curious without judgement, blame, guilt, shame, competition, punishment or fairness, which is assigning blame.

Thoughts and actions LACKING compassion get STUCK, dense and congested in the biology when you force it to hold lies, denial and self deceptions.  Release the thoughts, feelings and agendas that lack compassion by not feeding them your energy, focus or consciousness.  Stop running negative thoughts over and over silently in your head or noisily aloud.  You do not allow another human, vengeful god, demon, alternate personality or reptilian to run your thought patterns, biology or soul.

Until you figure out HOW to be kind and compassionate with you.  You won’t be kind and compassionate with others.  You can’t give what you don’t have, feel or understand.

When the individual or organization you are interacting with, knows the self deceptions and lies you want to hear and believe.  They feed them to you when they need or want something from you.  You choose to comply because you have low self esteem and do not value yourself enough to have compassion for you.  These ARE the contractual agreements you accepted.  You chose, consciously to accept self deception, dependency and lies.  Repeated FORGIVENESS by a victim for the same crimes over and over again is giving a predator consent to continue their mistreatment of you.

When what you experience is emotional, psychological or physical abusive and trauma, it is hard to process what is happening and what is true.  It is hard to believe you accepted CONSCIOUSLY, this contractual agreement. 

Universal or quantum Principle of CAUSE and EFFECT or RECIPROCAL ACTION.  Nothing happens by chance or outside of the quantum field’s laws and principles.  The fact that you cannot identify a cause or effect is IRRELEVANT.   For every thought, intent or action there is a RESONANCE, reaction and consequence you create for you, consciously or unconsciously.

RECIPROCAL means given, felt, or done in return, creating a feedback loop or cycle.  Binding two parties/energies and intents equally to an agreement, mutual action, obligation or relationship.  Laws of attraction and entrainment can last a few moments or lifetime after lifetime.  For dark souls, “the effect” in cause and effect, MAY take a great many incarnations to happen.   In higher compassionate vibrations the reciprocation is immediate and the soul essence’s vibration and consciousness has a few moments to reconsider or its low resonance drops into a quarantined 4D toxic reality.

Feedback loops are to make you CONSCIOUS not feel punished!

Trauma and addiction bonds, are deep concern about the other person instead of the self, each side has agreed contractually to deny and avoid responsibility for the self.  Trauma bonds and addictions affect the brain chemistry’s levels of dopamine and oxytocin causing emotional or physical addiction or “cravings” for certain feelings, foods, drugs, experiences and people etc.  People in denial justify and rationalize their self destructive, irrational habit and may suffer PTSD, chronic illnesses, dissociation, sleep issues and/or mental fatigue.