Withholding your acceptance, appreciation and value of YOU exactly as you are, because YOU have been sustaining a feedback loop of thoughts that blame, belittle, judge, shame and/or are punish…
Withholding your acceptance, appreciation and value of YOU exactly as you are, because YOU have been sustaining a feedback loop of thoughts that blame, belittle, judge, shame and/or are punish…
YOU attract and entrain with electromagnetically. Feeling unworthy, incapable or shame about owning and taking responsibility for the thoughts and intentions you have had and developed over multiple incarnations…
The fetus’s biology is attached to the earth and returns to the earth. When the biology dies, the soul attracts and entrains with another biology. The infant and its caretaker’s…
Humans are only one life form on Gaia's Earth. The law of entrainment and her desire to remain with humanity even as it kept decreasing its compassion/light for itself,…