TIMING of the IR

The invisible realm operates with the probabilities of a thing happening or not happening and the closer you get to the event the more accurate the probability will be.  The…

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SEEK Solutions

Synchronicities are attracted to you by the energy you emanate, you seek and/or expect.  There is no magic or having a supreme being blessing or sabotaging you. SEEKING solutions or…

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Fighting, war or resistance is a lose-lose feedback loop or cycle. What you resist persists.  “Tit for tat” can continue endlessly.  The opposition or your prey doubles down or runs…

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POVERTY of Compassion

Electromagnetically you attract and entrain with your current thoughts and beliefs.  You are held responsible for staying conscious, making your own choices and breaking free from your limitations and fears. …

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Answers to your questions or information you seek from your higher self or the invisible realm are RELATIVE to YOUR state of consciousness; your current vibration, INTENT and particular signature…

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