POVERTY of Compassion

Electromagnetically you attract and entrain with your current thoughts and beliefs.  You are held responsible for staying conscious, making your own choices and breaking free from your limitations and fears.  You maintain your poverty of compassion for you when you are productive and FAIL to take your proper reward, energy, money, love, acceptance and/or forgiveness in a suitable manner.  Because you believe YOU are unworthy, unforgivable “fake humble” or “pretend pious” or just incapable of owning what you created for yourself throughout all of your incarnations in the quarantined toxicity of 3D/4D realities.  

DEBT, all types of debt including financial, emotional, physical and/or mental is unbalanced energy or karma stored, borrowed, earned, spent, owed, claimed or exchanged used by Dark Ones to control, force and torment each other with.

Quantum Principle of POVERTY says to the degree you WITHHOLD your compassion, forgiveness and responsibility for the self you create poverty of your energy blockages or flows.

Your personal poverty was developed over multiple incarnations.

Energetically, debt is using not enough, misdirecting or squandering your or another’s energy in an effort to distract or redirect your consciousness from being compassionate, responsible for yourself and treating others as equals, maintaining feedback loops that fail to nurture or sustain the biology or soul in the frequency of compassion.  Empty calories, excess sugar, squandering energy and money creates stress in you, accepting and sharing lies, denial, disinformation, being dissociated or addicted is unconsciousness and poverty.

To keep yourself safe while interacting with Dark Ones you need very STRONG boundaries, stay conscious and be the objective observer of your choices, without blame, punishment, judgement, competition or self abuse.

Have you been trained to wait for permission to take care of you?  

Self-advocacy is the ability to advocate for oneself by expressing your needs, asserting your rights, and making informed decisions.  This involves understanding your strengths and weaknesses, effectively communicating your thoughts and feelings to you and others when you seek support or guidance as you want it.  You can only share the quality of compassion you are able to give yourself, with others.

People have chosen self sacrifice, martyrdom or avoidance because that seems easier than loving and accepting themselves.  You can’t give OR receive compassion you haven’t figured out how to give yourself yet.  Your neediness, frustration or angry energy will be noticed, shared and felt by those you service, “try to fix” or control. We have endured unconsciousness and serving Dark One’s indifference to who and what we are, feel and need for so long we consider service and suppression as normal.

  The way you feel and what you think and say need to match if you want to move into compassion for you and then others.  When you stay conscious and honest with your senses and feelings, your true emotional state and intent is communicated to you, by you.  Heart mind and emotion coherence enables you to understand the power you have and how to use it constructively and wisely.

All an excuse, denial or pretty picture does is block authentic communication inside you and with others.  Pretty stories, lies and “let’s pretend” detaches you from you, which increases your sense of isolation.  Intimacy is alignment with the truth of how you feel inside, your compassion, honesty, integrity and wisdom.  Your insecure, fear based reactive parts need your focused attention and conscious thought to be owned, examined and released as you learn their history and purpose in your existance.

Recalibrating and healing means possible headaches, neck and back pain. Waking up feeling tired and experiencing intermittent numbness and tingling.  There may be difficulty talking, comprehending or being disorientated, spaced out off balance or ungrounded.  Vision may be blurry or we see geometric shapes.  We may have a lot of trouble digesting, what and when you eat may need adjustment.  Changes may come slowly level-by-level patience, compassion and acceptance of the process is highly recommended.

Explore, be curious and sense communication’s to you from the invisible realm and then take action.  Consciously move into different thought cycles and explore other options, WITHOUT your judgement, blame or payback, which is how Dark Ones think, function and get triggered into a low vibrating cycles or feedback loops.  Observe your old thoughts and emotions as they rise up and let them go with your gratitude for their service to you.

Changing the world means moving inside you to change you.

There is no such thing as predestination there are only potentials and predispositions.  FAIRNESS is you making a judgment used to assign blame, penalties or punishment.  

Repeated FORGIVENESS for the same crime that keeps happening is giving consent to continue it.  

Holding onto anger is you drinking poison and expecting the other person to get sick or die.