QUIET, Still and Reflective

Putting too much attention on the outside of you and beyond the NOW moment can create challenges in keeping your core centered and balanced.  Even while asleep the soul is awake flowing through many energies.  When in doubt about an energy you sense as your fear or doubt, ask within, “Is this my creation?”  When it is an energy that your created lacking acceptance or compassion, that gives you an opportunity to learn and accept more of you in greater depth.  A chance to explore and consciously accept the history of your fear or worry.

Many are experiencing health issues currently which is part of life, but for many their health challenge, is a suggestion or a 2×4 upside the head, to make major changes in their way of living, eating, sleeping and/or thinking.

By going within you commune more closely with your soul, intuition, higher self and other movements in the invisible realm.  Now is our opportunity to know and flow gracefully with all the transformations going on, instead of REACTING with resistance, upset, anger, self sabotage and/or despair.  Awareness of our place and purpose in the galaxy is happening, which can feel liberating and painful.  Mindfulness, is the moment-to-moment, non-judgmental awareness of what’s happening in our bodies minds and heart.  Higher frequencies of compassion and your soul are NOT physically solidified energies.

Exalted feelings, moments of joy, expanded energy or visiting higher frequencies while in nature or feeling joyful for some moments need to be anchored into the biology before we are skilled at manifesting them as a transmutation into a higher frequency.  Anchoring a higher frequency expands and disperses your stuck compressed energy that unbalances you.  

Energy realms are getting louder now. 

Moving into higher resonances, frequencies or vibrations is NOT delving further into external events.  It’s about going within and remaining conscious about what you sense, think, feel and intend INSIDE of you.  Only honesty and truth with yourself and others will create transformation in you.  Giving and receiving ONLY compassionate honesty and acceptance of what is.

In 5D and beyond we are one compassionate honest, truthful, conscious mind with many thinkers, feelings and senses entangled in the quantum field together.  These are warm compassionate sensations of close bonding support, trust and constructive purpose.

What is “real and true for you” is perceptual decision making that CAN change continuously.  You getting in sync and resonating with your higher self will raise your frequency as you STOP judging, blaming and wanting to punish others.  Giving and receiving compassionate for and others is the way to feel good inside ourself.

Conscious awareness of dark thought patterns you choose to release may also be released physically through the skin, a runny nose or eyes, crying or out the digestive tract, vomiting, urinating and/or diarrhea.  Since we are all wired a bit differently, each one experiences release in their own way, at their own pace and time.

Only when you grant YOU, your forgiveness, acceptance, consciousness and kindness can you see, experience, believe and percieve that another could feel the same way about you.  Without judgement, punishment, competition, anger or upset that there is so much compassion to exchange with each other.

Know you are strong enough to release your dark feedback loop or cycle you set in motion.  Know that the issues that are presenting themselves currently have been presented to you MANY times before and you have avoided or ignored them previously.

Without guilt, regret, neediness, judgement, blame, punishment, shame, retribution or anyother dark agenda of force or control.  Consider this feedback loop exited and COMPLETED!  You cannot make amends to a Dark One.  They are incapable of perceiving it and use gifts and options as one more opportunity to suck the life and light OUT of the giver, if YOU allow that to happen, you feed the dark and entrain with their frequency.

Universal or Quantum principle of: GRACE would indicate there was judgment and punishment in the light bandwidth and there IS NOT!  Quanta ARE neutral, while mocking up a consciousness’ thoughts.  You create your own grace with your compassionate point of perception and thought for you.  You are your creator and the giver of grace TO you!  

Quantum particles are not and never have been “your keeper, judge, god or parent” they only manifest your thought and intent dark or light, mean or kind, sloppy or well formed with clear thought and intention.  Lies and misdirections you followed, mistakes you made, hardships, disappointments and sadness you endured and created, are FOR YOU to gather the wisdom from.  YOU need to forgive you.  YOU need to transmute your perceptions and actions.

Dark eventually and light thoughts and intent’s immediately, DO boomerang back to their sender and creator.  Repeated FORGIVENESS by a victim for the same crime is giving a predator consent to continue the mistreatment.  Predators create and predict the victim’s future because the victim allows the predator to manage the victim’s present.