PLEIADIANS and Pleiades

The Pleiades, known as the Seven Sisters, is a star cluster in the constellation Taurus the Bull that’s visible from Earth in the winter between October and April from the Northern Hemisphere, about 440 light-years from Earth.  The Pleiades contains over 1,000 stars, but most people can only see six with the naked eye.  The brightest stars are hot blue and formed within the last 100 million years.  The seven stars in the Pleiades system are, Taygeta, Maya, Coela, Atlas, Merope, Electra and Alcyone.

Earth’s solar system, ORBITS around and within the Pleiades solar system and the center of the Pleiades solar system orbits around the sun called Alcyone.  Our solar system, including Earth is said to be the seventh or eighth solar system that circles around Alcyone.  Rock carvings around the world; show drawings of the Alcyone solar system.

Pleiadians created the consciousness grids of Gaia, and the Nodes and Nulls of Earth, time capsules that only would open if humanity survived past 2012 and we did, which increased our mass consciousness 5% in 2012.

1998 Earth entered the PHOTON BELT’S 2,000 year cycle of 12 vortices of electromagnetic radiation collapsing dense stuck consciousness and fears of all that pass through it.  Photon belt’s counter-clockwise cycle requires 25,860 years to make one complete orbit.  Earth passes twice through the Photon Belt during this cycle, once to the North for 2,000 years and once to the South for 2,000 years.  Leaving the Photon Belt, we go through five two-thousand-year cycles.  The last cycle ended with atomic weapons destroying Atlantis (11,000 to 8,800 BC).  This is when the reptilian Illuminists, called the “Sons of Biel” and “Dark Robes of Atlantis” initiated the fall of Lemuria and Atlantis because they thought fear, force, control and war was the way to go.  End of Atlantis to present day, both occurred at the same point in the photon’s belt cycle and the mass consciousness of the people. 

During the Galactic wars, and/or the Orion and Lyran wars, many Lyran’s left in their spacecrafts for good.  Some relocated on the planet Erra, located around the Pleiades Star called Taygeta around 225,000 BC.  Pleiadians are an ancient race of humanoids that share Lyran physical and interdimensional DNA.  

One Hundred Thousand or 100,000 years ago, like most mammals of Earth there were a wide variety of different kinds of humans.  At that time the Pleiadians altered the genetic code for the current human to be the core race, and then they stoped the other branches of humans from reproducing, NOT as a lesson or punishment. 

This was a change in a finite biology.  The infinite multidimensional soul just chose a new biology or form to enter or work with.

Sidebar: remember, our Higher Selves allowed a small bit of their consciousness to drop into a 4D frequency, which means you have freewill to be as nasty as you like.  They wanted to know if that bit of consciousness would EVER figure out that nasty only begets more nasty.

Our higher selves that were and continue to be part of our multidimensional DNA for many of us is Pleiadian and they decided Earth humans were going to experiment with how the “human animal’s consciousness” and its soul would handle their freewill as an individual.

Universal or quantum Principle of CAUSE and EFFECT or RECIPROCAL ACTION, says nothing happens by chance or outside of the quantum field’s laws and principles.  The fact that you cannot identify a cause or effect is irrelevant.   For every thought, intent or action there is a resonance, consequence, reaction you created for you consciously or not so consciously.

Energy is structured in PAIRS of giving and receiving, cause and effect to maintain its BALANCE and MOTION of free renewal energy.  Being judgmental, blaming or negative uttering out-loud or only in your thoughts means you will ALSO RECEIVE that judgement, blame, negative intent in kind.  What you sent out WILL return to the infinite soul in any and all incarnations that feedback loop continues to be feed by your soul’s thought and energetic acts.  RECIPROCAL means given, felt, or done in return, creating a feedback loop or cycle.  Binding two parties/energies and intents equally to an agreement, mutual action, obligation or relationship.

Eventually humans lacking compassion for the self dropped their frequency, soul and biology into quarantine because they were and many still are toxic, not trustworthy choose to lie, deceive and insist on being a confused innocent’s refusing responsibility for what they think, intend and do.  Like many of earth’s world leaders.

Pleiadians mass consciousness now resides in the quantum field of 5D and beyond giving and receiving only compassion and are not so physical.  Their consciousness resides in light-bodies that do not have blood or heavy mass because they are crystalline based.  Their skin is whiter and smoother than human skin.  The light-body heals easily when they rebalance their thinking into compassion, personal responsibility and equality for all.  They were primarily vegetarians, occasionally ate meat and lived around 700 years. 

Children born into Pleiadians society are conscious of all of their incarnations.  For the first ten years of life they studed their purpose in life.  They spent the next 60 to 70 years studying various occupations to be thoroughly familiar with twelve to twenty different professions before picking one to engage in.  Marriage was considered around 110 years old, many chose NOT to marry.  Both parties must pass strict mental and physical examinations before they are permitted to marry and reproduce.  Reproduction is two light-bodies souls, birthing a third light-body soul.

The Pleiadian planet Erra is 10% smaller than Earth with a population of about 400,000 people because they felt that was ideal for a healthy well-run planet.  People of Erra are telepathic having no need for external communication devices. There is no need for currency as all resources are shared and material goods are given freely to the people, based on their contribution to their society.

Erra’s religion, politics and alignment with Quantum Laws are all the same.  When an individual in their society drops their consciousness into the dark bandwidth of 3D/4D, below 71% light and it remains low, historically their soul essence was escorted into Earth’s 3D/4D quarantined dark bandwidth to explore the cause and affect of living without compassion and using human fear, deceptive practice and force to get what you want.  Gaia no longer will have 3D or lower 4D so all those lacking compassion will be relocated into another quarantined area to keep studying and experiencing cause and effect of their thoughts and intentions.

Earth’s Lyran Pleiadian’s soul mainly lived in what is now known as Bali, Hawaii, Samoa and India.  Between 196,000 BC and 10 A.D.  Civilizations came and went. Earth languages are derived from the ancient Pre-Sumerian language called Tamil spoken on Lyra and the Pleiades.

There were the usual cycles of peace, war and natural disasters.  Around 10 A.D. the last Pleiadian leader, Plejas left Earth to return to his home planet Erra, because peace had finally arrived for his home planet.  He was also frustrated with human greed, selfishness and lack of compassion for the self and each other.  Jmmanue, a Pleiadian spiritual leader and Mary of Lyran decent were left on Earth to lead.  Pleiadean records of the history of Earth’s human evolution, says Earth is 626 billion years old. 

One Pleiadian group, known as Alta colonized the Atlantian civilization with the reptilians from Draco.  During the overlaping time period of Lemuria and Atlantis, reptilians from Draco and some dark Pleiadians installed thought patterns in humans freewill, that supported fear, glorified hard work and valued slavery for those at the bottom of the pyramid, which decreased compassion in the human and its infinite soul, dropping its quanta spin into gathering so much mass it became physical creating the third dimension of physicality for the soul to exist in and navigate.

A group of Pleiadians showed up on earth during the Roman Empire, 27 BC thru 476 carrying the same infinite souls from Lemuria and Atlantis.  These infinite soul’s mass consciousness was around 40% or less compassion. 

Now Pleiadians frequently enter our dreams to assist in giving clear new information to prepare us for new experiences.  They are telepathic and empathic they speak clearly and to the point, supporting us to build a positive energy field WITHOUT judgment, blame, guilt, shame or punishment.  Humans need to allow their imagination guide them in this process.

Normally Pleiadians are tall blond haired, blue eyed humans.  And many are mingling with and among humanity here on Gaia to increase the planet’s resonance, by awakening, assisting in healing, calming, educating and guiding those requesting and accepting help.  Pleiadians are now generally kind, positive and patient.  The Pleiadians maintain their own form or mentally change forms, shape shift to fit the situation they are addressing.  They can be tall or short, male or female, human or an animal that is found on earth.  They display or mimic the “aura” of the form and LOWER their resonance into that form.  Biology can be created, to match any culture they visit, during ANY time period.  Time traveling through different eras on Earth’s timeline is simple because they can “view time” any event site from their now moment.

There were and are more than 22 different alien race’s, that donated their DNA to humans biological and multidimensional soul’s DNA at various times and are generally an aspect of our soul we call the higher self and may well be interacting with the human’s consciousness now, quarantined or not.  To name a few; Arcturians, Pleiadians, Sirians, Bellatrician, Dracos, Octurians and/or Orions.

The Pleiadian DNA provided Humans with a healthy life-span and kind thought patterns.  Around the time of a physical birth on any planet, the new biology and soul essence’s resonance will match the mass consciousness of the planet.  From the time of Atlantis until around the 1940s the mass consciousness interwoven in all infant’s soul was around 40% compassion or light.  After the 1940s there has been a slow increase in the earth’s mass consciousness, as each human individually raises their compassion for the self.

Pleiadians Starships are fifth dimensional and can be cloaked to be invisible for 3D or briefly revealed to higher resonating humans able to perceive them without fear.  They have one spacecraft called Beamship that can travel billions of miles in less than a second through hyperspace; the ship is approximately 21 feet in diameter and can carry several people.

Pleiadians developed weapons of war to sustain themselves and used them.  Maldek was the Orion Group’s, base of operation and as they escalated attacks on Pleiadian planets, they counter attacked by sending a “battle planet” with an atomic bomb that destroyed Maldek, colonies on Earth, Mars and Venus.  The chain reaction destroyed billions of lives and reduced the planet Maldek to rubble of various sizes creating the asteroid belt, torus-shaped region in our Solar System, between the orbits of the planets Jupiter and Mars.  It contains a great many solid, irregularly shaped bodies, of many sizes, but much smaller than planets, called asteroids or minor planets.

PSA, Pleiadian Sirian Arcturian are the members of the Galactic Family here on earth to assist Gaia.  Some Pledians even had mystery schools on Gaia in the higher 4D Alcyone solar system. Pleiadians may give you a BARCODE download in one or both of your eyes to use to locate you, send you updates or pull you out of a bad situation.  You would see barcodes moving in one or both of your eyes for 10 to 40 minutes, making it a bit of a challenge to see 3D things during that time.