Is the perpetual engine of creation!

Perpetual motion machines are possible, on the level of quantum particles.  

The QF is the energy of quantum particles and everything is energy.  All potentials reside in the QF of quantum particles and their laws and principles.

Quantum Principle of EXPANSION and INCLUSION:  Is never ending as long as there is more to be included in the definition or the description.  To exclude limits you and your options.  We are, our consciousness that is all that THERE IS and all that can be.

The phrase “No beginning and no end” means eternal.  Quantum particles, continuously create and separate out what a consciousness thinks and intends in the now moment, as they focus and change their focus.

Your awareness or consciousness can create or interact with any energy, intent, thought, behavior or reality, you are able to focus on and match its frequency.  All perpetual systems come in pairs by creating the double event of a weak and strong force surging back and forth to energize holograms, grid structures your breathing, thought patterns and the universe.  

These multidimensional strings of force connect themselves into all the other galaxies, weaving in and out of their centers stringing the galaxies together.  Looking down the middle of the galaxies in the universe you see a Mandela symmetry.  Math of the QF is in base 12 composed of 3s and 4s, NOT base 10.

The entire galaxy was created at the same time.  Universes/Galaxies continue expanding, in the same manner until all the many realities intersect and then collapse in on themselves reaching zero point energy or a resting state, which contains all possible potentials, this signals the end of that cycle and the start of the expansion of a new cycle.  It appears that the universe goes on “forever” but it’s always contained in this format of renewable energy. expansion, inclusion and collapse.

Quantum Superposition says ALL possible states of an object or consciousness are possible simultaneously UNTIL you focus on ONE and then YOU CREATE a single possibility in that moment.  Every quantum state can be represented as a sum of two or more other distinct states.  A particle can be in two or more places at once.  

QF creates and restructures continuously, NEVER randomly.  Perpetual Engine of Creation is a PULSE or “push pull” as found in breathing, as found in giving and receiving love and compassion to keep your body and consciousness in balance.  Breathing IN is the SNS, sympathetic nervous system actions of survival.  Breathing OUT is using the PNS, parasympathetic nervous systems, which returns things to a normal relaxed state.  Energy is structured in pairs to maintain its balance and motion, our DNA / RNA, matter and antimatter, the continuous operation of building and restructuring.  

Continual change KEEPS your consciousness FASCINATING, enjoyable, fun, compassionate and your creativity in motion.

As you focus on your current choices, allow the results to come into your conscious awareness to discern and decide what is of use to you in that moment.  Doubt, fear or worry will slow down this process considerably or stop it completely.  Zero Point Energy, ZPE is a seething cauldron of all the potentials or options always available for any COMPASSIONATE consciousness, vibrating above 70% light to choose from.  BELOW 70% light the considerations and intents are of Dark One’s lack of self compassion, using their advanced knowledge to force, torment or control and destroy each other.

Moving your consciousness/soul into a VOID is moving it into zero point energy. 

In the void your higher self moves roughly a third of your consciousness into the void for a day or so to rewrite your past dense thought patterns or delete a program or imprint or implant in your grid system.  You’ll feel a bit spacey during the process.  While the dense stuck energy from all your incarnations of that particular pattern of thought or imprint gets transmuted into the higher frequency of compassion.  This is to prevent you from getting triggered and dissociate into past time to run a program of stimulus response or habit, imprint or implant you have.  

There is also owning and grieving the old dark skills you mastered and used as a Dark One lacking compassion for you.

The larger void is between fourth and fifth dimension lasting much longer.