Our INFINITE soul essence’s generally come into each incarnation with the same group of souls over and over again UNTIL one, some or more increase their frequency of compassion by no longer engaging in games of distraction to AVOID or deny being responsible for what they think and how they behave.
Even in “Same Souls, SAME Games” the critics of the software developers is their repetitive gameplay: that despite different settings and storylines, core gameplay loop of combat, exploration, and boss fights remains very similar.
Entrained with each other vibrationally sharing the same intents, goals and acts that Dark Ones share. The wide variety of games played. You be the victim and I’ll be the predator or abuser, later we can both be confused and in denial about how boring and unpleasant it all gets. Force and control of each other does not manifest warm and cozy sensations inside one’s consciousness. All though LOTS of drama and suffering can be had. Abuse does consume time and energy, leaving a hollowness inside.
Because Dark Ones REFUSE to have or even accept compassion for themself, they have learned to settle for a rollercoaster of intense intoxicating emotions of abuse, neglect, disapproval, and abandonment with worship, adoration and fear. Dark soul essences percieve these strong cruel emotions as TRUE love and caring. They believe love can only be GIVEN to one by an outside source. That is always a misdirection!
The games include “love bombing” pretend affection, compliments, excessive attention, gushy social media posts, and a push to commit too soon. Cycles of drama, psychological, physical and / or emotional abuse interspersed or scattered along with caring or positive reinforcement, giving the illusion of safety (protection) and trust (dependency). Then comes criticism, humiliation and manipulation, but the gullible confused innocent dwells on the crumbs and “set ups” of what they decide the predator is “really” like. The lies, fantasy and pretty stories they make up and tell themself.
As the drama gets deeper and increasingly dangerous the more one feels “loved and needed.” Any problems in the relationship are your fault, and make you try harder to “suck up” doubt yourself, while they deny and excuse their behaviors of insensitive manipulation, distortion and deception with irrational, illogical arguments and lies. Fear, anger, frustration, guilt, shame and suffering lower one’s intelligence and ability to think clearly, if at all. Romantic abusive relationships of force, create fear, surrender and self sacrifice.
Perceiving the self as victimized is also distraction and an unwillingness to take care of and be responsible for protecting and nurturing the self. A victim’s low slow electromagnetic vibes attract someone with a matching resonance to be their new predator(s).
For the finite human that is one lifetime or incarnation.
For the INFINITE soul essence that is lifetimes or incarnation after lifetime or incarnation UNTIL that soul rebalances its OWN energy, thoughts and actions by being compassionate and kind with the self.
The “innocent” in denial and confusion, enjoys the same game of distraction by denying when they are BEING THE predator or victim. Long suffering is not spiritual, it is trying to let you know you are moving in the wrong direction. Dark Ones claim to be confused and never know what is happening or they were only following orders or were forced to do it.
All three of these states of consciousness are engaging in these games and distractions together. They need each other to keep the game going, with their blaming, judgments and punishing of each other. All three have the same electromagnetic low slow energy resonance that attracts and entrains them to each other to play the many games of distraction all three consciously choose to play at some point in some reality.
The victim’s choice is powerlessness and lack of responsibility for the self. To BE a victim, you need to choose to percieve, that someone, something or some event is forcing or controlling you. This might be: a criminal, spiritual belief or dogma, politician, parent, sibling or child, a tyrant or bully, the leader of your country or the food, drugs and drink you abusively allow into your body. The illusion delusion of being victimized by a source outside of you, a predator or parasitic infestation or implant IS an innocent in denial still refusing to TAKE responsibility for the self and the collateral damage their they create around them.
“Being victimized” is keeping your predator engaged with you, feeling powerful and in control. The victim plays powerlessness and at the predator’s mercy enjoying the freedom to be irresponsible, vent, complain and gather pity from others.
Quantum Principle of AUTHORITY and RESPONSIBILITY, says the one aware, worthy and capable of carrying out an action has the authority and responsibility to respond.
SEEKING solutions or resolutions for your concerns, problems and issues triggers the law of attraction to present OPTIONS that are vibrational matches to your vibration. Which you need to notice, pick one and take action on it now.
Synchronicities are attracted to you by the energy you emanate, you seek and expect. There is no magic or having a supreme being blessing or sabotaging you. You attract or get more of what you ARE, not of what you want.
Know and accept the truth about what your intent is, because that is what the law of attraction will be working with.
Self deception will attract more self deception to you.
Increasing your compassion and nurturing of you will attract more compassion and nurturing TO you. Your old patterns will just fall away from lack of use.
Hoping and waiting for another to change first, or change you, isn’t how it works. You are responsible for you and the reality you created for you. Acknowledge what is currently happening is true. Practice YOUR self care and positive self-talk. Accept yourself with kind compassion instead of judgement, blame and punishment. Taking care of yourself means taking steps to break your entrainment with lower frequency people, thought’s and habits. Allow them their path without you.