The dynamics and status between countries, tribes and individuals is in flux.

The phrase “No beginning and no end” means eternal.  Quantum particles, continuously create and disperse, create and disperse what a consciousness thinks and intends in the now moment, which is always in flux.

The quantum field is the perpetual engine of creation!

Everything is energy.  Albert Einstein explained that quantum particles are energy waves that can become literally anything they want with every addition or shift of energy/thought, they morph into matter, action and a filmy image of your awareness.

The QF is the energy, LAWS and principles of quantum particles, which are how this perpetual motion machine keeps on keeping on.

Your conscious awareness and intention or any consciousness’ THOUGHT, put quantum particles into action to create a filmy image of the thought.  Generally floating in front of your face with its intent, emotion, smell, color, 3D shape and sound filled out.   This is an image of a concept, event, person, place, entity, thing or time period, which is happening in the “now moment” or present time.  

The image is solid enough to be moved or reshaped by its creator or any another consciousness.  What two or more focus on, touch or collide their outer membranes with, create a 3rd filmy image holograph from the original two still remaining. 

As you or any consciousness changes focus the quantum particles disperse ready to create the next thought to interact with, explore and/or experience.

Your THOUGHT Is A THING!  Owning your creator abilities allows you to shape and continuously change and alter your perceptions of your reality.  Higher frequencies sense and feel what they think as they think it.  They can create or interact with any energy, intent, thought, behavior or reality, they focus on and are able to match its frequency.

All perpetual systems come in pairs by creating the double event of a weak and strong force surging back and forth to energize holograms, grid structures, breathing, thought patterns and the universe.  These multidimensional strings of force connect themselves into all the other galaxies, weaving in and out of their centers stringing the galaxies together.  Look down the middle of the galaxies in the universe and you will see a Mandela symmetry.  Mathematics of the QF is in base 12 composed of 3s and 4s, NOT base ten composed of 2s and 5s.

The entire galaxy was created at the same time.  Universes/Galaxies continue expanding, in the same manner until all the many realities intersect and then collapse in on themselves reaching zero point energy or a resting state, which contains all possible potentials, this signals the end of that cycle and the start of the expansion of a new cycle.  It appears that the universe goes on “forever” but it’s always contained in this format of renewable energy, expansion, inclusion and collapse.

Quantum Principle of EXPANSION and INCLUSION:  Is never ending as long as there is more to be included in the definition or the description.  To exclude limits you and your options.  We are, our consciousness that is all that THERE IS and all that can be.

Quantum particle energy can be compressed or solidified to create holographs like the earth, other planets and realities, humans and all other life forms.  Particle spin slowed way down to the point that the vibration/frequency starts collecting/attracting matter to create physicality, linear time and freewill.  Freewill thoughts vibration and/or frequency is a conscious choice option for an INDIVIDUAL, which has always resulted in the individual and then the mass consciousness becoming toxic because the infinite soul choices eventually and increasingly LACK compassion and unconditional love for the self and others, which means they DROP themself OUT of the QF of compassion into toxic, quarantined thought patterns as happened to 3D/4D realities.

For any soul essence to interact in the earth’s holographic reality the soul needs to be in or work with a form/biology that carries the resonance of the current mass consciousness on earth, which is why Dark Ones are in deep conflict, upset, lacking rational compassionate thought and are so uncomfortable and irrational NOW.  Their resonance is slower and lower than the steady rise of earth’s vibration/frequency into compassion for the self and all others moving out of quarantine into the quantum field of compassion.

The QUANTUM FIELD or QF is the delocalized energy field that fills all of space.  It includes infinite sets of all kinds of energy fields interacting with each other.  Withat least 37 different categories that we know of so far of sub-atomic particles, each with a field named after it, including electrons, photons, quarks, bosons, gluons and more.  Quantum fields hold infinite, manifesting possibilities or potentials in constant flux of structuring and disintegrating what a compassionate consciousness thinks, does and intends.

  Quanta in the QF receive and give only compassion, are self-directed, never evaluate, blame, humiliate, punish, judge, shame or shun.  Quanta travel in subspace transferring information from one end of the universe to the other end 10,000 times faster than light, without being diminishing or altering the information.

Inclusion and expansion means there is a continuous unfolding and recreating or restructuring of quantum particles.  Other facets of the QF may NOT have unfolded YET.  That is why an answer from higher resonance’s in the QF needs to be acted on at the time it is given.  There are so many variables in motion that an answer may change becoming not so accurate at most anytime.  Frequently one answer is only ONE facet of your multifaceted question or manifestation.  

Expansion can also mean resurrection or ascension energy changing its form.

Limiting beliefs make one unable to accept ambiguous and/or more complete answers to questions or concepts.  Having an agenda, frequently misdirects your answer and/or your interpretation.  Secrets and lies are self imposed punishment, misdirections and counter productive to the higher consciousness of compassion. 

Lack of compassion is painful and quashes creativity and unconditional love.  Compassion listens, because it sees beyond blame, judgment, punishment and differences.  A compassionate person is seen and felt as safe, they are balanced and not going to hurt or compete with you, be unkind or insensitive.

Reproduction in humans and Universes is roughly the same principle, colliding sperm and egg create a new physical human.  Colliding universes create a 3rd, new universe, each contributing half of their multidimensional DNA to the creation.  Human and universe reproduction or creating happens in a closed environment, or dimensional membrane surrounding it.  

Biology, universe or galaxies are all sentient, carrying the mass consciousness or particular resonance and DNA grid system for that planet, galaxy or soul essence, that the two creators carried at the time of they melded, conceived, expanded, touched or collided entangling their DNA, quantum particles.  The same processes that created life on earth, created life on many other planets and galaxies.  

All life on all planets is created naturally in the same way aligned with quantum laws and principles, the same periodic table of elements, plus or minus the ones we have yet to discover.  Earth in its infancy, started out like the other planets.  BUT there were issues.  Earth had five starts, but not until the fifth go-round did the microbial life create photosynthesis for the survival of life on the planet.  By that time the other planets were millions of years ahead of Earth in their development.

Quantum Superposition says ALL possible states of an object or consciousness are possible simultaneously UNTIL you focus on ONE and then YOU CREATE a single possibility in that moment.  Every quantum state can be represented as a sum of two or more other distinct states.  A particle can be in two or more places at once.  

QF creates and restructures continuously, NEVER randomly.  Perpetual Engine of Creation is a PULSE or “push pull” as found in breathing, as found in giving and receiving love and compassion to keep your body and consciousness in balance.  Breathing IN is the SNS, sympathetic nervous system actions of survival.  Breathing OUT is using the PNS, parasympathetic nervous systems, which returns things to a normal relaxed state.  Energy is structured in pairs to maintain its balance and motion, our DNA / RNA, matter and antimatter, the continuous operation of building and restructuring.