These are transformational times for many humans, not consumed with forcing others to do it their way.  The journey inward is to consider and own our compassionate consciousness instead of dwelling obsessively with the survival of the spaceship we operate in that is finite, fragile and very short lived.  Our compassionate consciousness is what we all originated from and seek to return to.  Moving from the belief that:

“I am not enough.” to “I am the right amount.”

“I owned other people’s lies.” to “I am compassionate.”

Our new normal is to own and use our intuitive information and abilities that we lost when we lowered our conscious frequencies to blame, judge, hate and punish each other and ourself.  The planet is resonating high enough now for us to easily to commune and fall in sync with the higher selves of our soul conglomerate or what you call god or source, using our heart, logic, intuition and imagination.  Your higher self is aligned with your path following quantum laws of compassion, which spell out exactly HOW to receive and give only compassion.

Our curiosity and an open mind is why we seek more!  

More insight and greater depth into all the aspects of existing.

By going within you commune more closely with your soul, intuition, higher self and what’s going on in the invisible realm daily.  This is subtle information coming in softly most of the time through the large network of your internal senses.  Listen up and translate your messages, always ask for clarification when confused or in doubt.  Make your questions smaller, one item at a time or limited and focused.  Work to know and understand the many layers of your answer.  Now is your opportunity to know and flow gracefully with all the transformations going on, instead of REACTING with resistance, upset, anger and self sabotage. 

Staying aligned with universal laws and principles, especially:

Law of ALLOWING means you need to stay on your path and let all others stay on the path they choose even if it is self destructive and mean spirited.  They have the same freewill to learn their way as you do, without your interference.

Law of ATTRACTION you attract what you emanate in thought and intent.

Law of ENTRAINMENT differentenergies in the same space DO combine.

Law of CONSCIOUSNESS, YOU must consciously make your choices, YOUR soul essence WAS conscious when it originally made its choices during previous incarnations, putting the feedback loop you are living currently, in motion.  To transmute your soul’s feedback loop, you need to consciously do that. 

Awareness of our place in the galaxy is happening and illuminating, our awareness now.  We are creating new normals, which can feel liberating and painful.   Mindfulness, is the moment-to-moment, non-judgmental awareness of what’s happening in our bodies minds and heart.  Higher frequencies of compassion and your soul are NOT physical solidified energy.

Sustained love or compassion binds us on a multidimensional, neurological level of consciousness.  Intense romantic love felt at the start of a relationship can last for decades and be infinite.  Long-term romantic love maybe even be stronger than a new romance, when aided by feelings of deep companionship developed and restructured continuously as you grow and develop.

Researchers find with long-term relationships there is heightened activity in regions of the brain associated with feelings of trust, safety, reduced stress, strong bonding and enjoyment as apposed to needing or wanting. 

There are some gender differences in how touch is perceived: research shows that women aren’t always able to feel the compassion in a man’s touch, and men are often slow to pick up on anger in a woman’s touch.  But we forgive and our bodies gradually learn each other right down to our cells and the microbiome we share with them.  The research says that, over time, we can come to see, appreciate and work with our partner’s weakness and strengths, as well as our own.  

When the brain moves from the lower frequency of lust to compassion, the blood floods with oxytocin a neurotransmitter increasing attachment behavior, generosity and empathy.  Women normally have a lot of oxytocin, but studies show that men get a big surge in oxytocin after a long, passionate kiss.  Moving the male from lust toward care, trust, and devotion.

Our physical heart rate and the multidimensional high heart energy around the biology is always in flux, creating patterns about and around our physical, mental, and emotional wellness.  Heart rhythm coherence is a natural state where our heart rhythm patterns, blood pressure, body’s hormonal and immune systems, and brain waves are operating in sync with each other.

Exalted feelings, moments of joy, expanded energy or visiting higher frequencies while in nature or feeling joyful for some moments need to be anchored in the biology before we manifest them long term.  Anchoring a higher frequency expands and disperses your stuck compressed energy. 

Moving into higher resonances, frequencies or vibrations is NOT delving further into external events.  It’s about going within and remaining conscious about what you sense, think, feel and intend INSIDE of you.

In 5D and beyond we are one mind with many thinkers, feelings and senses entangled in the quantum field together.  These are warm compassionate sensations of close bonding support, trust and clear constructive purpose.

What is “real and true for you” is a perceptual decision you make and CAN change continuously.  You getting in sync and resonating with your higher self will raise your frequency by helping you to STOP judging, blaming and wanting to punish others.  We are understanding, feeling and know we need to be compassionate with the self as the only way to feel good inside ourself and with others.

Conscious awareness of dark thought patterns you choose to release may also releases physically through the skin, a runny nose or eyes, crying or out the digestive tract, vomiting, urinating and/or diarrhea.  Since we are all wired a bit differently, each one experiences release in their own way, at their own pace and time.

Only when you grant YOU, your forgiveness, acceptance, consciousness and kindness can you see, experience, believe and percieve that another could feel the same way about you.  Without judgement, punishment, competition, anger or upset that there is so much compassion to exchange with each other.

Know you are strong enough to release your dark feedback loop or cycle you set in motion.  Know that the issues that are presenting themselves currently have been presented to you MANY times before and you have avoided or ignored them previously.